A.C.E. 2
ACE CD 2.iso
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9,439 lines
The young super TV star has this to say about his football team:
Queens Park Rangers are a super team! They'll never win anything though...
Francois once let the alarm off at Europress and almost got arrested.
The fatest First Direct coloured Cat!
The real programmer!
The most patient French Woman in the world!
The only man to burn a hole in a QWERTY keyboard.
Sick and tired of the help file but proud of it.
The world's best programmer!
Double Precision info
We only got Double Precision working very near the end of the project, too
late for the User Guide! So there's something else you need to know:
Single and Double don't mix!
Imagine you've just loaded in your favourite sine scroller and want to make
it even more accurate with the new Double Precision feature of AMOS Pro.
To do this you need to add the SET DOUBLE PRECISION command at the top of
your program and then (and this is the new bit), you need to retokenise the
program using the accessory which is available from the User menu.
The retokeniser changes all the single precision numbers in your program
into double precision. This needs to be done because single to double
precision conversions would have to happen during your program. These
conversions are not very accurate and take longer to work out. So it's
best to have the same precision throughout your program. You could run
a mixture of the two precisions but you'll lose accuracy.
Configuration info
When you installed AMOS Professional, the installer set up options within
the configuration that benefits your memory situation. For example the Undo
buffers are set low on a 1 meg machine.
So don't use a 1 meg AMOS Pro disc on a bigger machine - just reinstall it.
Compiler and 3D Extensions
If you are a registered AMOS Compiler and/or AMOS 3D user you'll be wanting
to use AMOS Professional with these two extensions. It was our plan to have
the two intergrated for Pro's release. Sadly though we've had technical
problems and the extensions are currently not compatible.
By the end of October we will have sorted this out and an update will be made
availble. So call Europress at the start of November for information on how
to upgrade your Compiler and/or 3D.
Tel: 0625 859333 International +44 625 559333
Fax: 0625 879962 International +44 625 879962
Main Programmer Francois Lionet
User Guide Author Mel Croucher
Technical Author Stephen Hill
Demo Programmer Ronnie Simpson
Project Manager Richard Vanner
Special thanks to:Alex Blagg, David Ratcliffe, Barney, Richard Peacock, Alexa
Czechowski, Anna Donaldson, Stuart Davis, Donald Anderson, Peter Hickman,
Dominic Ramsey, Stoo Cambridge, Darren Ithell, Syntex, Jason Holborn, Tony
Dillon, Phil South, Len Tucker and everyone else who played a part in creating
this monster!
Programmers and Artists Wanted!
Europress Software is always on the look-out for talented programmers and
graphic artists. The productivity discs are examples of work created by
freelancers, can you do better? Send us examples of your work we'd be
delighted to evaluate it.
Bugs in AMOS Professional? Surely not! Well we don't think there are but
they'll probably raise their ugly heads when your using Pro. If you do
discover a bug or problem then please, please, please let us know. We make
it our number 1 goal to have our software bug free.
If you find a bug send the program that creates the problem on disc to
Richard Vanner. Comment the program so that he can easily home in on the
offending command. Even try running the program through the Monitor which
might pin point the problem for you.
Happy Programming
The procedures we've supplied on Productivity disc 2 are the result of a
competition we ran in the very supportive Amiga Shopper magazine. AMOS users
were asked to send in useful procedures which could be supplied as a sort
of library. We thank all those who took part and believe that the ones we
decided to go with will suprise you all. Check out the Plasma and Sine
Scroller demos - the're fun.
Perhaps you have better procedures? Why not share them, the AMOS PD library
would be delighted to create Procedure discs.
Memory Considerations - 1 meg users of AMOS Professional
AMOS Professional does its best to give you as much available memory as
possible. But at the end of the day AMOS Professional is a huge program with
many memory requirements. So we'll point you in the right direction by
offering the following advice:
* A Multitasking machine in its own nature needs to have spare memory to
operate properly. So you must ensure that at least 32k memory is left free
for the system's own needs. Trying to grab all the memory is just too
* AMOS Professional has a built-in low memory protection system that helps you
avoid using up memory.
If you find the Editor's drop down menus cannot be accessed, it's because
there's less than 72k available and AMOS Professional needs more to open
them. If you let this happen you are still able to use the keyboard
AMOS Professional also has a memory grabber. When Pro detects less than 72k
is available it will erase the following until more than 72k is freed:
- the Default screen (if open).
- any open maths libraries (if they are not needed anymore)
- the Undo buffers
- the directory Stored in the File Selector
If Pro can than access more than 72k it will allow the menus to be opened.
* You may find that some programs will fail under AMOS Pro and yet work fine
in old AMOS. Obviously AMOS Pro's new Editor and features take up more
memory. So to free up memory when your programs run try these techniques:
- The Close Editor command will free a considerable amount of memory but
will still leave you with a 50k overhead compared to old AMOS.
- Using the new Kill Editor command will free so much memory that you'll
have 32k more to play with than was possible in old AMOS. The bad news
is you'll have to wait for the editor to load after each run.
Some programs that use Kill Editor may ask for lots of memory by
reserving banks and opening screens. Once the program has finished, AMOS
Pro attempts to reload the Editor. It will first ask you to insert the
System disc so that it can find the Editor files and then attempt to
load it.
If this fails due to low memory, AMOS Pro will clear all variables, the
screens etc.
If it still fails a small requester will appear that asks if you want to
erase the memory banks - this should be plenty for the editor to load,
if not you'll be dumped into the Workbench.
So when you program in a low memory state, ensure your program erases the
banks before going back to the editor.
A memory expansion would be the best solution if you find yourself always
programming around low memory conditions!
Losing the File Selector Stored Directories
If you find the Store option has been erased this will be due to a memory
flush that occured earlier in your programming.
Sets the border style of the current text window.
Border style,paper,pen
style can range from 1 to 16, but currently only styles 1 through 3 are
defined for your use.
Exits from the program.
Returns the number of bytes of FREE memory available to hold variables.
Print Free
Freezes all object movements at their present position. They can be
restarted again using UNFREEZE.
Loads information into one or more variables.
Input variable list
Input "prompt";variable list
Rem is a little REMark statement included in your programs that helps you
REMember something. The text you use after a REM statement is ignored by
the program. The apostrophe character can also be used instead of REM.
Rem This is where I hid my old socks data
' And this is a rem statement too
Starts your objects moving again after you've suspended them with FREEZE.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_6.AMOS,0,4]=X Gr}
Returns the X coordinate of the invisible graphics cursor.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_6.AMOS,0,4]=Y Gr}
Returns the Y coordinate of the invisible graphics cursor.
Main Menu
{[IHelphelp ,4,3] Using Help } {[IHelpAudio ,4,3] Audio }
{[IHelpkeyHelp ,4,3] Editor } {[IHelpInterface ,4,3] AMOS Interface }
{[IHelpDirect ,4,3] Direct mode } {[IHelpIO ,4,3] Input/Output }
{[IHelpSyntax ,4,3] Syntax conventions } {[IHelpAmigaDos ,4,3] AmigaDos }
{[IHelpBasics ,4,3] Basics of AMOS } {[IHelpDebug ,4,3] Debugging }
{[IHelpScreens ,4,3] Screen control } {[IHelpMC ,4,3] Machine code }
{[IHelpObjects ,4,3] Object control } {[IHelpTables ,4,3] Tables }
{[IHelpinfo ,4,3] Latest News}
Using Help
Welcome to the amazing AMOS Professional Help System. This contains full
details of all 700+ AMOS commands. So if you get stuck, help will only be
a keypress away!
You can use this system in a variety of ways. The easiest option is to
simply position the Editor`s cursor over the first character of any command
you are unsure of, and hit the Help key straight from the keyboard. The
Help program will now load into memory, and you`ll be presented with a
quick explanation of the command in a special `help window`.
If the information is longer than a single screen it can be scrolled
through the window using either the Up/Down arrows from the keyboard, or
via the arrow icons to the top right of the window. You can also drag the
window through the text using the scroll bar along the right.
Along the top of the window there are four icons.
The X icon closes the help window and returns you to your basic program.
Prev.Page flicks back to the most recently displayed help screen.
Main Menu presents you with a full list of the available help topics.
Print makes a hardcopy of the current help screen onto a printer for future
The individual help menus are formed using a series of buttons which can be
selected using the Left Mouse key as you`d expect. Some buttons move you
directly to the explanation of a particular command, whereas others present
you with a complete menu in their own right. Here`s an example:
{[IHelpItem1,4,3] Help Example 1 }
{[IHelpItem2,4,3] Help Example 2 }
{[IHelpItem3,4,3] Help Example 3 }
Some of these menus have been permanently assigned to the main Help menu
from the Editor window. These can be brought up by simply highlighting the
menu item with the mouse.
Try selecting one of these buttons with the Left mouse key. See you there!
We`ll finish off this tutorial with a brief list of all the ways you can
get help from AMOS Professional.
* Pressing the Help Key when you`ve positioned the cursor over an AMOS command
* Hitting F5 from the keyboard
* Selecting the `H` icon from the top of the Editor window.
* Selecting a menu item from the Help menu.
Item 1
This is an example of a help item.
Many items also have an associated example program. This is indicated by a
line such as:
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_1.AMOS,0,4] Help Example 1 }
When you click on the heighlighted text, you will be given the option to
load the selected program into a new listing window and return to the
Now click on the Prev.Page button at the top of this window to return to
the tutorial screen.
Item 2
This is another example of a help item.
Many items also have an associated example program. This is indicated by a
line such as:
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_2.AMOS,0,4] Help Example 2 }
When you click on the heighlighted text, you will be given the option to
load the selected program into a new listing window and return to the
Now click on the Prev.Page button at the top of this window to return to the
tutorial screen.
Item 3
This is the third example of a helpitem.
Many items also have an associated example program. This is indicated by a
line such as:
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_3.AMOS,0,4] Help Example 3 }
When you click on the heighlighted text, you will be given the option to
load the selected program into a new listing window and return to the
Now click on the Prev.Page button at the top of this window to return to the
tutorial screen.
The Basics of AMOS Professional
{[IHelpBare ,4,3] The Bare Bones }
{[IHelpStrings ,4,3] Strings }
{[IHelpMaths ,4,3] Maths }
{[IHelpCS ,4,3] Control Structures }
{[IHelpProcs ,4,3] Procedures }
{[IHelptext ,4,3] Text }
{[IHelpWindows ,4,3] Windows }
{[IHelpFonts ,4,3] Fonts }
{[IHelpMouse ,4,3] The mouse and joystick ports }
{[IHelpMembank ,4,3] Memory banks }
{[IHelpArray ,4,3] Array Operations }
{[IHelpProgram ,4,3] Program Run commands }
{[IHelpMemcons ,4,3] Memory Conservation }
{[IHelpMisc ,4,3] Miscellaneous commands }
Screen Control
{[IHelpSetup ,4,3] Setting up screens }
{[IHelpSeffect ,4,3] Screen effects }
{[IHelpGraphic ,4,3] Graphics }
{[IHelpMenus ,4,3] Menus }
{[IHelpZones ,4,3] Screen Zones }
Object Control
{[IHelpHardSP ,4,3] Hardware Sprites }
{[IHelpBobs ,4,3] Blitter objects }
{[IHelpUpdate ,4,3] Updating objects }
{[IHelpCollide ,4,3] Detecting collisions }
{[IHelpIFFanim ,4,3] IFF anim }
{[IHELPICBK ,4,3] Icons and Blocks }
{[IHelpMusic ,4,3] Music }
{[IHelpSound ,4,3] Sound Effects }
{[IHelpSpeech ,4,3] Speech }
{[IHelpSamples ,4,3] Samples }
{[IHelpTracker ,4,3] Tracker }
{[IHelpMed ,4,3] MED }
Control Structures
{[IDO ,4,3] Do } {[IEXIT IF ,4,3] Exit If } {[IPOP ,4,3] Pop }
{[IELSE ,4,3] Else } {[IFOR ,4,3] For } {[IREPEAT ,4,3] Repeat }
{[IELSE IF ,4,3] Else If } {[IGOSUB ,4,3] Gosub } {[IRETURN ,4,3] Return }
{[IEND IF ,4,3] End If } {[IGOTO ,4,3] Goto } {[ISTEP ,4,3] Step }
{[IEVERY ,4,3] Every } {[IIF ,4,3] If } {[ITHEN ,4,3] Then }
{[IEVERY ON ,4,3] Every On } {[ILOOP ,4,3] Loop } {[IUNTIL ,4,3] Until }
{[IEVERY OFF,4,3] Every Off} {[INEXT ,4,3] Next } {[IWEND ,4,3] Wend }
{[IEXIT ,4,3] Exit } {[ION ,4,3] On } {[IWHILE ,4,3] While }
Acts as a marker to which a matching LOOP statement can return. Press
[Ctrl]+[C] to break out of one of these loops.
Do : Print "forever" : Loop
Chooses between alternative actions in an IF...THEN structure.
If condition Then statement1 Else statement2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_11.AMOS,0,4]Else If}
This is used inside an IF..ENDIF or IF..ELSE..ENDIF structure. It performs
a test, and if it's true, executes all the AMOS commands until the next
ELSEIF, ELSE or ENDIF statement.
If A=1
Print "A=1"
Else If A=2
Print "A=2"
Else If A=3
Print "A=3"
Print "Other values..."
End If
Note that you CAN'T use an ELSEIF between the ELSE and ENDIF section.
ENDs an IF condition inside a structured test.
If test : Goto Label1 : Else Goto Label2 : Endif
Calls a named subroutine or procedure at regular intervals. There are
several different forms of this command to choose from:
Every n Gosub label
Executes the gosub after n fiftieths of a second.
Every n Proc name
Calls a procedure every n ticks
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_14.AMOS,0,4]Every On}
Used to start up the ON EVERY system. You'll also need to perform it
directly before leaving your procedure or gosub. Otherwise the EVERY
system will stop after the first call.
Every On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_14.AMOS,0,4]Every Off}
Turns off the ON..EVERY system.
Every Off
Jumps out of a program loop created by DO...LOOP, FOR...NEXT,
REPEAT...UNTIL or WHILE...WEND. If you omit the number of loops, the
innermost loop will be terminated automatically.
Exit loopnumbers
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_12.AMOS,0,4]Exit If}
Exits from a program loop if the condition is TRUE. Allowable loop types
Exit If condition
Exit if condition,loopnumbers
FOR is used to kick off the repetition of a section of program FOR a
specific number of times. It is used with the distance command TO and the
counting command NEXT.
For counter=start To end
Jumps to subroutine in your program. At the end of your routine you should
use a RETURN statement to return to the next instruction after the
Gosub linenumber : Rem jump to subroutine at linenumber
Gosub label : Rem jump to this AMOS Professional label
Gosub expression : Rem jump to resulting label/line
Instructs the program to GO TO a specified new line number or label.
Goto label
Goto linenumber
Goto expression
Selects between one of two actions, depending on a condition.
If conditions Then statements
More advanced IF instructions can be set up that choose between alternative
actions, using AND, OR and ELSE. ENDIF is used to terminate this sort of
structured test.
If test : Goto Label : Else Goto Label2 : End If
Acts as the partner to a DO command, creating a repetitive LOOP.
Print "Eternity"
is the counting command that partners FOR, to repeat a section of program
a specific number of times.
For x=1 To 100 : Print "Professional" : Next x
Jumps to a particular line or procedure, depending ON the contents of a
ON can be used in conjunction with GOTO, GOSUB, or PROC
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_13.AMOS,0,4] On variable Goto label1,label2...}
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_13.AMOS,0,4] On variable Gosub label1,label2...}
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_12.AMOS,0,4] On variable Proc proc1, proc2 ...}
Pops the RETURN value out of a Gosub and allows you to leave it in any
way you like:
Kicks off a program loop that REPEATs UNTIL a condition is satisfied.
list of statements
Until condition
Exits from a subroutine and RETURNs to the AMOS Pro instruction after the
original GOSUB. Each Gosub statement can have more than one Return command
at different places in the routine.
Controls the size of any STEPs inside a FOR...NEXT loop. Normally steps
are counted off in units of one at a time, but you can choose any number
you want for the size of step.
For x=firstnumber To lastnumber STEP stepnumber
Acts as a partner to an IF in a logical choice between alternative actions.
If condition Then statement
Keeps a REPEAT loop going UNTIL a condition has been satisfied.
list of statements
Until condition
Marks the beginning of a loop used to repeat a section of your program
WHILE a condition remains true. If the condition does not result in a
value of -1 for "true", then the loop will be stopped, and the program will
go on to the next instruction.
While condition
list of statements
Marks the end of a loop used to repeat a section of your program WHILE a
condition remains true. If the condition does not result in a value of -1
for "true", then the loop will be stopped, and the program will go on to
the next instruction.
While condition
list of statements
AMOS Interface
{[IARRAY ,4,3] =Array } {[IEDIALOG ,4,3] =Edialog }
{[IDIALOG ,4,3] =Dialog } {[IRDIALOG ,4,3] =Rdialog }
{[IDIALOG BOX ,4,3] =Dialog Box } {[IRDIALOG$ ,4,3] =Rdialog$ }
{[IDIALOG CLOSE ,4,3] Dialog Close } {[IRESOURCE$ ,4,3] =Resource$ }
{[IDIALOG CLR ,4,3] Dialog Clr } {[IRESOURCE BANK ,4,3] Resource Bank }
{[IDIALOG FREEZE ,4,3] Dialog Freeze } {[IRES_EDIT ,4,3] The Resource Editor }
{[IDIALOG OPEN ,4,3] Dialog Open } {[IRESOURCE SCREEN OPEN,4,3] Resource Screen Open}
{[IDIALOG RUN ,4,3] =Dialog Run } {[IRESOURCE UNPACK ,4,3] Resource Unpack }
{[IDIALOG UNFREEZE,4,3] Dialog Unfreeze } {[IVDIALOG ,4,3] =Vdialog }
{[IDIALOG UPDATE ,4,3] Dialog Update } {[IVDIALOG$ ,4,3] =Vdialog$ }
{[IHelpIntins ,4,3] Internal Commands }
Returns the address in memory of the first item in your array.
list is the name of your array, and can contain any data you like.
Checks whether the user has selected one of the options from a control panel.
The return value can take one of several values.
=0 There has been no input from the user since the last selection.
>0 Holds the number of the last button highlighted by the user.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Simple_requester.AMOS,0,4]=Dialog Box}
Displays a requestor or dialogue box on the screen using a set of
instructions from an Interface command string or resource bank.
button=Dialog Box(Interface$)
button=Dialog Box(program)
Interface$ is a normal AMOS string containing your Interface program.
program is the number of an Interface program from the resource bank.
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,p0)
button=Dialog Box(program,p0)
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,p0,p1$)
button=Dialog Box(program,p0,p1$)
p0 contains an optional value which is loaded straight into the internal
variable array. It can be accessed using the 0 VA command from your
dialogue box or requestor.
p1$ holds an optional string value which will be forwarded to your
Interface program.
It will be saved as item 1 of the variable array (1 VA).
button=Dialog Box(Interface$,p0,p1$,x,y)
button=Dialog Box(program,p0,p1$,x,y)
x,y positions the dialogue box on the screen using a couple of coordinate
values. These coordinates can be overridden using a BA command inside your
Interface program.
Note: If you want your Interface program to wait for user's input,you MUST
include a RUn command before your final EXit;
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Communication.AMOS,0,4]Dialog Close}
Closes one or more dialogue channels on the screen. If your Interface
program includes an SA command, the original background areas will be pasted
neatly back onto the display before it leaves.
Dialog Close
Closes all dialogue channels.
Dialog Close channel
Closes just a single channel.
Erases all zones and totally shuts down your dialog box, leaving the channel
still open. You can now re-run your Interface program from the start using a
further call to the DIALOG RUN command as normal.
As always, if the background area has been saved using the SA option, it will
be restored to it's original position.
Dialog Clr channel
channel holds number of the channel to be cleared.
Freezes all input from one or more active dialog channels.
Dialog Freeze
Suspends all current dialogue boxes.
Dialog Freeze channel
Stops just a single dialogue routine.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Communication.AMOS,0,4]Dialog Open}
Opens up a "communications channel" to your new AMOS interface program.
Dialog Open channel,Interface$
Dialog Open channel,program
channel is the number of the channel to open, starting from one.
Interface$ is an AMOS string containing one or more Interface programs to
be initialised. If your string contains several programs, each routine
should begin with a LAbel instruction and end with an "EXit" command.
program holds the number of an Interface program installed in the resource
bank. See the RESOURCE BANK command for details
Dialog Open channel,Interface$,nvar
Dialog Open channel,program,nvar
nvar sets the size of the variable array used by your Interface program.
Each extra variable takes up 4 bytes of memory.
Dialog Open channel,Interface$,nvar,buffer
Dialog Open channel,program,nvar,buffer
buffer sets the size of an internal memory area used by your Interface
programs. As a default, the buffer is just 1k for each channel you've
defined, but if your interface is very complex, you may need to increase
this value dramatically.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Communication.AMOS,0,4]=Dialog Run}
Executes an Interface program from a dialogue channel which you've previously
set up with DIALOG OPEN.
b=Dialog Run(channel)
Runs your Interface program. If it doesn't contain a RunUntil instruction,
the dialogue will occur in the background.
b=Dialog Run(channel,label)
label starts the program from a specific label in the Interface command
string. If it's not specified, the system will commence from the first
program in the list.
b=Dialog Run(channel,label,x,y)
x,y set the position of the control panel on the screen. All graphics
coordinates will now be measured from this point.
If you've included a BAse command in your program, your new x,y coordinates
will be totally ignored.
Used after a DIALOG FREEZE to restart the dialog channel from the point it
left off.
Dialog Unfreeze
Starts all suspended channels.
Dialog Unfreeze channel
Activates a single channel.
Forces AMOS Interface to redraw the contents of an active zone on the screen.
Dialog Update channel,zone
channel the number of an active dialogue channel to be updated.
zone enters the number of the zone to be affected.
Dialog Update channel,zone[,param1][,param2][,param3]
The effect of these parameters depends on the type of your zone.
Param 1:
Button Enters a new position.
Active List Sets the number of the first string displayed
Slider Moves the slider
Digit Replaces the existing number zone
Edit Inserts a new string in the edit zone
Param 2:
Active List Changes the currently selected string
Slider Alters the size of the slider window
Active List Sets the last element of the array that you can select.
Slider Changes the "total" parameter
Returns the position of an error in the current AMOS Interface program.
It's used after a TRAP or ON ERROR statement to isolate any problems in
your Interface routine.
Reads the position of a particular button or selector.
channel is the number of a currently open Interface channel
zone specifies the button or zone to be tested.
If you omit the version number, RDIALOG will return the position of the
FIRST object you've defined with the current zone number.
Returns a piece of text assigned to a zone. If your chosen zone doesn't
actually contain any text, you'll be presented with an empty string "".
channel is the number of a currently open Interface channel
zone specifies the button or zone to be tested.
If you omit the version number, RDIALOG will return the contents of the
FIRST object you've defined with the present zone number.
The Resource Editor
This is a seperate program on the AMOS Accessories disc which allows you to
enter the various images and messages for your resource banks.
The images are grabbed from an IFF format picture. Once you`ve created
them, they can be loaded into memory and used directly with the internal
LIne,BOx, or VLine commands. You can also enter your very own messages for
use with the ME function.
See the Accessory section of the AMOS Professional User Guide for
further details.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Simple_requester.AMOS,0,4]Resource Bank}
Tells AMOS where to find the resources used by your Interface programs.
Resource Bank banknumber
banknumber holds the number of the bank to be allocated for your resources.
If this bank does not exist, you won't get an error, but the editor's
internal resource bank will be used instead.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Interface/Simple_requester.AMOS,0,4]Resource Screen Open}
Opens up a screen using the screen settings stored in the resource bank.
These include the number of colours, the resolution, and the entire colour
Resource Screen Open n,w,h,flash
n selects a screen number from 0 to 7 to be defined.
w specifies the width of the screen in pixels.
h enters the height of your screen in lines.
flash tells AMOS whether or not to flash the cursor colour. If it's set to
zero, the flash will be turned off. Any other value enters a colour number
to be assigned to the flash effect.
The screen will be automatically installed with the colour palette held in
the resource bank
Unpacks a single element from the current resource bank, and displays it on
the screen.
Resource Unpack n,x,y
n holds the number of the element you wish to display.
x,y specify the position of your new image on the screen.
Returns one of the messages from the current resource bank, for use by your
AMOS program. If you haven't defined one of these banks, you'll be
presented with the standard editor messages from the configuration file.
It can also be used to get vital system information.
Message=0 returns the full pathname of the APSystem folder.
Message between 0 and -1000 returns Interpretor_Configuration system strings.
-1 to -9 : default file names
-10 to -36: all 26 extensions
-37 to -38: communication ports
-40: default cursor flashing
Messages between -1000 and -2000 return Editor_Configuration system strings.
-2001 to -2044: diverse stuff used by the editor!
-2045 to -2049: editor system files
Reads or modifies the internal variables in any active Interface program
directly from AMOS Basic.
Assigns a value to an Interface variable.
Reads a value from an Interface variable.
channel sets the number of an open dialogue channel.
var indicates the number of the variable to be accessed.
Reads or modifies the internal string variables in any active Interface
program directly from AMOS Basic.
Loads an Interface variable with a string.
Reads an Interface string into AMOS Basic.
channel specifies the channel number.
var selects the variable.
System Commands
{[IEXEC ,4,3] Exec }
{[ISYSTEM,4,3] System }
Executes an external program or CLI command.
Exec "program_name"
As a default, AMOS sends the NIL: device to the instruction.
Exec "NEWCLI:"
Opens up a CLI window from your program!
Quits the AMOS Professional SYSTEM and returns to the Workbench or CLI. If
you've booted AMOS Professional from a floppy, you'll now be left with a
completely blank screen! Time to boot up another program perhaps?
{[IHelpKY ,4,3] The keyboard }
{[IHelpDiscAcc ,4,3] Disc access }
{[IHelpPrinter ,4,3] Using the Printer }
{[IHelpSerial ,4,3] Serial communications }
{[IHelpParallel,4,3] The Parallel port }
{[IHelpLibs ,4,3] Libraries }
{[IHelpDevs ,4,3] Devices }
{[IHelparexx ,4,3] Arexx }
{[IHelpMT ,4,3] Multi-tasking }
{[IHelpSysReq ,4,3] System commands }
{[IERR ,4,3] =Err$ }
{[IERRN ,4,3] =Errn }
{[IERROR ,4,3] Error }
{[IERRTRAP ,4,3] =Errtrap }
{[ION ERROR ,4,3] On Error }
{[IRESUME ,4,3] Resume }
{[IRESUME LABEL,4,3] Resume Label }
{[IRESUME NEXT ,4,3] Resume Next }
{[ITRAP ,4,3] Trap }
Machine Code
{[IAREG ,4,3] Areg } {[ILEEK ,4,3] =Leek }
{[IBIN$ ,4,3] =Bin$ } {[ILOKE ,4,3] Loke }
{[IBCHG ,4,3] Bchg } {[IPEEK ,4,3] =Peek }
{[IBTST ,4,3] =Btst } {[IPEEK$ ,4,3] =Peek$ }
{[IBCLR ,4,3] Bclr } {[IPLOAD ,4,3] Pload }
{[IBSET ,4,3] Bset } {[IPOKE ,4,3] Poke }
{[ICALL ,4,3] Call } {[IPOKE$ ,4,3] Poke$ }
{[ICOPY ,4,3] Copy } {[IROL.B ,4,3] Rol.B }
{[IDEEK ,4,3] =Deek } {[IROL.L ,4,3] Rol.L }
{[IDOKE ,4,3] Doke } {[IROL.W ,4,3] Rol.W }
{[IDREG ,4,3] Dreg } {[IROR.B ,4,3] Ror.B }
{[IFILL ,4,3] Fill } {[IROR.L ,4,3] Ror.L }
{[IHEX$ ,4,3] =Hex$ } {[IROR.W ,4,3] Ror.W }
{[IHUNT ,4,3] Hunt } {[IVARPTR ,4,3] =Varptr }
AREG is an internal array of three "pseudo" variables, used to hold copies
of the 68000 processor chip's first three Address REGisters A0 to A2.
Converts a decimal number into an appropriate string of BINary digits
These digits are limited to one of the two values "0" and "1"
Returns the binary number using the fewest possible digits.
Returns the first n digits in the number.
Flips the selected bit in the number from 0 to 1 or vice versa.
Bchg position,variable
Affects the contents of a single AMOS variable.
Position holds a value from 0 to 31 which enters the bit number to be changed.
Bchg position,expression
If you use an expression rather than a simple variable, BGHG will treat it as
the ADDRESS in memory of a value to be changed.
Replaces the chosen binary bit with a value of zero.
Bclr position,variable
Changes the bit in a normal AMOS variable.
Bclr position,expression
Zeros the bit at the ADDRESS given by the expression.
Sets an individual binary bit in your number to 1.
Bset position,variable
Affects the contents of a variable.
Bset position,expression
Sets the bit at an ADDRESS in memory.
Tests a single bit in your number and returns a value of -1 (true) if it's a
one, or 0 (False) if it's a zero.
Checks a bit in your selected variable. position holds a bit number ranging
from 0 to 31.
Evaluates the expression, and tests the bit at the resulting memory ADDRESS.
The bit position is restricted to values from 0 to 7.
Executes a 68000 machine code program from either an address in memory,or a
memory bank. This program should have been previously installed using the
PLOAD instruction from AMOS Basic.
Call address
Call bank number
You can also include paramters in this instruction. These will be
automatically pushed onto the A3 stack at the start of your routine.
Call address,parameter list
Call bank number,parameter list
COPY is used to move large chunks of Amiga memory from one location to
Copy start, finish To destination
Reads a two-byte word from an EVEN memory address.
Print Deek(address)
Loads a two-byte number into an EVEN memory address.
Doke address,value
DREG is a variable used to pass information to and from the Amiga's 68000 data
registers. (D0 to D7)
Fills a selected area of memory with a four-byte FILL pattern.
All addresses MUST BE EVEN!
Fill start To finish, pattern
Translates a number into a list of HEXadecimal digits.
These digits can take any of sixteen values from "0" to "9" and "A" through
Returns the Hexadecimal number using the fewest possible digits.
Returns the first n digits in the number.
Hunts for a series of ASCII characters in the Amiga's memory.
first=Hunt(start To finish,s$)
After the search is complete test will be loaded with the first occurrence
of the string s$ in memory.
Reads a four-byte word stored at the even numbered memory address.
Print Leek(address)
Copies a four-byte number into an even address in memory.
Loke address,number
Returns the contents of an 8-bit byte at the specified memory address.
PEEK$ reads length characters from your address and returns it as a normal
AMOS string.
s$=PEEK$(address, length)
S$=PEEK$(address, length,stop$)
address is the location of the first character to be read.
length holds the maximum number of characters to copy into the new string.
If it's not a sensible value, the length will be assumed to be 65500.
stop$ sets an optional break character. If it's included, AMOS will stop
reading the moment it encounters a stop$ character in your memory area.
Reserves a memory bank and LOADs it with machine code from the disc.
Pload "filename",banknumber
If banknumber is negative, it will be multiplied by -1 to calculate the number
of an AMOS memory bank. Your program will now be installed in CHIP RAM if it's
Shoves a byte number in the range from 0 to 255 into the your chosen memory
Poke address,number
Takes a source string and copies it directly to your chosen memory locations,
a character at a time.
POKE$ address, string$
address holds the address of the first byte to be loaded with your new string
data. The copying operation will continue until AMOS reaches the last
character in your source string. Therefore, the end address will be:
Rotates the first eight binary bits in a number a specific number of places
to the left.
Rol.B places,variable
Rol.B places,expression
Note: If you enter an expression in this instruction, it will be treated as
Rotates all 32 bits in your number to the left.
Rol.L places,variable
Rol.L places,expression
variable is a normal AMOS variable you wish to rotate.
An expression is evaluated by AMOS Basic, and used as address of some data
you wish to change.
Rotates the first sixteen bits in your variable or memory location to the
Rol.W places,variable
Rol.W places,expression
If you use an expression rather than a variable, it will be treated as
an address.
Rotates the first binary bits in a number a specific number of places to the
Ror.B places,variable
Ror.B places,expression
Note: If you enter an expression in this instruction, it will be treated as
Rotates all the bits in your number to the right.
Ror.L places,variable
Ror.L places,expression
variable is a normal AMOS variable you wish to rotate.
An expression is evaluated by AMOS Basic, and used as address of some data
you wish to change.
Rotates the first sixteen bits in your variable or memory location to the
Rol.W places,variable
Rol.W places,expression
If you use an expression rather than a variable, it will be treated as an
address instead.
Returns the address of an AMOS Basic VARiable in memory. Warning!
The address of string variable can change dramaticaly during the course of
your programs. So only POKE values into an address you KNOW to be correct!
See the AMOSPro User Guide for a complete explanation of this feature.
{[IHelpAscTab ,4,3] Ascii table }
{[IHelpScantab ,4,3] Useful scancodes }
Miscellaneous commands
{[IADD ,4,3] Add }
{[IAND ,4,3] And }
{[IDATA ,4,3] Data }
{[IDEC ,4,3] Dec }
{[IFALSE ,4,3] =False }
{[IINC ,4,3] Inc }
{[INOT ,4,3] Not }
{[IOR ,4,3] Or }
{[IREAD ,4,3] Read }
{[IRESTORE ,4,3] Restore }
{[ITIMER ,4,3] Timer }
{[ITRUE ,4,3] =True }
{[IWAIT ,4,3] Wait }
{[IMOD ,4,3] =Mod }
Adds a number or expression to an integer variable at maximum speed.
Add variable,expression
There's also a second, more powerful version of the command as well.
Add variable,expression,min To max
Adds your expression to the variable as before. But after the result reaches
one of the limits, the variable cycles back from the start.
Performs a logical AND operation between your two numbers. It's often used
as part of a test to check for a number of different eventualities.
Print A and B
If T=2 and V=3 Then Print "TV"
Enters a list of DATA items into an AMOS Professional program, which can
then be loaded into one or more variables using the READ instruction. Each
item must be separated by a comma.
Data 1,2,3,"AMOS Professional"
Quickly subtracts one from your selected integer variable.
Dec variable
Returns a value of zero. This value is used by tests to represent the
failure of a condition.
If False Then Print "This will NEVER be printed!"
Print False
Quickly adds a value of one to an integer variable.
Inc variable
MOD is a useful little function which allows you to cycle a variable
through a repetitive series of values. It works by returning the remainder
after a division.
r=v Mod d
This is equivalent to:
R=v - Int(v/d)*d
Switches every binary digit in your number to a different state. It's
commonly used as part of a IF..THEN statement to reverse the effect of the
Print Bin$(Not %1010,4)
If Not (A=1 and B=2) Then Print "Successful"
Combines two binary bit patterns together. OR is generally used as part of
a test, to check a number of exclusive possibilities.
Print 1 or 2
If A=2 or B=3 Then Print A*B
READs information from a DATA statement into a list of variables, using a
special marker to locate the next item of data to be read. Variables must
be the same type as the data already held at the current position in the
program, and should be separated by commas.
Read list of variables
Changes the position of the starting point used by the next READ operation.
Restore label
Restore number
is a reserved variable that counts off TIME in units of one 50th of a second.
Returns a value of -1. This is generated by tests such as (A=3) or (B<>4)
and denotes a successful check.
If -1 Then Print "Minus 1 is True"
If True Then Print "and True is";True
Pauses an AMOS Professional program and makes it WAIT for the number of
50ths of a second you specify.
Wait delay
Screen Zones
{[IHZONE ,4,3] =Hzone }
{[IMOUSE ZONE ,4,3] =Mouse Zone }
{[IRESERVE ZONE,4,3] Reserve Zone }
{[IRESET ZONE ,4,3] Reset Zone }
{[ISET ZONE ,4,3] Set Zone }
{[IZONE ,4,3] =Zone }
Finds the screen zone at the requested HARDWARE coordinates.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_23.AMOS,0,4]=Mouse Zone}
Finds the screen ZONE under MOUSE pointer.
zone_number=Mouse Zone
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_21.AMOS,0,4]Reserve Zone}
RESERVEs enough memory for a selected number of detection ZONEs. This must
be set up before you define your zones using SET ZONE. If you leave out
the number of zones, all current zone definitions will be wiped out.
Reserve Zone zone_number
Reserve Zone
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_23.AMOS,0,4]Reset Zone}
Erases one or more screen ZONEs from the display.
Reset Zone
Kills all currently defined zones. Dead!
Reset Zone zone_number
Only resets a single zone.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_21.AMOS,0,4]Set Zone}
SETs up a rectangular screen ZONE for testing with the ZONE functions.
Set Zone number,tx,ty To bx,by
tx,ty hold the coordinates of the top left corner of your zone.
bx,by enter the point diagonally opposite.
Returns the number of the current screen ZONE at the selected graphic
Zone number=Zone(x,y)
You can also include a screen number with this function as well.
zone number=Zone(screennumber,x,y)
{[IAT ,4,3] =At } {[ICLINE ,4,3] Cline } {[IPAPER ,4,3] Paper } {[ITAB$ ,4,3] =Tab$ }
{[IBORDER$ ,4,3] =Border$ } {[IFONTDAT ,4,3] Font Editor} {[IPAPER$ ,4,3] =Paper$ } {[IUNDER ON ,4,3] Under On }
{[ICDOWN$ ,4,3] =Cdown$ } {[ICMOVE ,4,3] Cmove } {[IPEN ,4,3] Pen } {[IUNDER OFF ,4,3] Under Off }
{[ICUP$ ,4,3] =Cup$ } {[IHOME ,4,3] Home } {[IPEN$ ,4,3] =Pen$ } {[IUSING ,4,3] Using }
{[ICLEFT$ ,4,3] =Cleft$ } {[ICMOVE$ ,4,3] Cmove$ } {[IPRINT ,4,3] Print } {[IWRITING ,4,3] Writing }
{[ICUP ,4,3] Cup } {[IINVERSE ON ,4,3] Inverse On } {[IREMEMBER X ,4,3] Remember X } {[IX GRAPHIC ,4,3] =X Graphic }
{[ICDOWN ,4,3] Cdown } {[ICRIGHT ,4,3] Cright } {[IREMEMBER Y ,4,3] Remember Y } {[IX CURS ,4,3] =X Curs }
{[ICENTRE ,4,3] Centre } {[IINVERSE OFF,4,3] Inverse Off} {[IREPEAT$ ,4,3] =Repeat$ } {[IX TEXT ,4,3] =X Text }
{[ICURS OFF ,4,3] Curs Off } {[ICRIGHT$ ,4,3] =Cright$ } {[ISET CURS ,4,3] Set Curs } {[IY TEXT ,4,3] =Y Text }
{[ICURS ON ,4,3] Curs On } {[ILOCATE ,4,3] Locate } {[ISET TAB ,4,3] Set Tab } {[IY CURS ,4,3] =Y Curs }
{[ICLEFT ,4,3] Cleft } {[IMEMORIZE Y ,4,3] Memorize Y } {[ISHADE ON ,4,3] Shade On } {[IYGRAPHIC ,4,3] =Y Graphic }
{[ICURS PEN ,4,3] Curs Pen } {[IMEMORIZE X ,4,3] Memorize X } {[ISHADE OFF ,4,3] Shade Off } {[IZONE$ ,4,3] =Zone$ }
Adds special control codes to a string which allow you to move the text
cursor directly as the string is printed.
T$=At(x,y)+"Moved Text"
Displays a border around your text when it's printed on the screen.
n can range between 1 and 16, but only the first three borders are
currently defined.
Note that Border$ needs room for an extra character for the border. So it
should only be used if the X coordinate is larger than 0.
Moves the text cursor one place down.
Returns a control string which moves the cursor one character downwards
when it is printed.
Print Cdown$
CDOWN$ is also returned when you press the DOWN ARROW key from the keyboard.
Centres your text neatly on the current cursor line.
Centre "text"
Centre "this is in the centre"
Moves the text cursor one place to the left.
Returns a control string which moves the cursor one character to the left
when it is printed.
Print Cleft$
CLEFT$ is also returned when you press the LEFT ARROW key from the keyboard.
Clears the entire line starting from the current cursor position.
Cline n
Erases the first n characters in the line.
Moves the text cursor to a new location, relative to the current position.
Cmove unitsright,unitsdown
Providing you leave in the comma, either of the distances can be omitted.
Generates some codes which move the text cursor relative to its present
Print Cmove$(unitsright,unitsdown)
Moves the text cursor one place to the right.
Returns a control string which moves the cursor one character to the right
when it is printed.
Print Cright$
CRIGHT$ is also returned when you press the RIGHT ARROW key.
Moves the text cursor one place up.
Returns a control string which moves the cursor one place up when it is
Print Cup$
CUP$ is also returned when you press the UP ARROW key.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Curs Off}
Disables the flashing text CURSor of the current screen
Curs Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Curs On}
Automatically displays a flashing bar at the current cursor position.
Curs On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_20.AMOS,0,4]Curs Pen}
Changes the colour of the text cursor when it's visible on the screen.
It's usually colour three.
Curs Pen index
Font Editor
{[RAMOSPro_Accessories:Font8x8_Editor.AMOS] Font Editor}
The AMOSPro font editor allows you to generate your own 8x8 fonts for all
your text operations. You can also access any of the standard Amiga fonts
with the alternative `Graphic Text` commands.
Moves your text cursor HOME to the top-left-hand corner of the current
screen: in other words to TEXT coordinates 0,0.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Inverse On}
Swaps text and background colours for all future text operations.
Inverse On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Inverse Off}
Deactivates inverse mode.
Inverse Off
Moves the text cursor to the new LOCATion on the screen. As you are moving
a text cursor, you should enter the location in character coordinates
rather than pixel coordinates.
Locate x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Memorize X}
Saves the X coordinate of the text cursor.
Memorize X
The coordinate can be recalled using REMEMBER X
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Memorize Y}
Stores the Y coordinate of the text cursor in memory.
Memorize Y
Sets the colour to be used as the background PAPER for your text PEN.
Paper colournumber
Returns an internal code which changes the paper colour whenever it's
printed on the screen.
Sets the colour of the PEN to be used for writing text in the current screen. The colour can be selected from one of 64 alternative colours, depending on your current graphics mode.
Pen colournumber
Returns a control code which changes the pen colour inside a piece of text.
PRINTs items on screen, made up from any groups of variables or constants
separated by semi-colons or commas. As a short-cut, the [?] character key
can be used instead.
Print variable list
? variable list
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Remember X}
Moves the text cursor to the position you've previously saved with
Remember X
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Remember Y}
Restores the cursor to the Y coordinated you've previously saved with
Remember Y
Repeats the string of characters in S$ n times on the screen. Only a
single copy of S$ is kept in memory.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]Set Curs}
Alters the shape of the CURSor by changing the bit-patterns L1 to L8.
Set Curs L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_20.AMOS,0,4]Set Tab}
Sets the distance to be moved when a TAB character is printed.
Set Tab n
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Shade On}
Starts up an attractive shading effect for all future text.
Shade On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Shade Off}
Deactivates shading effect.
Shade Off
Returns a TAB character. This will move the cursor several places to the
right when it's printed on the screen. See SET TAB
Print Tab$;"test"
USING is called after a PRINT statement for making subtle changes to the
way output is printed from a variable list. Special characters can be used
in the format$ string, each one having a different effect.
Print Using format$;variable list.
The format string can contain the following symbols:
# print a single digit from your number. Unused digits will be replaced by
+ adds a + or - sign to the number as appropriate.
- displays a minus sign if the number is negative.
. inserts a decimal point on the number and centres it.
; centres the number but doesn`t output a decimal point.
^ prints the number in scientific, or exponential format.
Sets the writing mode for all future text operations.
Writing w1[,w2]
The first value selects the actual writing style.
=1 REPLACE (default)
=2 OR
=3 XOR
=4 AND
=5 IGNORE (don't do any printing at all!)
The second value allows you to choose which parts of your text will be
printed on the screen.
=0 Normal. Both Ink and Paper will be printed
=1 Paper. Only print the background
=2 Pen Writes the text on a background of colour zero.
Useful with OR mode.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]=X Curs}
Returns the X coordinate of your text CURSor, in text format.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_17.AMOS,0,4]=X Graphic}
Converts a X coordinate in TEXT format into a normal screen coordinate.
tx=X Graphic(x)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_17.AMOS,0,4]=X Text}
Converts an X coordinate from graphic format into a TEXT format coordinate,
relative to the current screen. If the screen coordinate is outside of
this screen then a negative result will be given.
t=X Text(xcoordinate)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_19.AMOS,0,4]=Y Curs}
Returns Y coordinate is of your text CURSor, in text format.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_17.AMOS,0,4]=Y Graphic}
Converts a Y coordinate from text format to screen format.
Y Graphic(ty)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_17.AMOS,0,4]=Y Text}
Converts a Y coordinate from graphic format into a TEXT format coordinate,
relative to the current screen. If the screen coordinate is outside of
this screen then a negative result will be given.
t=Y Text(ycoordinate)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Under On}
Underlines all future text.
Under On
Starts underline mode
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_16.AMOS,0,4]Under Off}
Turns off underline mode.
Under Off
Defines a screen zone around your text. This can be used in conjunction
with the MOUSE ZONE function to create simple buttons.
Where z is the number of your new zone.
Disc Access
{[IAPPEND ,4,3] Append } {[IDIR/W ,4,3] Dir/w } {[ILOF ,4,3] =Lof }
{[IASSIGN ,4,3] Assign } {[IEOF ,4,3] =Eof } {[IMKDIR ,4,3] Mkdir }
{[ICLOSE ,4,3] Close } {[IEXIST ,4,3] =Exist } {[IOPEN IN ,4,3] Open In }
{[IDEV FIRST$ ,4,3] =Dev First$ } {[IFIELD ,4,3] Field } {[IOPEN OUT ,4,3] Open Out }
{[IDEV NEXT$ ,4,3] =Dev Next$ } {[IFSEL$ ,4,3] =Fsel$ } {[IOPEN RANDOM ,4,3] Open Random }
{[IDFREE ,4,3] =Dfree } {[IGET ,4,3] Get } {[IPARENT ,4,3] Parent }
{[IDIR$ ,4,3] =Dir$ } {[IINPUT# ,4,3] Input# } {[IPOF ,4,3] =Pof }
{[IDIR FIRST$ ,4,3] =Dir First$ } {[IINPUT$ ,4,3] =Input$ } {[IPRINT# ,4,3] Print# }
{[IDIR NEXT$ ,4,3] =Dir Next$ } {[IKILL ,4,3] Kill } {[IPUT ,4,3] Put }
{[IDISC INFO$ ,4,3] =Disc Info$ } {[ILDIR ,4,3] Ldir } {[IRENAME ,4,3] Rename }
{[IDRIVE ,4,3] =Drive } {[ILDIR/W ,4,3] Ldir/w } {[ISET DIR ,4,3] Set Dir }
{[IDIR ,4,3] Dir } {[ILINE INPUT# ,4,3] Line Input# } {[ISET INPUT ,4,3] Set Input }
Adds information to the end of an existing sequential file, allowing you to
expand your file after it has been defined.
Append channelnumber,name$
Assigns a general name to a folder or device just like the normal AmigaDos
ASSIGN instruction.
Assign "Disc_Name:" To "Path:Name/"
Holds a string with the name of the assigned disc to create. The
semi-colon is mandatory and no spaces are allowed.
This must be a valid pathname to either a directory or a file.
CLOSEs one or more files on the disc.
Closes ALL the current files.
Close filenumber
Closes a single file.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_67.AMOS,0,4]=Dev First$}
Returns a string containing the name of the FIRST DEVice from the current
device list.
dev$=Dev First$("filter")
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_67.AMOS,0,4]=Dev Next$}
Returns the NEXT DEVice name that satisfies the filter used by a previous
DEV FIRST$ call. If the end of the device list is reached, a blank string
will be returned.
dev$=Dev Next$
Reveals the amount of free Disc space on the current device,in bytes.
Print Dfree
Prints out the DIRectory of files held on your current disc.
Here are some typical uses.
Dir "Df0:" : Rem List all files in internal drive
Dir "Examples:" : Rem List all files on named disc
Dir "A*" : Rem List all files starting with A
Dir "*.*" : Rem List all files with an extension
Displays the DIRectory of your current disc in twin columns.
Dir/w "Df0:"
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_44.AMOS,0,4]=Dir First$}
Returns a string containing the name and the length of the FIRST file in
the disc DIRectory.
Print Dir First$("*.*")
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_44.AMOS,0,4]=Dir Next$}
Returns the NEXT filename in the DIRectory listing created by a DIR FIRST$
F$=Dir Next$
Enters or reads the name of the directory to be used as the starting point
for subsequent disc operations.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_44.AMOS,0,4]=Disc Info$}
Returns a string containing INFOrmation on a named file or directory in a
disc. The information is returned in the form of the name of the disc
followed by the available free space.
a$=Disc Info$("name")
Checks for the existence of a specific drive.
If the drive is connected to your Amiga,m you'll get a value of -1 (True),
otherwise the result will be 0 (False)
Print Drive("Dh0")
Tests to see if the End Of a File has been reached, returning -1 for yes
and 0 for a no.
Checks to see if a specific file or directory actually exists. If it's
available, you'll get a value of True (-1). Otherwise you'll get a zero
Defines a record up to 65535 bytes long, for a random-access file.
Field channel, length As field$
Opens an AMOS Professional File SELector allowing you to choose a file
directly from disc, starting from the search pattern in path$.
You may also enter a default filename with default$, and include optional
title strings.
Fetches a record stored in an OPENed random access file, and loads this
into a set of string variables you`ve selected with the FIELD command.
Get channel,record_number
Reads information from a file or a device and loads it into your variables.
Input# channel,variable list
There are two different forms of this command. The simplest reads a number
of characters straight from the keyboard.
x$=Input$(character count)
You can also enter your characters directly from an open file or a device.
x$=Input$(channel,character count)
Permanently deletes a selected file from the disc.
Kill filename
Lists out the DIRectory of your files onto the printer, if it's available.
Ldir "pathname"
Lists the DIRectory of your disc onto the printer, using a compact, two
column format.
Ldir/w "Df0:"
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_69.AMOS,0,4]Line Input#}
INPUTs a list of variables one at a time from the device opened to
#channel, separated by your selected character, instead of the normal
Line Input #channel,separator$,variable list
Returns the Length of an Open File.
Creates a new directory or folder on the disc, starting from the current
Mkdir folder$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_69.AMOS,0,4]Open In}
OPENs a sequential file for INput.
Open In channelnumber,filename$
Available channels range from 1 to 10.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_69.AMOS,0,4]Open Out}
OPENs a file for OUTput, identified via channels 1 to 10.
Open Out channelnumber,filename$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_71.AMOS,0,4]Open Random}
OPENs a RANDOM access file on the current disc. Before using one of these
files, you should set up the record structure with the FIELD command.
Open Random channelnumber,filename$
Moves the current search path to the parent of the present directory.
Changes the reading or writing POsition of a File.
PRINTs a list of variables to a file or to a device.
Print #channel,variable list
Takes a record from memory and PUTs it into a selected record number of a
random access file.
Put channelnumber,recordnumber
Renames your selected file on the disc.
Rename old$ to new$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_44.AMOS,0,4]Set Dir}
Controls the style of the DIRectory listing, by setting the number of
characters to be displayed from 1 to 100, followed by optional pathnames to
be filtered out of directory searches.
Set Dir number,filter$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_69.AMOS,0,4]=Set Input}
SETs the characters you want to INPUT to end a line of data. Many
computers need both a [Return] and [line feed] character at the end of each
line, but the Amiga only needs a [line feed]. Make the second value a
negative number if you only want to use a single character.
Set Input 10,-1 : Rem Standard Amiga format
Set Input 13,10 : Rem PC or ST compatible format
The Bare Bones
{[IDEFFN ,4,3] Def Fn }
{[IDIM ,4,3] Dim }
{[IEND ,4,3] End }
{[IEDIT ,4,3] Edit }
{[IDIRECT ,4,3] Direct }
{[IFREE ,4,3] =Free }
{[IMONITOR ,4,3] Monitor }
{[IREM ,4,3] Rem }
{[IREADTEXT ,4,3] Read Text$ }
{[ISET BUFFER ,4,3] Set Buffer }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_61.amos,0,4]Def Fn}
Creates a user-DEFined FunctioN, used for the quick calculation of values.
It must be given a name, followed by a bracketed list of variables
separated by commas. The expression can include any AMOS functions,
limited to a single line of your program. (See FN).
Def Fn name(variables)=expression
DIMensions an array by defining a table of variables. The array's size
(DIMension) is set by values inside brackets.
Dim variable(x,y,z)
Dim variable#(x)
Dim Variable$(x,y)
Terminates your AMOS program and jumps straight to direct mode.
Stops your current program and returns immediately to the editor screen.
Calls up and executes the user-defined FuNction by its name, followed by an
optional variable list. (See Def Fn).
Def Fn name (variable list)=expression
Print Fn name (variable list)
Calls up the AMOS Professional monitor at the current point in your
program. You can now debug you program a line at a time using the many
powerful testing facilities provided by the monitor.
See section 12.01.01 from the user guide for an detailed explanation of
this system.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_7.AMOS,0,4]Worked Example}
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_82.AMOS,0,4]Read Text$}
Displays some text from either a file, or a memory bank using an attractive,
on-screen text reader.
Read Text filename$
Loads the file into memory, and displays it on the screen in ASCII format.
Read Text title$ ,address,length
address: is the address of the first line of your text.
length: the length of the text in characters.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_64.amos,0,4]Set Buffer}
SETs the size of the BUFFER area that holds your variables in units of a
kilobyte. (1024 bytes)
Set Buffer kilobytes
Program run commands
{[IBREAK ON ,4,3] Break On }
{[IBREAK OFF ,4,3] Break Off }
{[ICOMMAND LINE$,4,3] Command Line$ }
{[IINCLUDE ,4,3] Include }
{[ION BREAK ,4,3] On Break }
{[IPRUN ,4,3] Prun }
{[IPRG STATE ,4,3] =Prg State }
{[IPRG UNDER ,4,3] =Prg Under }
{[IRUN ,4,3] Run }
{[ISTOP ,4,3] Stop }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_14.AMOS,0,4]Break On}
Turns ON the program-interrupt BREAK routine normally activated by pressing
the [Control]+[C] keys.
Break On
Break Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-1/Help_14.AMOS,0,4]Break On}
Stops anyone from interrupting your program while it is running using
Control+C. Only use this in the FINAL versions of your programs! Once
it's activated, YOU CAN'T RETURN TO THE AMOS EDITOR until the program exits
is a reserved variable used to transfer parameter strings between several
AMOS programs. It's often used in conjunction with the RUN file$ command
to chain several programs together. Alternatively, if your program is
called as an Editor Accessory, COMMAND LINE$ will be loaded with the AMOS
instruction underneath the Edit cursor.
Command Line$="information"
Loads and merges an entire AMOS program from the disc whenever your current
listing is executed. This include file can contain anything you like,
from procedure definitions, to commonly used initialisation code. But it
can't contain it's own INCLUDE statements.
Include "File_To_Include.AMOS"
Your filename should be a constant rather than a string variable, as AMOS
merges the include file during the TESTING process.
Intercepts the Control-C command and calls your selected AMOS routine
whenever the user attempts to leave your program.
On Break Goto label
On Break Gosub label
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Procedures_2.AMOS,0,4]On Break Proc name}
This handy function lets you know how your program was launched. It
returns one of three possible values:
0 : if your program was run under the AMOS interpreter.
1 : if your program was run under the AMOS run-only module.
-1 : if your program is compiled.
PRUN is a mix between calling a procedure and RUNning another program: it
loads and (if necessary), RUNs your new program, and returns to your
original calling program when it's finished.
Prun "Program_name"
It's a sort of Gosub Program command!
Checks if an AMOS program is accessible "under" the current one.
test=Prg Under
test=0 (false)
The current listing has been run directly from the Editor, as a normal AMOS
Your program is the only one being executed, BUT is not the
currently-edited program. This happens when you "run hidden program", or
use "program to menu".
test=-1 (true)
The program was PRUNned from another program.
RUNs an AMOS Professional program.
Run file$
Loads and Runs the program 'file$'. Use COMMAND LINE$ to pass
information between programs.
Note: Run will not work from Direct Mode.
Halts your program and returns immediately to your listing screen.
{[IASC ,4,3] =Asc } {[IMID$ ,4,3] =Mid$ }
{[ICHR$ ,4,3] =Chr$ } {[IRIGHT$ ,4,3] =Right$ }
{[IFLIP$ ,4,3] =Flip$ } {[ISPACE$ ,4,3] =Space$ }
{[IINSTR ,4,3] =Instr } {[ISTR$ ,4,3] =Str$ }
{[ILEFT$ ,4,3] =Left$ } {[ISTRING$,4,3] =String$ }
{[ILEN ,4,3] =Len } {[IUPPER$ ,4,3] =Upper$ }
{[ILOWER$ ,4,3] =Lower$ } {[IVAL ,4,3] =Val }
Gives the Ascii code of a character.
Print Asc("A")
Creates a String containing one CHaRacter whose Ascii code number is
specified in brackets.
FLIP$ reverses the order of the characters in your string. So your string
is flipped from right to left.
Print Flip$("AMOS Basic")
Searches out the occurrences of a string INside another STRing. The result
is the location of the first character in your destination string, starting
from the left.
If search has been unsuccessful, you`ll get zero.
test=Instr("source string","search characters")
Print Instr("AMOS Professional","AMOS")
You can also start off the search from a specific position, using an
optional start parameter.
test=Instr("source string","search characters",start)
Returns the specified number of characters from the LEFT of a string.
Reads the number in characters in a string.
Converts all the characters in a string to LOWER case.
Print Lower$("AMOS Professional")
Returns a string of characters from the MIDdle of a string.
Returns a series of characters from the right-hand side of an AMOS string.
Generates a string of n spaces.
Converts a number into a STRing. This is handy for use with certain
functions that do not allow numbers to be used as parameters, such as
Creates a new string made up of a number of copies of the original source
newstring$= String$("sourcestring",numbercharacters)
Converts a string of text into nothing but UPPER case (CAPITAL) letters.
Converts a list of decimal digits stored in a string into a number
Array Operations
{[IMATCH ,4,3] =Match }
{[ISORT ,4,3] Sort }
Searches through a sorted array for your chosen value. If the search is
successful, you'll get it's index number as the return value. But if the
search fails, you'll get a NEGATIVE result instead. This holds the index
number of the item which came closest to your search parameter muliplied by
Match works equally well with all types of arrays. However, you'll need to
SORT the array before you make the test. See the SORT function.
Sorts an array in ascending order. This array can contain either strings,
integers, or floating point numbers.
Sort A(0)
Sort A$(0)
Sort A#(0)
Mathematical functions
{[IABS ,4,3] Abs } {[IHSIN,4,3] Hsin } {[IRADIAN ,4,3] Radian }
{[IACOS ,4,3] Acos } {[IHTAN,4,3] Htan } {[IRANDOMIZE,4,3] Randomize}
{[IATAN ,4,3] Atan } {[IINT ,4,3] Int } {[IRND ,4,3] Rnd }
{[ICOS ,4,3] Cos } {[ILN ,4,3] Ln } {[ISGN ,4,3] Sgn }
{[IDEGREE,4,3] Degree } {[ILOG ,4,3] Log } {[ISIN ,4,3] Sin }
{[IEXP ,4,3] Exp } {[IMAX ,4,3] Max } {[ISQR ,4,3] Sqr }
{[IFIX ,4,3] Fix } {[IMIN ,4,3] Min } {[ISWAP ,4,3] Swap }
{[IHCOS ,4,3] Hcos } {[IPI# ,4,3] Pi# } {[ITAN ,4,3] Tan }
Allows you to enter your angles in DEGREEs rather than RADIANS.
Degree : Print Sin(45)
Enters all future angles using radians.
{[Iradtheory ,4,3] More information}
Radians and angles
In trigonometry, a radian is the angle subtended by an arc whose length is
equal to the radius of a circle. This angle is formed by two radii of a
circle that cut off an arc on the circumference that is equal in length to
the radius. One radian is equal to 57.296 degrees. The Amiga prefers to
use radians instead of degrees, but you can change that with the DEGREE
Returns the number PI. It's equal to the ratio of the diameter of a circle
to its circumference.
Print Pi#
Calculates the SINe of an angle, resulting in a floating point number.
Returns the COSine of your angle.
Print Cos(angle)
Calculates the TANgent of an angle.
Returns the inverse cosine of the number.
You can get the Inverse SIN using:
or angle=90-acos(a) : Rem In degrees
Returns the inverse TAN of a number
Generates the Logarithm to the Base 10 of your number or expression.
Provides the natural or naperian logarithm
Generates the exponenial function
Returns the hyperbolic Sine
Hyperbolic cosine
Gets the hyperbolic tangent
Generates a RaNDom integer between zero and your chosen number. If you
enter a zero, the previous random value will be returned instead.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_24.AMOS,0,4]RANDOMIZE }value
Sets the seed of the random number generated by RND. Each seed defines a
particular sequence of values. Use RANDOMIZE TIMER for a really random set
of numbers
randomize seed
randomize timer
Gives the ABSolute value of a number, taking no account of whether it has a
positive or negative sign. The number must be in brackets.
Print Abs(-5)
Rounds down a floating point number to the nearest whole INTeger, so that
decimal numbers are changed into the nearest lower round number.
Print Int(-6.9)
Compares expressions made up of strings, integers or real numbers, and
returns the one with the MAXimum value.
Print Max(variable1,variable2)
Compares expressions made up of strings, integers or real numbers, and
returns the one with the MINimum value.
Print Min$(variable1,variable2)
Finds the SiGN of a number:
Depending on the number, you'll get one of three possible values:
-1 if the number is negative
0 if it's zero
1 if the number is positive
Swaps the contents of any two variable around. Both variables should be of
exactly the same type.
swap number1,number2
swap float1#,float2#
swap string1$,string2$
Calculates the SQuare Root of a number, that is the number that when
multiplied by itself results in the number you have selected in brackets.
FIXes the precision of floating point numbers, set by the number of decimal
points wanted, specified inside brackets.
Fix(numberdecimals) : Print Pi#
{[IEND PROC ,4,3] End Proc }
{[IGLOBAL ,4,3] Global }
{[IPARAM ,4,3] =Param }
{[IPARAM# ,4,3] =Param# }
{[IPARAM$ ,4,3] =Param$ }
{[IPOP PROC ,4,3] Pop Proc }
{[IPROC ,4,3] Proc }
{[IPROCEDURE ,4,3] Procedure }
{[ISET STACK ,4,3] Set Stack }
{[ISHARED ,4,3] Shared }
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Procedures_1.AMOS,0,4]End Proc}
Marks the END of a PROCedure. Like PROCEDURE, it must occupy its own
separate line in your program.
Procedure NAME
: : : Amos instructions go here
End Proc
You can also return a value from the procedure like so:
These values can be subsequently read by your program with PARAM, PARAM#,
and PARAM$ respectively.
Defines a list of GLOBAL variables that can be accessed from anywhere
inside your AMOS Professional program.
Global variable list
You can also define your global variables using STRINGS which can contain
the wildcards "*" or "?".
"*" means "Use any group of characters up to the next letter or number"
"?" means "Use any single character in the current position"
Global "string"
Only string constants can used for this purpose.
Returns an integer value from the most recent AMOS procedure called by your
The value should be returned using the ENDPROC statement in your procedure:
Returns a floating point number from the last AMOS procedure called by your
The value should be returned using the ENDPROC statement in your procedure:
Returns a string from the last AMOS procedure called by your program.
The value should be returned using the ENDPROC statement in your procedure:
Calls a named procedure from your program. It can normally be omitted.
Proc name
Proc is often used in conjunction with the ON command to select a procedure
depending on a value entered by the user.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Procedures_2.AMOS,0,4]Pop Proc}
POPs out of a PROCedure in a hurry.
Pop Proc
Creates an AMOS Professional PROCEDURE,identified by a string of characters
which make up its name.
Procedure NAME
Procedures make programming easier. They are stand-alone program chunks
that perform a task without affecting the main program.
Sets the maximum number of recursive procedure calls. Recursion is a
clever technique which allows you to call a procedure from INSIDE its own
definition. Every time you call a procedure, AMOS allocates a set amount
of memory to hold the local variables. So if you attempt to nest a
procedure call more than about fifty times, you`ll run out of space. You
can increase this allocation with SET STACK. Use it if you get an "out of
stack space" message.
Set Stack maximum_no_of_recursive_procedure_calls
Called inside a procedure to allow you to access a variable from your main
Shared variable list.
You can also define your shared variables using STRINGS containing wildcards
such as "*" or "?".
"*" means "Use any group of characters up to the next letter or number"
"?" means "Use any single character in the current position"
Shared "string"
Only string CONSTANTS can used for this purpose.
The Mouse and Joystick ports
{[ICHANGE MOUSE ,4,3] Change Mouse } {[ILIMIT MOUSE ,4,3] Limit Mouse }
{[IFIRE ,4,3] =Fire } {[IMOUSE CLICK ,4,3] =Mouse Click }
{[IJDOWN ,4,3] =Jdown } {[IMOUSE KEY ,4,3] =Mouse Key }
{[IJLEFT ,4,3] =Jleft } {[IMOUSE SCREEN ,4,3] =Mouse Screen}
{[IJOY ,4,3] =Joy } {[IMOUSE ZONE ,4,3] =Mouse Zone }
{[IJRIGHT ,4,3] =Jright } {[ISHOW ,4,3] Show }
{[IJUP ,4,3] =Jup } {[ISHOW ON ,4,3] Show On }
{[IHIDE ,4,3] Hide } {[IX MOUSE ,4,3] =X Mouse }
{[IHIDE ON ,4,3] Hide On } {[IY MOUSE ,4,3] =Y Mouse }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]Change Mouse}
Alters the MOUSE pointer on screen to a predefined numbered shape of 1
(arrow) 2 (crosshairs) or 3 (clock). Numbers 4 and over use images from
the object bank.
Change Mouse shapenumber
Tests the state of a joystick FIRE-button, returning -1 if a particular
button number has been pressed.
HIDEs the mouse pointer from your screen, depending on the number of times
specified by a SHOW command.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]Hide On}
Ensures the mouse pointer is hidden no matter how many times SHOW is
Hide On
Reads the current status of a JOYstick.
Portnumber number=0 checks a joystick in the mouse port.
=1 tests a stick in the normal joystick port.
The status is rerurned in the form of a bitmap.If a bit is set to one, the
joystick has been moved in the relevant direction.
Here's a list of the possible return values.
Normal With Fire Button pressed
1 17
5 9 21 25
4 0 8 20 16 24
6 10 22 26
2 18
Returns a value of True(-1) if the joystick has been pulled to the left,
otherwise zero.
Print Jleft(portnumber)
portnumber=1 for the joystick socket, or 0 for the mouse port.
Returns a value of True(-1) if the joystick has been pulled to the right,
otherwise zero.
Print Jright(portnumber)
portnumber=1 for the joystick socket, or 0 for the mouse port.
Returns a value of True(-1) if the joystick has been yanked up, otherwise
Print Jup(portnumber)
portnumber=1 for the joystick socket, or 0 for the mouse port.
Returns a value of True(-1) if the joystick has been pushed down, otherwise
Print Jdown(portnumber)
portnumber=1 for the joystick socket, or 0 for the mouse port.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]Limit Mouse}
Restricts the MOUSE movements to the LIMITs of a given rectangle on screen.
You set up the size of this rectangle by giving its coordinates.
Limit Mouse x1,y1 To x2,y2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=Mouse Click}
Checks if the user has clicked on the mouse buttons. The result is
returned in the form of a bit pattern.
Bit 0: Set to one if the left button has been pressed. Normally zero.
Bit 1: If the Right button has ben pressed, you'll get a one in this
position. Otherwise, zero.
After the mouse has been tested, the bits are automatically reset to zero.
So you can only use this command to check for a SINGLE click.
Use the MOUSE KEY function if you want to test the status continuously.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=Mouse Key}
Reads the status of the MOUSE buttons, and tells you the result in the form
of a bit-pattern.
Bit 0: Set to one if the left button has been pressed. Normally zero.
Bit 1: If the Right button has ben pressed, you'll get a one in this
position. Otherwise, zero.
T=Mouse Key
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]=Mouse Screen}
Checks to see which SCREEN the MOUSE pointer is currently occupying.
screen number=Mouse Screen
SHOWs a previously hidden mouse pointer on the screen, whenever the number
of SHOWs becomes greater than the number of HIDEs already programmed.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]Show On}
Immediately SHOWs a hidden mouse pointer on screen, no matter how many
HIDEs have been commanded.
Show On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]=X Mouse}
Tells you the hardware X coordinate of the MOUSE pointer. If you give
XMOUSE a value then this function can also be used to move the mouse to a
specific screen position.
X1=X Mouse
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_49.AMOS,0,4]=Y Mouse}
Tells you the hardware Y coordinate of the MOUSE pointer. If you give
YMOUSE a value, then this function can also be used to move the mouse to a
specific screen position.
Y1=Y Mouse
Y Mouse=Y1
Memory banks
{[IM_AS ,4,3] As } {[IBSAVE ,4,3] Bsave } {[ILOAD ,4,3] Load }
{[IBANK SHRINK,4,3] Bank Shrink } {[IBSEND ,4,3] Bsend } {[IRESERVE AS CHIP DATA,4,3] Reserve As Chip Data}
{[IBANK SWAP ,4,3] Bank Swap } {[IERASE ,4,3] Erase } {[IRESERVE AS CHIP WORK,4,3] Reserve As Chip Work}
{[IBGRAB ,4,3] Bgrab } {[IERASE ALL ,4,3] Erase All } {[IRESERVE AS DATA ,4,3] Reserve As Data }
{[IBLOAD ,4,3] Bload } {[IERASE TEMP ,4,3] Erase Temp } {[IRESERVE AS WORK ,4,3] Reserve As Work }
{[IBLENGTH ,4,3] =Blength } {[ILENGTH ,4,3] =Length } {[ISAVE ,4,3] Save }
{[IBSTART ,4,3] =Bstart } {[ILIST BANK ,4,3] List Bank } {[ISTART ,4,3] =Start }
Used in conjunction with the RESERVE AS command.
Reserve As Chip 1,1000
Reduces the size of a previously defined memory bank, returning any unused
memory to your Basic program.
Bank Shrink bank_no To new_length
bank_no is an already reserved memory bank. Note: This instruction does
not work with object and icon banks
new_length = the new size of the bank.
It must be smaller than the Current length..
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_78.AMOS,0,4]Bank Swap}
Swaps the numbers of any two memory banks.
Bank Swap bank1, bank2
Grabs a memory bank from the previous program.The bank is now removed from
the original program, and appears in the current program bank-list,
replacing any bank with the same number. After you've finished, you can
return the bank to it's owner using BSEND.
Bgrab bank
Returns the length of a bank from program UNDERNEATH the present one. It's
used by accessories such as the object editor to access the users bob
You'll get a zero if the bank has not been defined in the previous program,
or there's no other program in memory. (PRG UNDER=0)
LOADs Binary data into a specified address or bank number.
Bload file$,address
SAVEs a block of memory stored between a start and end location, to a named
file. The data is saved as it stands with no special formatting.
Bsave file$, start TO end
Transfers a bank from the current program to the previous program. It is
the exact opposite of BGRAB. The bank disappears from the current program
bank-list, and appears in the previous program list, replacing any existing
Bsend bank
Returns the address of a bank from a previous program, if possible. You'll
get an error if a bank hasn't been reserved in the previous program. (PRG
address =Bstart(bank)
Deletes the contents of the memory bank whose number you specify.
Erase banknumber
Clears ALL banks from memory
Erase All
Erases ALL temprorary or WORK banks in your current program
Erase Temp
Returns the LENGTH of a memory bank in bytes. If it contains images, then
the number of objects in the bank will be given instead.
Print Length(banknumber)
Provides a detailed LISTing of the memory BANKs currently reserved. The
following information will be shown about each bank: its number, the type
of bank, its start address in hexadecimal and its length.
List Bank
LOADs one or more memory banks from the disc. An optional destination bank
can be included if required.
Load "filename.abk"
Loads all the banks from filename.abk
Load "filename.abk",number
Loads just a single bank.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_78.AMOS,0,4]Reserve As Chip Data}
Creates a permanent memory bank using CHIP ram.
Reserve As Chip Data banknumber,length
This bank will be automatically saved with your program.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_78.AMOS,0,4]Reserve As Chip Work}
Creates a temporary memory bank of the required length using CHIP ram.
Reserve As Chip Work banknumber,length
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_78.AMOS,0,4]Reserve As Data}
RESERVEs a permanent bank of memory using FAST ram if it's available.
Reserve As Data banknumber,length
This bank will be automatically saved with your program.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_78.AMOS,0,4]Reserve As Work}
RESERVEs a temporary memory bank using FAST ram where possible.
Reserve As Work banknumber,length
SAVEs all memory banks onto disc. If an optional bank number is specified,
only that bank number will be saved.
Save "filename.abk",number
Returns the START address of your chosen memory bank.
Print Start(banknumber)
Hardware Sprites
{[IDEL SPRITE ,4,3] Del Sprite } {[ISPRITE PRIORITY ,4,3] Sprite Priority }
{[IGET SPRITE ,4,3] Get Sprite } {[ISPRITE UPDATE ,4,3] Sprite Update }
{[IGET SPRITE PALETTE,4,3] Get Sprite Palette} {[ISPRITE UPDATE OFF ,4,3] Sprite Update Off }
{[IHOT SPOT ,4,3] Hot Spot } {[ISPRITE UPDATE ON ,4,3] Sprite Update On }
{[II SPRITE ,4,3] I Sprite } {[IX SPRITE ,4,3] =X Sprite }
{[IINS SPRITE ,4,3] Ins Sprite } {[IX HARD ,4,3] =X Hard }
{[ISET SPRITE BUFFER ,4,3] Set Sprite Buffer } {[IX SCREEN ,4,3] =X Screen }
{[ISPRITE ,4,3] Sprite } {[IY SPRITE ,4,3] =Y Sprite }
{[ISPRITE BASE ,4,3] Sprite Base } {[IY HARD ,4,3] =Y Hard }
{[ISPRITE OFF ,4,3] Sprite Off } {[IY SCREEN ,4,3] =Y Screen }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Del Sprite}
Deletes one or more sprite images completely from the object bank.
Del Sprite n
n is the number of the image you wish to remove from the bank.
If you want to erase several objects, you can use the second form of this
Del Sprite f To l
The command will now delete all the images from f to l.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Get Sprite}
Grabs a section from a screen of given coordinates and loads it into the
Object bank. An optional screen number can be given before the image
number. This allows you to grab your images from any existing AMOS screen.
Get Sprite screen number,image number,x1,y1 To x2,y2
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Get Sprite Palette}
Copies the colour values used by your sprite images straight into the
current screen.
Get Sprite Palette
The optional mask allows you to limit yourself to just a selection of
Get sprite Palette bitmask
Each colour is represented by a single digit in a 32 digit "bit mask". If
the digit's set to 1, then the appropriate colour value will be copied over
from the sprite bank.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Hot Spot}
Positions the reference point for all coordinate calculations.
Hot Spot image,x,y
Automatically adds x and y to the sprite coordinates before use.
Hot Spot image,p
p moves the hotspot to one of of 9 pre-set positions
$00 $10 $20
$01 $11 $21
$02 $21 $22
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]=I Sprite}
Returns the current Image number used by sprite s.
The result will be zero if the sprite is not visible on the current display.
Image=I Sprite(s)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Ins Sprite}
Ins Sprite n
Inserts a blank image at position n in the current object bank. All the
images after this number are moved down a place.
Ins Sprite f To l
Creates several image slots in a single operation. A series of blank
spaces will now be created between image number f and image l.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Set Sprite Buffer}
Allocates extra memory for the hardware and computed sprites to work with.
AMOS initially reserves just enough memory for a maximum of 128 lines.
This can be easily increased to a larger value, such as 256.
Set Sprite Buffer lines
Sprite s,hx,hy,image
Loads sprite s with your image and positions it at your selected HARDWARE
coordinates x,y.
The sprite number s can be anything from 0 to 63.
Sprites 0 to 7 generate hardware sprites
numbers 8 through 63 use computed sprites.
n=Sprite Base(number)
Provides the address of the internal data list for Sprite number.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Sprite Off}
Removes one or more sprites from the screen.
Sprite Off
Kills ALL active sprites
Sprite Off s
Turns off sprite number s
Controls the way your sprites are displayed on a Dual playfield screen.
Sprite Priority n
n sets the priority of the sprites relative to the two playfields.
The following table should make this clearer. Objects with the higher
order value are always displayed in front of those with a lower one.
n Playfield Sprites 0/1 Sprites 2/3 Sprites 4/5 Sprites 6/7
0 Order 4 3 2 1 0
1 3 4 2 1 0
2 2 4 3 1 0
3 1 4 3 2 0
4 0 4 3 2 1
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Computed_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Sprite Update}
Performs all sprite movements in a single burst. Before using this
command, you'll need to switch off the automatic display system with SPRITE
Sprite Update
Wait Vbl
The WAIT VBL command is important, as it synchronises the sprite movements
with the screen updates.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Computed_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Sprite Update Off}
Stops sprites from being redisplayed on the screen immediately when they
are moved to a new position. Use it with the SPRITE UPDATE command to
generate exceptionally smooth object movements.
Sprite Update Off
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Computed_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]Sprite Update On}
Reverses the effect of a previous SPRITE UPDATE OFF command and forces your
sprites to be automatically redrawn when they are moved.
Sprite Update On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=X Hard}
Converts an X coordinate relative to the current screen into a HARDware
hx=X Hard(xcoordinate)
If an optional screen number is given, then all coordinates will be
relative to the selected screen.
hx=X Hard(screen number,xcoordinate)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=X Screen}
Converts a hardware X coordinate into a SCREEN coordinate relative to the
present screen.
sx=X Screen(hx)
If you include an optional screen number in this function, the new
coordinate will be relative to your chosen screen.
sx=X Screen(screen number,hx)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]=X Sprite}
Returns the X coordinate of one of your AMOS Basic sprites in Hardware
hx=X Sprite(s)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=Y Hard}
Converts a Y coordinate relative to the current screen into a HARDware
hy=Y Hard(ycoordinate)
If an optional screen number is given, then all coordinates will be
relative to the selected screen.
hy=Y Hard(screen number,ycoordinate)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_50.AMOS,0,4]=Y Screen}
Converts a Y coordinate in hardware format into a SCREEN coordinate
relative to the present screen.
sy=Y Screen(hy)
If you include an optional screen number in this function, the new
coordinate will be relative to your chosen screen.
sy=Y Screen(screen number,hy)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Hardware_Sprites.AMOS,0,4]=Y Sprite}
Returns the Y coordinate of one of your AMOS Basic sprites in Hardware
hy=Y Sprite(s)
Blitter Objects
{[IBOB ,4,3] Bob } {[IPASTE BOB ,4,3] Paste Bob }
{[IBOB OFF ,4,3] Bob Off } {[IPRIORITY OFF ,4,3] Priority Off }
{[IDEL BOB ,4,3] Del Bob } {[IPRIORITY ON ,4,3] Priority On }
{[IDOUBLE BUFFER ,4,3] Double Buffer } {[IPRIORITY REVERSE OFF ,4,3] Priority Reverse Off }
{[IGET BOB ,4,3] Get Bob } {[IPRIORITY REVERSE ON ,4,3] Priority Reverse On }
{[IGET BOB PALETTE ,4,3] Get Bob Palette } {[IREV ,4,3] =Rev }
{[IHREV ,4,3] =Hrev } {[IPUT BOB ,4,3] Put Bob }
{[II BOB ,4,3] =I Bob } {[ISET BOB ,4,3] Set Bob }
{[IINS BOB ,4,3] Ins Bob } {[IVREV ,4,3] =Vrev }
{[ILIMIT BOB ,4,3] Limit Bob } {[IX BOB ,4,3] =X Bob }
{[INO MASK ,4,3] No Mask } {[IY BOB ,4,3] =Y Bob }
Draws a Blitter OBject at the given coordinates on the current screen.
Bob number,x,y,imagenumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Bob Off}
Removes a numbered Blitter OBject from the screen, or removes all Bobs if
you leave out the individual number.
Bob Off bobnumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Del Bob}
Deletes one or more bob images completely from the object bank.
Del Bob n
n is the number of the image you wish to remove from the bank.
If you want to erase several objects, you can use a second form of this
Del Bob f To l
The command will now delete all the images from f to l.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_26.AMOS,0,4]Double Buffer}
Creates a DOUBLE screen BUFFER, as an invisible copy of the current screen.
It's vital for flicker free animation!
Double Buffer
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Get Bob}
Grabs a section from a screen of given coordinates and loads it into the
Object bank. An optional screen number can be given before the image
number. This allows you to grab your images from any existing AMOS screen.
Get Bob screen number,image number,x1,y1 To x2,y2
Loads all of your Blitter OBject colours to the current screen. An
optional mask can be used to load a selection of these colours at a time.
Get Bob Palette,mask
Flips a Bob image from left to right. Any hot spots will also be reversed.
Bob number,x,y,image number : Rem Normal image
Rem Now flip this image number horizontally
Bob number,x,y,HREV(image number)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_27.AMOS,0,4]= I Bob}
Returns the current Image number used by Blitter OBject number b. The
result will be zero if the bob is not visible on the current display.
Image=I Bob(b)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Ins Bob}
Inserts a blank image at position n in the current object bank. All the
images after this number will be moved down a place.
Ins Bob n
Ins Bob f To l
Creates several image slots in a single operation. A series of blank
spaces will now be created between image number f and image l.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Limit Bob}
Restricts the visibility of a numbered Blitter OBject to the LIMITs of a
rectangle on screen. You set up the size of this rectangle by simply
entering its coordinates.
Bob 1,100,100,1
Limit Bob number,x1,y1 To x2,y2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_26.AMOS,0,4]No Mask}
Removes the blitter mask around one or all bobs. Without a mask, the Bob's
entire image will be displayed on screen, including any transparent bits in
colour zero.
No Mask : Rem Removes ALL blitter masks
No Mask object : Rem Kills the mask around the selected bob
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_29.AMOS,0,4]Paste Bob}
Gets an image from the OBject bank, then PASTEs it on the screen at your
chosen coordinates.
Paste Bob x,y,imagenumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_30.AMOS,0,4]Priority On}
Normally Bobs barge in front of any objects with a lower Bob number.
PRIORITY ON gives the greatest priority to objects with the highest y
coords on the screen.
Priority On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_30.AMOS,0,4]Priority Off}
Displays all Bobs on the screen in strict order of their Bob number.
Priority Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_30.AMOS,0,4]Priority Reverse On}
Activates the REVERSE effect of the PRIORITY command for the display of
Bobs on screen. PRIORITY REVERSE OFF is the normal mode, but by turning it
ON Bobs with the lowest y coordinates will appear in front of those with
higher y coordinates.
Priority Reverse On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_30.AMOS,0,4]Priority Reverse Off}
Resets the Priority system to normal.
Priority Reverse Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_28.AMOS,0,4]Put Bob}
Fixes a copy of the bob n at it's current position on the screen. Your
copy will remain firmly in place when the bob moves away. Always follow
this command with a WAIT VBL.
Put Bob n
REVerses a Bob image completely, by flipping it over its own horizontal and
vertical axis. Any hot spots will also be reversed.
Bob number,x,y,image number : Rem Normal image
Rem Now flip this image number completely
Bob number,x,y,REV(image number)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_27.AMOS,0,4]Set Bob}
SETs the mode for drawing a Blitter OBject on screen.
Set Bob number,background,screenplanes,mask
number is the number of the bob you want to affect.
background can take one of three values:
0 replaces the background whenever the bob is moved. (Default)
Greater than 0 replaces the area with a block of colour background-1
Less than 0 doesn't redraw the background at all.
screenplanes is a bit-pattern which specifies which planes are to be used
by the bob. A value of 1 draws the bob in plane, a zero doesn't.
mask selects the blitter mode using a set of minterms.
Turns a Bob image upside down. Any hot spots will also be reversed.
Bob number,x,y,image number : Rem Normal image
Rem now flip this image number vertically
Bob number,x,y,VREV(imagenumber)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_27.AMOS,0,4]=X Bob}
Returns the X coordinate of your bob on the current screen.
x1=X Bob(number)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_27.AMOS,0,4]=Y Bob}
Returns the Y coordinate of your bob on the current screen.
y1=Y Bob(number)
Detecting Collisions
{[IBOB COL ,4,3] =Bob Col }
{[IBOBSPRITE COL,4,3] =Bobsprite Col }
{[ICOL ,4,3] =Col }
{[IHARDCOL ,4,3] =Hardcol }
{[ISET HARDCOL ,4,3] Set Hardcol }
{[ISPRITE COL ,4,3] =Sprite Col }
{[ISPRITEBOB COL,4,3] =Spritebob Col }
{[IMAKE MASK ,4,3] Make Mask }
Checks for the other objects involved in a collision you've just detected
target is the number of the object you wish to test. If it's collided with
your source object, you'll get a value of -1, otherwise 0 will be returned.
If you enter a target of -1, AMOS will return the number of the FIRST
object which has collided with your source object.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Collision_Detection.AMOS,0,4]=Bob Col}
Detects COLlisions between one or more blitter objects. If a collision is
detected, BOB COL will return a value of -1. Otherwise you'll get a 0
c=Bob Col(source)
If you want to restrict your test to just a selection of bobs, you can
optionally extend the BOB COL command like so:
c=Bob Col(source,first TO last)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Collision_Detection.AMOS,0,4]=Bobsprite Col}
Tests a single BOB for a collision with a group of sprites. A value of -1
signifies that the test was successful. You can now immediately check for
the other objects involved in the collision using the COL function.
c=Bob Sprite Col(bobnumber)
Note that ALL the sprites you are testing MUST have a blitter mask. These
are created using the MAKE MASK command.
You can also use a second version of this function.
c=Bob Sprite Col(bobnumber,first TO last)
Tests for collisions between the source Bob and Sprites from first to last.
Returns the result of the hardware collision detector you've activated with
the SET HARDCOL command. If the test is successful you'll get a value of
True (-1). Otherwise the result will be False (0).
You can now find the identification number of any other sprites involved in
the collision using the COL function as normal.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Collision_Detection.AMOS,0,4]Make Mask}
Makes a blitter mask for all the objects on the screen, including sprites.
This command should be used before any collision detection routines
involving sprites.
Make Mask
Make Mask n : Rems Makes a mask around sprite n
Activate the Amiga's built-in hardware collision detector. This allows you
to check for the collison between a Hardware sprite (0 to 7) and any part
of the screen background.
Set Hardcol enablebits,comparisonbits
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Collision_Detection.AMOS,0,4]=Sprite Col}
Looks for collisions between several sprites. These sprites MUST have been
previously initialised with the MAKE MASK option.
c=Sprite Col(source)
If another sprite has collided with your source object, you'll get a value
of -1. Otherwise the result will be zero.
There's also a more selective version of this function.
c=Sprite Col(source,first TO last)
Only checks for collisions between the source object and sprites from first
to last. (See COL,MAKE MASK)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Collision_Detection.AMOS,0,4]=Spritebob Col}
Checks a single SPRITE for collisions between several bobs. The source
sprite MUST have been assigned a mask with the MAKE MASK option before use.
If the test is successful, you'll get a result of -1. You can now find the
other objects in the collision with a call to the COL function.
c=Sprite Bob Col(spritenumber)
There's also an extended version of this function.
c=Sprite Bob Col(spritenumber,first To last)
Tests for collisions between the source object and bobs from first to last.
Setting up screens
{[IAUTOVIEW ON ,4,3] Autoview On } {[IDISPLAY HEIGHT ,4,3] =Display Height } {[ISCREEN ,4,3] Screen } {[ISCREEN HIDE ,4,3] Screen Hide }
{[IAUTOVIEW OFF ,4,3] Autoview Off } {[IDUAL PLAYFIELD ,4,3] Dual Playfield } {[ISCIN ,4,3] =Scin } {[ISCREEN OFFSET ,4,3] Screen Offset }
{[ICLS ,4,3] Cls } {[IDUAL PRIORITY ,4,3] Dual Priority } {[ISCREEN ,4,3] =Screen } {[ISCREEN OPEN ,4,3] Screen Open }
{[ICOLOUR ,4,3] Colour } {[IGET PALETTE ,4,3] Get Palette } {[ISCREEN COLOUR ,4,3] =Screen Colour } {[ISCREEN SHOW ,4,3] Screen Show }
{[ICOLOUR ,4,3] =Colour } {[ILOAD IFF ,4,3] Load Iff } {[ISCREEN CLONE ,4,3] Screen Clone } {[ISCREEN TO BACK ,4,3] Screen To Back }
{[ICOLOUR BACK ,4,3] Colour Back } {[INTSC ,4,3] =Ntsc } {[ISCREEN CLOSE ,4,3] Screen Close } {[ISCREEN TO FRONT ,4,3] Screen To Front }
{[IDEFAULT ,4,3] Default } {[IPALETTE ,4,3] Palette } {[ISCREEN DISPLAY ,4,3] Screen Display } {[ISCREEN WIDTH ,4,3] =Screen Width }
{[IDEFAULT PALETTE ,4,3] Default Palette } {[ISAVE iFF ,4,3] Save Iff } {[ISCREEN HEIGHT ,4,3] =Screen Height } {[IVIEW ,4,3] View }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_35.AMOS,0,4]Autoview On}
Restarts the normal automatic viewing mode for your screens. Your new
screens will now be displayed straight after they've been created, at the
next vertical blank.
Auto View On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_35.AMOS,0,4]Autoview Off}
Activates manual viewing mode. In manual mode, your new screens are only
displayed when you specifically request an update using VIEW. Use it as
part of your programs initialisation procedure to generate your display in
the background.
Auto View Off
CLears all or part of a Screen in one of three ways:
Clears entire screen using the current paper colour.
Cls colour
Clears screen using the selected colour index.
Cls colour,tx,ty To bx,yb
Erases the block from tx,ty to bx,by
Reads or changes the colour value assigned to one of your colour indexes.
Colour indexnumber,$RGB
Changes a colour in the palette, by setting the strength of its Red, Green
and Blue components.
Returns the hexadecimal colour value held in one of your colour indexes as
a proportion of Red, Blue amd Green components.
Print Hex$(Colour(Index))
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_5.AMOS,0,4]Colour Back}
Changes the colour of the display where no screens exist (dead area).
Colour Back $RGB
Resets the display screen to its original DEFAULT setting of 320 pixels
wide, 200 pixels high and 16 colours, and closes any other open screens.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_38.AMOS,0,4]Default Palette}
Defines a list of colours which will be used by each new screen you create
Default Palette c1,c2,c3,c4,,,,
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_77.AMOS,0,4]=Display Height}
Returns the HEIGHT of your screen DISPLAY in pixels.
Print Display Height
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_37.AMOS,0,4]Dual Playfield}
Displays two screens on top of each other. Colour zero is treated as
transparent, so anything drawn in it to the first screen will reveal the
appropriate region of the second.
Dual playfield screen1,screen2
Each screen can use up to eight colours.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_37.AMOS,0,4]Dual Priority}
Allows you to reverse the order of the two screens used to generate a dual
Dual Priority screen1,screen2
Displays screen 1 over screen 2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_38.AMOS,0,4]Get Palette}
Copies the PALETTE of colours from a numbered screen and loads them to the
current screen.
Get Palette sourcescreen
An optional mask can be used to load a selection of these colours from the
Get Palette sourcescreen,mask
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_35.AMOS,0,4]Load Iff}
LOADs an IFF format graphic to your current screen.If you want to choose an
alternative destination screen, simply enter its number after the filename.
Load iff "filename"
Load Iff "filename",screen number
Reports back which screen mode AMOS Professional is running under.
0 means PAL is active and -1 means NTSC is being used.
Sets any combination of current screen colours from the available PALETTE.
Colours are made up using hexadecimal notation, making it easier to define
the RGB of a colour.
Palette $RGB,$RGB,$RGB
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_35.AMOS,0,4]Save Iff}
SAVEs the current screen as an IFF picture on your disc.
Save Iff "filename"
A compression code can be used as an option for compacting the screen
before it is saved. This code is set to zero to save the screen as it is,
or set to 1 to use the standard file compression system for saving memory.
Save Iff "filename",compressioncode
Returns the number of an AMOS screen at your selected hardware coordinates.
If a screen isn't defined at these coordinates, you'll get a value of zero.
This comes in two flavours:
Screen number
Selects a SCREEN for all future graphics and text operations, even if the
screen is hidden away in the background.
Returns the number of the current screen you are using for your text and
graphics operations.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_36.AMOS,0,4]Screen Clone}
Makes an exact CLONEd copy of the current SCREEN and assigns it to a new
screen number.
Screen Clone number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_34.AMOS,0,4]Screen Close}
Erases your SCREEN and frees up its memory for the rest of your program.
Screen Close number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_36.AMOS,0,4]=Screen Colour}
Returns the maximum number of colours available from the current screen.
Print Screen Colour
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_34.AMOS,0,4]Screen Display}
Sets the position of your SCREEN on the display.
Screen Display number,x,y,width,height
x,y enter the position in hardware coordinates
width,height specify the size of the screen area to be displayed.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_36.AMOS,0,4]=Screen Height}
Returns the height of the current screen in lines.
Print Screen Height
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_37.AMOS,0,4]Screen Hide}
HIDEs a SCREEN invisibly away in the background.
Screen Hide
Hides the current screen
Screen Hide screennumber
Hides screennumber
The screen can be redisplayed using the SCREEN SHOW command.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_34.AMOS,0,4]Screen Offset}
Changes the position of the first pixel to be displayed on the screen.
This allows you to scroll a large screen neatly through the display area.
Screen Offset number,x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_34.AMOS,0,4]Screen Open}
OPENs a new AMOS SCREEN on the display.
Screen Open number,width,height,colours,mode
number ranges from 0 to 7.
width and height set the size of the screen in pixels.
colours enter the number of colours to be used.
mode sets the screen mode. Allowable options include Lowres,Hires, and Laced.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_37.AMOS,0,4]Screen Show}
SHOWs a SCREEN that has been previously hidden from view with SCREEN HIDE.
Screen Show number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_39.AMOS,0,4]Screen To Back}
Moves a SCREEN to the back of your display.
Screen To Back
Affects the current screen
Screen To Back number
Moves another screen to the back instead.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_39.AMOS,0,4]Screen To Front}
Moves a SCREEN to the front of your display.
Screen To Front
Affects the current screen
Screen To Front number
Moves another screen to the front instead.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_36.AMOS,0,4]Screen Width}
Returns the width in pixels of the current screen.
Print Screen Width
VIEWs all screens which have changed since the last update. This is used
with the AUTO VIEW OFF feature to display your new AMOS screens at a
particular point in your program.
Screen effects
{[IAPPEAR ,4,3] Appear } {[IFLASH ,4,3] Flash } {[ISCREEN SWAP ,4,3] Screen Swap }
{[ICOP LOGIC ,4,3] =Cop Logic } {[IFLASH OFF ,4,3] Flash Off } {[ISCREEN BASE ,4,3] =Screen Base }
{[ICOP MOVE ,4,3] Cop Move } {[ILOGBASE ,4,3] =Logbase } {[ISCROLL ,4,3] Scroll }
{[ICOP MOVEL ,4,3] Cop Movel } {[ILOGIC ,4,3] =Logic } {[ISET RAINBOW ,4,3] Set Rainbow }
{[ICOP RESET ,4,3] Cop Reset } {[IPACK ,4,3] Pack } {[ISHIFT DOWN ,4,3] Shift Down }
{[ICOP SWAP ,4,3] Cop Swap } {[IPHYBASE ,4,3] =Phybase } {[ISHIFT OFF ,4,3] Shift Off }
{[ICOP WAIT ,4,3] Cop Wait } {[IPHYSIC ,4,3] =Physic } {[ISHIFT UP ,4,3] Shift Up }
{[ICOPPER OFF ,4,3] Copper Off } {[IRAIN ,4,3] =Rain } {[ISPACK ,4,3] Spack }
{[ICOPPER ON ,4,3] Copper On } {[IRAINBOW ,4,3] Rainbow } {[IUNPACK ,4,3] Unpack }
{[IDEF SCROLL ,4,3] Def Scroll } {[IRAINBOW DEL ,4,3] Rainbow Del } {[IWAIT VBL ,4,3] Wait Vbl }
{[IFADE ,4,3] Fade } {[ISCREEN COPY ,4,3] Screen Copy } {[IZOOM ,4,3] Zoom }
Slowly fades from one screen to another using a range of fancy effects.
Appear source To destination,effect
effect sets the type of fade ranging from 1 to the maximum number of the
pixels on your screen.
Appear source To destination,effect,pixels
pixels enters the number of screen points to be affected by the command.
It defaults to the entire screen area.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Logic}
Returns the absolute address of the logical copper list in memory.
address=Cop Logic
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Move}
Inserts a "MOVE" command into the current logical copper list.
Cop Move addr,value
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Movel}
Generates a matched pair of "MOVE" commands in the new copper list.
Cop Movel addr,value
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Reset}
Adds a pair of "Move" commands which forces the copper list to restart from
the very first instruction. You can use this to generate simple loops.
Cop Reset
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Swap}
Switches the logical and physical copper lists around. Your new copper
list will now be flicked neatly into place. You'll see the results after
the next vertical blank.
Cop Swap
Wait Vbl
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Copper Off}
Freezes the automatic copper generation which forms the mainstay of the
AMOS Graphics system. Once it's turned off, you're on your own!
Copper OfF
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Copper On}
Restarts the standard copper calculations and returns your AMOS screen back
to normal.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_62.AMOS,0,4]Cop Wait}
Enters a "WAIT" instruction at the current point in your copper list.
Cop Wait x,y
x can be a hardware coordinate from 0 to 448.
y can be any value from 0 to 312.
Cop Wait x,y,xmask,ymask
xmask and ymask are bitmasks which allow you to wait until the screen
coordinates satisfy a specific combination of bits. They default to $1FF.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_38.AMOS,0,4]Def Scroll}
Defines a scrolling zone on the current screen. This zone can be scrolled
through the display using the SCROLL command.
Def Scroll z,tx,ty to bx,by,dx,dy
z is the scroll zone from 1 to 16.
tx,ty are the coordinates of the top left hand corner of the zone.
bx,y hold the coordinates of the point dialogonally opposite.
dx,dy enters the distance in pixels to be moved right or down in each scroll.
Fades a selected range of colours onto the screen.
Fade speed
Slowly reduces all the colour values down to zero (black).
speed holds the delay in 50th of a second between each step.
Fade Speed To $RGB,$RGB...
Fades using a list of colour values, separated by commas. You can include
as many values as you like. Providing you keep the commas in their
original positions, you can also omit colours from the fade. Eg.
Fade 10 To 1,,3, : Rem only affects colours 0 and 2
Fade speed To screen number
Fades the colours into the colour palette used by the selected AMOS Screen.
A value of -1 fades the colours from the Sprite Palette instead.
Fade speed To screen,number,mask
mask is an optional bit-pattern specifying which colours are to be changed.
Bit 0 affects the first colour, bit 1 the second etc.
FLASH automatically flicks a selected colour through a range of values
using interrupts.
Flash index,"(RGB,delay)(RGB,delay)"
index enters the colour to be changed.
RGB holds a new colour value in Red Green Blue format.
delay sets the period this colour will be held on the screen in 50ths of a
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_25.AMOS,0,4]Flash Off}
Turns off an animated colour sequence created with the FLASH command.
Flash Off
Returns the address of one of the six possible bit-planes making up the
current LOGical screen. If the plane does not exist, a zero will be
Returns the identification number of the LOGICal screen. This number can
be used in conjunction with SCREEN COPY,APPEAR or ZOOM.
Print Logic
Compresses any part of an AMOS screen into a memory bank.
Pack screennumber To banknumber,tx,ty,bx,by
tx,ty hold the coordinates of the top left of the area to be packed.
bx,by specify the point diagonally opposite.
Returns the address of one of the six possible bit-planes making up the
current PHYsical screen. If the plane does not exist, zero will be
Returns the identification number of the PHYSICal screen. This number can
be used in conjunction with SCREEN COPY,APPEAR or ZOOM.
Sets the colour of an individual RAINbow line on the screen.
rnumber is the number of a rainbow created with the SET RAINBOW command.
line is the number of the rainbow line you wish to change, from 0 to 270.
Creates an attractive RAINBOW effect using the values you've defined using
SET RAINBOW or the RAIN function.
Rainbow rnumber,base,y,height
rnumber is the number of the rainbow from 0 to 3.
base is an offset to the first colour in the rainbow table to be displayed
on the screen.
y enters the vertical position of the rainbow as a hardware coordinate.
height sets the height of the rainbow in scan lines.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Rainbows.AMOS,0,4]Rainbow Del}
DELetes one or more RAINBOWs.
Rainbow Del
Erases ALL current rainbow definitions,
Rainbow Del rnumber
Deletes a single rainbow.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_64.AMOS,0,4]Screen Base}
Returns the BASE address of the SCREEN table that is used to hold a list of
dimensions and statistics about your AMOS Professional screens.
table=Screen Base
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_39.AMOS,0,4]Screen Copy}
Copies a selected area of the screen from one place to another, using the
Amiga's amazing Blitter Chip.
Screen Copy screen1 To screen2
Copies an entire screen.
screen1 holds the source image
screen2 sets the number of the destination screen.
Screen Copy screen1,tx,ty,bx,by To screen2,sx,sy,mode
Copies just part of a screen.
tx,ty enter the coordinates of the top left of the source image
bx,by specify the point diagonally opposite.
sx,sy choose the top left-hand coordinates of the destination.
Screen Copy screen1,tx,ty,bx,by To screen2,sx,sy,mode
Copies using a special blitter mode.
Try mode values like: %11100000, %00110000, %01100000
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_40.AMOS,0,4]Screen Swap}
SWAPs the display between the current logical and physical components of a
double buffered screen. The old physical screen is hidden away in memory,
and the logical one is flicked onto the display.
Screen Swap
If you have several double buffered screens, you can use an extended
version of this command.
Screen Swap screennumber
Scrolls the screen using the settings you have previously specified in the
DEF SCROLL command.
Scroll z
Where z is the number of your scrolling zone.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Rainbows.AMOS,0,4]Set Rainbow}
SETs up a RAINBOW effect for later display.
Set Rainbow rnumber,colour,length,r$,g$,b$
rnumber is the number of your rainbow from 0 to 3
colour is an index to be assigned to your effect.
length enters the size of the table used to store your rainbow colours from
16 to 65500.
R$,G$,B$ give the red, green and blue intensities of your colour bands in
the format (lines,step,count)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_25.AMOS,0,4]Shift Up}
Rotates a colour upwards through the current screen palette.
Shift Up delay,first,last,flag
first and last choose the range of colour indexes which will be rotated by
your instruction.
delay sets the delay in fiftieths of a second between each colour shift.
type =1 cycles the colours continuosly.
=0 discard the colour value of index last after each rotation.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_25.AMOS,0,4]Shift Down}
Rotates a colour downwards through the current screen palette.
Shift Down delay,first,last,flag
first and last choose the range of colour indexes which will be rotated by
your instruction.
delay sets the delay in fiftieths of a second between each colour shift.
type =1 cycles the colours continuosly.
=0 discard the colour value of index first after each rotation.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_25.AMOS,0,4]Shift Off}
Turns off a colour rotation generated by the SHIFT UP or SHIFT DOWN
Shift Off
Performs a Screen PACK and saves it into a memory bank. The graphics,
screen modes and all location details are saved together, ready to be
unpacked at a later date.
Spack screennumber To Banknumber
Packs an entire screen
Spack screennumber To banknumber,tx,ty,bx,by
Compresses the region from tx,ty to bx,by
UNPACKs a compacted screen in one of three ways.
Unpack banknumber To screennumber
Opens a screen and restore its image from the memory bank.
Unpack banknumber
Unpacks a screen at its original position.
Unpack banknumber,x,y
Unpacks an image and redraws it starting at coordinates x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_40.AMOS,0,4]Wait Vbl}
Stops and WAITs until the next Vertical BLank period, the 50th of a second
it takes to update a screen. This is ideal for synchronising animation and
screen swaps.
Wait Vbl
Magnifies or reduces a section of the screen by ZOOMing in or out.
Zoom source,stx,sty,sbx,sby To destination,dtx,dty,dbx,dby
Takes an image from stx,sty to sby,sby and copies it to the region dtx,dty
to dbx,dby. If the destination area is larger than the source, the image
will be expanded in order to fit. If it's smaller, the image will be
{[IBAR ,4,3] Bar } {[IPLOT ,4,3] Plot }
{[IBOX ,4,3] Box } {[IPOLYGON ,4,3] Polygon }
{[ICIRCLE ,4,3] Circle } {[IPOLYGON TO ,4,3] Polygon To }
{[ICLIP ,4,3] Clip } {[IPOLYLINE ,4,3] Polyline }
{[IDRAW ,4,3] Draw } {[IPOLYLINE TO,4,3] Polyline To }
{[IDRAW TO ,4,3] Draw To } {[ISET LINE ,4,3] Set Line }
{[IELLIPSE ,4,3] Ellipse } {[ISET PAINT ,4,3] Set Paint }
{[IGR LOCATE ,4,3] Gr Locate } {[ISET PATTERN,4,3] Set Pattern }
{[IGR WRITING ,4,3] Gr Writing } {[ISET SLIDER ,4,3] Set Slider }
{[IHSLIDER ,4,3] Hslider } {[ISET TEMPRAS,4,3] Set Tempras }
{[IINK ,4,3] Ink } {[IVSLIDER ,4,3] Vslider }
{[IPAINT ,4,3] Paint } {[IX GR ,4,3] =X Gr }
{[IPOINT ,4,3] =Point } {[IY GR ,4,3] =Y Gr }
Draws a filled rectangle at your chosen screen coordinates.
Bar x1,y1 To x2,y2
Draws a hollow rectangle from x1,y1 to x2,y2
Box x1,y1 To x2,y2
Draws an empty CIRCLE with its centre at coordinates x,y and with a radius r.
Circle x,y,r
Limits all drawing operations to a specified screen area.
Clip x1,y1 To x2,y2
Draws a line between the starting and ending coordinates. Parameters can
be omitted if required.
Draw x1,y1 To x2,y2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_7.AMOS,0,4]Draw To}
Draws a line from the current graphic cursor location to your new
Draw To x3,y3
Draws an outlined ELLIPSE at your chosen coordinates, with the specified
horizontal and vertical radii.
Ellipse x,y,radius1,radius2
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_6.AMOS,0,4]Gr Locate}
Positions the GRaphics cursor at your new coordinates before you start a
drawing operation.
Gr Locate x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_9.AMOS,0,4]Gr Writing}
Gives a choice of several alternative GRaphics WRITING modes.
Gr Writing bitpattern
Bit 0
=0, only the graphics set to the current ink colour will be drawn.
=1, new images will completely replace existing images.
This is the normal setting.
Bit 1
=1, new images will be combined with existing images.
Bit 2
=1, all new images will be drawn in "inverse video", which means that
the current ink colour will appear as the current paper colour and
vice versa.
Draws a horizontal slider bar on the screen. With a little work, it's
possible to animate this to generate attractive scroll bars for your
Hslider tx,ty To bx,by,total,pos,size
total sets the number of units the bar is divided into.
pos specifies the postion of the slider box relative to the start of
the bar, in the units your entered in total.
size fixes the size of the slider box.
Defines the colour to be used by all future drawing operations.
Ink colournumber
There are two optional parameters that you can tack on, a background colour
and a border colour.
Ink colournumber,backgroundnumber
Ink colournumber,backgroundnumber,bordernumber
Fills an area starting at coordinates x,y with your chosen INK colour or
Paint x,y
Paint x,y,mode
mode = 0 painting stops wherever the current border colour is found.
= 1 stops at the first pixel different from the current INK.
Draws a point in the current ink colour at your choice of coordinates. If
you want, a new colour can be specified, which will be used for this and
all further drawing operations.
Plot x,y,colour
Returns the colour index of a single screen POINT. You'll get a NEGATIVE
value if the point lies outside the current screen area.
Print Point(x,y)
Draws a filled POLYGON, or many sided shape using the current ink colour.
The shape of the polygon is set up with a list of screen coordinates.
Polygon x1,y1 To x2,y2 To x3,y3 To ...
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_8.AMOS,0,4]Polygon To}
Draws a filled polygon starting from the current graphics cursor position.
Plot x1,y1
Polygon To x2,y2 To x3,y3 To ...
Draws a hollow polygon using the current ink colour. The shape of the
polygon is set up with a list of screen coordinates.
Polyline x1,y1 To x2,y2 To x3,y3 To ...
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_7.AMOS,0,4]Polyline To}
Draws a hollow polygon starting from the current graphics cursor position.
Plot x1,y1
Polyline To x2,y2 To x3,y3 To ...
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_8.AMOS,0,4]Set Line}
SETs the appearance of all straight LINEs to be drawn using DRAW and BOX.
A mask must be set after SET LINE in the form of a 16-bit binary number.
Set Line %1111000011110000 : Rem Dotted line
Set Line %1111111111111111 : Rem Normal line
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_8.AMOS,0,4]Set Paint}
SETs the outline mode for shapes drawn using BAR and POLYGON. A mode value
of 1 creates a border line of the last INK colour, and a value of zero
turns the outline off again.
Set Paint modenumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_8.AMOS,0,4]Set Pattern}
SETs the PATTERN to be used for filling shapes by choosing a pattern
number. A value of zero is the normal setting, which completely fills
shapes with the current INK colour. If the pattern number is greater than
zero, one of the built-in patterns is used. If it is less than zero, a
clipped version of one of your Bobs will be adapted as your fill pattern.
Set Pattern number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_33.AMOS,0,4]Set Slider}
Sets the style of a slider bar created with VSLIDER or HSLIDER.
Set Slider bink,bpaper,bout, bpatt,sink, spaper,sout,spatt
bink,bpaper,bout enter the colours for the ink,paper, and outline of the
bpattern specifies the fill pattern to be used.
sink,spaper,sout,spatt define the appearance of the slider box inside.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-0/Help_9.AMOS,0,4]Set Tempras}
Sets the location and size of the temporary memory area used by your graphics
Set Tempras address,size
Draws a vertical slider bar on the screen.
Vslider tx,ty To bx,by,total,pos,size
total sets the number of units the bar is divided into.
pos specifies the position of the slider box relative to the start of the
bar, in the units you've entered in total.
size fixes the size of the slider box.
{[IBANK TO MENU ,4,3] Bank To Menu } {[IMENU DEL ,4,3] Menu Del } {[IMENU MOUSE ON ,4,3] Menu Mouse On } {[IMENU TO BANK ,4,3] Menu To Bank }
{[ICHOICE ,4,3] =Choice } {[IMENU INACTIVE ,4,3] Menu Inactive } {[IMENU MOVABLE ,4,3] Menu Movable } {[ION MENU ,4,3] On Menu }
{[IMENU$ ,4,3] =Menu$= } {[IMENU ITEM MOVABLE,4,3] Menu Item Movable} {[IMENU OFF ,4,3] Menu Off } {[ION MENU DEL ,4,3] On Menu Del }
{[IMENU ACTIVE ,4,3] Menu Active } {[IMENU ITEM STATIC ,4,3] Menu Item Static } {[IMENU ON ,4,3] Menu On } {[ION MENU OFF ,4,3] On Menu Off }
{[IMENU BAR ,4,3] Menu Bar } {[IMENU KEY ,4,3] Menu Key } {[IMENU ONCE ,4,3] Menu Once } {[ION MENU ON ,4,3] On Menu On }
{[IMENU BASE ,4,3] Menu Base } {[IMENU LINE ,4,3] Menu Line } {[IMENU SEPARATE ,4,3] Menu Separate } {[ISET MENU ,4,3] Set Menu }
{[IMENU CALC ,4,3] Menu Calc } {[IMENU LINK ,4,3] Menu Link } {[IMENU STATIC ,4,3] Menu Static } {[IX MENU ,4,3] =X Menu }
{[IMENU CALLED ,4,3] Menu Called } {[IMENU MOUSE OFF ,4,3] Menu Mouse Off } {[IMENU TLINE ,4,3] Menu Tline } {[IY MENU ,4,3] =Y Menu }
{[IHelpEmbeddedmenu,4,3] Embedded Menu Commands }
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_8.AMOS,0,4]Bank To Menu}
Restores a menu definition you've previously set up in the menu bank.
Bank To Menu bank number
You can activate your menu using the MENU ON instruction.
If you use CHOICE on it's own, it returns a value of True (-1) if the user
has selected a menu item, or false if the menu hasn't been accessed.
There's also a second version which allows you to read the actual item
which has been chosen.
test holds the number of the item which has been highlighted by the user.
level is the "dimension" of the menu to be tested.
Level 1 = the title line
Levels 2 through 8 read a submenu at the appropriate level.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Active}
Re-activates a set of menu items which have been greyed out with the MENU
INACTIVE instruction.
Menu Active level
Activates an entire level.
Menu Active(a,b,c)
Activates a single item. The position of the item in the menu tree is set
with a list of index numbers such as 1,2,3. Depending on the type of your
menu, you can include as many as eight parameters.
Menu Active(1,2)
Menu Active(1,2,3,4,5)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Bar}
Displays your menu as a vertical BAR, with each item in your list directly
below the previous one.
Menu Bar level
Sets an entire level.
Menu Bar(a,b,...)
Sets an individual menu item.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]Menu Base}
Moves your menu to a new position on the screen.
Menu Base x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_8.AMOS,0,4]Menu Calc}
Calculates the new state of your menu after it's been changed. This is
normally automatic, but you can take control using MENU OFF to perform it
directly at the most convenient point in your program.
Menu Calc
After the calculation has been performed you can now safely restart the menu
with MENU ON.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]Menu Called}
Redraws your menu fifty times a second whenever it's displayed on the
screen. It's used in conjunction with the embedded menu commands to
generate terrific animated menu items.
Menu Called(a,b...)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_4.AMOS,0,4]Menu Del}
Erases the selected menu items from the Amiga's memory.
Menu Del
Deletes the Entire menu.
Menu Del(a,b..)
Erases a single menu item.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Inactive}
"greys out" a series of options from the menu. These items can still be
selected, but they won't return a value to your AMOS program.
Menu Inactive level
Disables an entire level of your menu.
Menu Inactive(a,b,..)
Turns off a single menu item.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Item Movable}
Re-positions individual menu items anywhere on the display. It's used
after a MENU MOVABLE command to add extra flexibility to your menus.
Menu Item Movable level
Makes all items at the current level movable
Menu Item Movable(a,b,..)
Makes a single item movable.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Item Static}
Locks a menu item firmly into position, so that it can't be dragged by the
user. These static menus are just like the standard AMOS Editor menu.
Menu Item Static level
Fixes all items at the current level
Menu Item Static(a,b,..)
Locks a single item into place.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_4.AMOS,0,4]Menu Key}
Assigns a key-press to any individual menu item. This is interpreted by
the Menu system exactly as if the user had selected the option directly
from the menu.
Menu Key(a,b,..) To c$
Assign a single key-press in c$ to the item at a,b,..
Menu Key(a,b,..) To scancode
Menu Key(a,b,..) To scancode,shift
See KEY SHIFT for a list of the various shift options.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Line}
Displays your menu items in the form of a horizontal line stretching from
the top left hand corner of the first menu item to the bottom right of the
last one.
Menu Line level
Displays the current level as a line
Menu Line(a,b,..)
Displays individual elements of a sub-menu as a line.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Link}
Links one or more menu items together, so that they are moved or display as
a group.
Menu Link level
Menu Link(a,b,..)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Mouse Off}
Deactivates the automatic menu movements generated by MENU MOUSE ON.
Menu Mouse Off
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Mouse On}
From now on, the menu will be positioned directly under the mouse pointer
whenever it's displayed on the screen. This mode can be deactivated with
Menu Mouse On
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Movable}
Allows you to move selected menus directly with the mouse. If you wish to
manipulate the individual menu items directly, you'll need to use the MENU
ITEM MOVABLE command as well.
Menu Movable Level
Makes an entire level movable
Menu Movable(a,b,..)
Makes a single sub-menu movable
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_1.AMOS,0,4]Menu Off}
Temporarily freezes the action of your entire menu. Any attempt to display
it on the screen will be ignored.
Menu Off
The menu can be restarted with a call to MENU ON.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_1.AMOS,0,4]Menu On}
Activates a menu which has been previously defined in your program. This
menu will be displayed on the screen when the user holds down the RIGHT
mouse button.
Menu On
Starts up a menu created with MENU$
Menu On bank
Activates a menu held in a menu bank.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]Menu Once}
Deactivates the automatic redrawing process started using MENU CALLED.
From now on, the menu item will only be display ONCE when it's called onto
the screen.
Menu Once(a,b,..)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Separate}
Tells AMOS to separate all the menu items at the current level. So each
item is treated independently of any of it's neighbours.
Menu Separate Level
Menu Separate(a,b,..)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Static}
Fixes the current menu firmly into it's present position.
Menu Static level
Makes all the menus at the selected level completely immovable.
Menu Static(a,b,..)
Affects a single sub-menu.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_6.AMOS,0,4]Menu Tline}
Displays a section of the menu on a horizontal bar stretching from the left
of the screen to the far right. It's just like a normal title line.
Menu Tline level
Displays the entire level as a TLINE
Menu Tline(a,b,..)
Sets a single sub-menu.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_8.AMOS,0,4]Menu To Bank}
Saves all the current menu definitions into the selected AMOS memory bank.
This bank can be subsequently saved on the disc, and reloaded to provide
you with instant access to your menu. It can be started up using the MENU
ON command.
Menu To Bank banknumber
These banks can also be created using the Menu_Bank_Editor.AMOS utility
on the AMOSPro Productivity disc 1.
MENU$ is a special pseudo-variable which allows you to create your AMOS
Menus directly inside one of your programs.
normal$ holds the description of the normal menu item.
selected$ sets appearance of an item when it's highlighted by the user.
inactive$ enters the description of an inactive item.
background$ defines the background area of your items.
These strings can contain either plain text or embedded Menu commands.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_2.AMOS,0,4] Menu Hierarchy}
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_3.AMOS,0,4]On Menu}
Automatically jumps to an appropriate Procedure, or Label depending on the
menu title selected by the user. This routine can then check out the item
number using the CHOICE function.
There are three separate forms of this command.
On Menu Proc proc1,proc2..
On Menu Gosub label1,label2...
On Menu Goto label1,label2...
This feature needs to be activated using the ON MENU ON command prior to
use. Also note that before returning to AMOS Basic, your procedure or
routine MUST perform an ON MENU ON to restart the testing process.
Otherwise the menus will be deactivated after the first menu call.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_3.AMOS,0,4]On Menu Del}
Deletes the internal labels used by ON MENU and allows you to redirect your
menus to another part of your program. Before using this command, you
should turn off the Menu selection with ON MENU OFF. You can then use a
further ON MENU command to set up your new menu actions.
On Menu Del
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_3.AMOS,0,4]On Menu Off}
Temporarily halts the automatic menu selection generated by the ON MENU
commands. Your menus can be restarted again with a call to ON MENU ON.
On Menu Off
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_3.AMOS,0,4]On Menu On}
Activates the automatic menu system created by the ON MENU instruction.
This function should always be used just before leaving your menu
procedures or sub-routines. Otherwise the menus will be turned off after
the initial call.
On Menu On
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]Set Menu}
SET MENU sets the position of any movable menu item on the screen.
Set Menu(a,b,..) To x,y
All coordinates are measured relative to the previous menu level.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]=X Menu}
Returns the X coordinate of a menu item relative to the previous menu level.
xc=X Menu(a,b,,)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Menus/Menus_7.AMOS,0,4]=Y Menu}
Returns the Y coordinate of a menu item relative to the previous menu level.
yc=Y Menu(a,b,,)
Updating Objects
{[IAUTOBACK ,4,3] Autoback }
{[IBOB CLEAR ,4,3] Bob Clear }
{[IBOB DRAW ,4,3] Bob Draw }
{[IBOB UPDATE ,4,3] Bob Update }
{[IBOB UPDATE OFF ,4,3] Bob Update Off }
{[IBOB UPDATE ON ,4,3] Bob Update On }
{[IFREEZE ,4,3] Freeze }
{[IUPDATE ,4,3] Update }
{[IUPDATE OFF ,4,3] Update Off }
{[IUPDATE ON ,4,3] Update On }
{[IUNFREEZE ,4,3] Unfreeze }
Sets the automatic screen copying mode used by double buffered screens.
Mode number 0 sends all graphics to the logical screen.
Mode 1 performs each graphical operation to both the physical and logical
Mode 2 (default) combines all drawing operations with the Bob updates.
Autoback modenumber
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Autoback_&_Update.AMOS,0,4]Bob Clear}
Removes all active bobs from the screen, and redraws the background
graphics on the display. It is used with BOB DRAW.
Bob Clear
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Autoback_&_Update.AMOS,0,4]Bob Draw}
Called after a BOB CLEAR command, which removes all active Bobs from the
logical screen. BOB DRAW then lists all Bobs that have moved since the
previous update, saves the background beneath the new screen coordinates
and then redraws all active Bobs at their new positions on the logical
Bob Draw
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Autoback_&_Update.AMOS,0,4]Bob Update}
Redraws all the Bobs at their new positions, in one smooth operation. The
affect will only be seen after the next vertical blank.
Bob Update : Wait Vbl
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Autoback_&_Update.AMOS,0,4]Bob Update Off}
Turns off any automatic screen operations and allows Bobs to be redrawn at
the required timing using BOB UPDATE.(See SCREEN SWAP and WAIT VBL)
Bob Update Off
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Autoback_&_Update.AMOS,0,4]Bob Update On}
Activates the automatic bob operations.
Bob Update On
Redraws all the objects on the screen in a single go. It's really just a
combination of BOB UPDATE and SPRITE UPDATE commands. Add a WAIT VBL
command to ensure a smooth effect.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_26.AMOS,0,4]Update Off}
Turns off the automatic redrawing system. Any Bob commands or Sprite
operations will now appear to be totally ignored! But never fear. They're
still going on in the background.
Update Off
Returns the object movement system back to it's original, automatic mode.
Update On
IFF animation
{[IFRAME LENGTH,4,3] =Frame Length }
{[IFRAME LOAD ,4,3] =Frame Load }
{[IFRAME PARAM ,4,3] =Frame Param }
{[IFRAME PLAY ,4,3] =Frame Play }
{[IFRAME SKIP ,4,3] =Frame Skip }
{[IIFF ANIM ,4,3] =Iff Anim }
{[IMASK IFF ,4,3] Mask Iff }
{[IPICTURE ,4,3] =Picture }
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]=Frame Length}
Calculates the amount of memory which will be needed to hold the selected
frames of an IFF animation file.
size=Frame Length(file)
file is the channel number of an IFF file which you've previously opened
with the OPEN IN command.
size=Frame Length(file,n)
n specifies the number of frames which should be taken into consideration.
If it's omitted, AMOS will only check out the first frame in the animation.
And if the number's too large, AMOS will return the memory required for all
the frames in the current file.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]Frame Load}
Loads one or more IFF frames straight into the Amiga's memory.
frames=Frame Load(file TO bank/address,n)
file is the channel number of a currently open animation file. This MUST
have previously been opened using the OPEN IN command.
bank / address is either a bank number (1-65535) or a memory address.
n chooses the number of animation frames which are to be loaded. If your
request is greater than the total number of available frames, AMOS will
automatically load all the images in the current file.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]=Frame Param}
Returns the amount of time which will be needed to successfully display the
animation on the screen, measured in 1/50ths of a second. It's used after
a FORM PLAY or FORM SKIP to delay the program until the screen has been
totally redrawn.
param=Frame Param
Wait Frame Param+1
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]Frame Play}
Plays selected frames of a previously loaded IFF animation on the screen.
next=Frame Play(bank/address,n[,screen])
bank/address is a memory address (or bank number) containing an IFF
animation sequence which has been previously loaded with the FRAME LOAD
n is the number of frames you wish to play.
next=Frame Play(bank/address,n,screen])
screen enters a new screen to be created for your animation.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]Frame Skip}
Skips past the selected frames, and returns the address of the next one in
the animation sequence.
next=Frame Skip(bank/address)
bank/address is number of a bank or the address of a valid IFF animation
next=Frame Skip(bank/address,n)
n holds the number of frames to be skipped. It defaults to one.
next returns the address of the following animation frame.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Iff_Animation.AMOS,0,4]=Iff Anim}
Loads an IFF animation sequence from the disc and plays it on the screen.
Iff Anim "filename" To screen
"filename" is the name of the animation file you wish to display.
screen chooses a new AMOS screen which will be created especially for your
animation sequence. If the requested screen already exists, it will
automatically be replaced by your new definition.
Iff Anim "filename" To screen,times
times sets the number of times you wish to repeat the animation on the
screen. If it's omitted, the animation will be displayed exactly once.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_35.AMOS,0,4]Mask Iff}
Masks your IFF picture data, setting the parts of the file which will be
loaded from your animation. It's normally used with the LOAD IFF command
like so:
Mask Iff bitmap
Load Iff "animation"
Returns the mask defined by the current IFF image.
bitmask=Picture : Rem Read the mask details
Mask Iff Picture : Rem Use it for the the present animation
Using the AMOS Animation Language (AMAL)
{[IAMAL ,4,3] Amal } {[ICHANAN ,4,3] =Chanan }
{[IAMAL FREEZE ,4,3] Amal Freeze } {[ICHANMV ,4,3] =Chanmv }
{[IAMAL OFF ,4,3] Amal Off } {[IMOVE FREEZE ,4,3] Move Freeze }
{[IAMAL ON ,4,3] Amal On } {[IMOVE OFF ,4,3] Move Off }
{[IAMALERR ,4,3] Amalerr } {[IMOVE ON ,4,3] Move On }
{[IAMPLAY ,4,3] Amplay } {[IMOVON ,4,3] =Movon }
{[IAMREG ,4,3] Amreg } {[IMOVE X ,4,3] Move X }
{[IANIM ,4,3] Anim } {[IMOVE Y ,4,3] Move Y }
{[IANIM FREEZE ,4,3] Anim Freeze } {[ISYNCHRO ,4,3] Synchro }
{[IANIM OFF ,4,3] Anim Off } {[ISYNCHRO OFF ,4,3] Synchro Off }
{[IANIM ON ,4,3] Anim On } {[ISYNCHRO ON ,4,3] Synchro On }
{[ICHANNEL ,4,3] Channel } {[IUPDATE EVERY ,4,3] Update Every }
{[IHelpAmalins,4,3] Amal Instructions }
Assigns a list of instructions to an AMAL animation channel. These
channels can be independantly assigned to either a Sprite, a Bob, or an
entire screen using the CHANNEL command.
Amal channel number,"instruction string"
Takes your instructions from a string.
Amal channel number,program
Reads an AMAL program from a special AMAL memory bank.
Amal channel number,address
Loads the animation commands from the chosen address.
Amal channel number,"instruction string" To address
Sends the output of your animation string to your chosen address.
Returns the position of an error in one of your animation strings.
Print Amalerr
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_4.AMOS,0,4]Amal Freeze}
Suspends your AMAL programs and stops them running on the screen. They can
be restarted again using the AMAL ON command.
Amal Freeze
Freezes ALL current AMAL programs.
Amal Freeze channel number
Halts just a single animation channel.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_4.AMOS,0,4]Amal Off}
Stops one or more AMAL programs PERMANENTLY. You'll have to redefine them
from scratch with AMAL to get them running again.
Amal Off
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_1.AMOS,0,4]Amal On}
Starts an AMAL program you've set up previously with the AMAL directive.
Amal On
Activates ALL AMAL programs simultaneously.
Amal On channel number
Fires up a single animation sequence.
Controls a movement pattern generated by the AMAL PLay instruction. This
pattern should have been previously created from the AMAL EDITOR utility,
and should be ready and waiting in memory
Amplay speed,direction
speed sets the playback speed in movements per second. Default=1.
direction >0 for the original setting
=0 to reverse the movement
-1 to stop the animation at the next movement
Amplay speed,direction,first channel To last channel
Changes the settings in a range of animation sequences simultaneously.
Reads or writes to an AMAL register variable.
value=Amreg(global register)
Amreg(global register)=value
Accesses a global register from RA to RZ. The register number is entered
using a simple code. RA is checked using a 0, RB=1 and so on until RZ=25.
You can also use an extended form of this function to get at the local
value=Amreg(channel number,local variable)
Amreg(channel number,local variable)=value
local variable is the number of your variable from 0 (R0) to 9 (R9)
Generates a STOS compatible animation sequence.
Anim channel number,"(image,delay)..(image,delay)"
image = the number of an image from the object bank.
delay = the period it should be displayed in units of a 50th of a sec.
The animation will only take effect when it's activated using ANIM ON.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Anim Freeze}
Suspends one or more ANIM sequences. They can be restarted again using
Anim Freeze
Halts ALL STOS compatible animations.
Anim Freeze channel number
Freezes a single animation sequence.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Anim Off}
Terminates an animation sequence created with the ANIM command.
Anim Off
Kills ALL Anim sequences.
Anim Off channel number
Stops a single sequence.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Anim On}
Starts an animation sequence you've defined using the ANIM instruction.
Anim On
Checks if an AMAL animation sequence is still running.
test=Chanan(channel number)
Returns True (-1) is the animation is still active, and False (0) if it has
Checks if an object assigned to one of your AMAL channels is currently moving.
test=Chanmv(channel number)
Gives a value of True (-1) it the object is moving, and False if it
has stopped.
Assigns an animation channel to anobject type. Allowable object types
include sprites, bobs, screens or rainbows!
Channel channelnumber To Sprite s
Nominates an AMAL channel to sprite number s.
Channel channelnumber To Bob b
Appoints an AMAL channel to Bob b
Channel channelnumber To Screen Display d
Moves the position of screen d using an AMAL channel. These screens CAN'T be
animated using Anim or the A register. They can only be repositioned.
Channel channelnumber To Screen Offset h
Installs the channel for use with Hardware Scrolling. Screen h can now be
scrolled directly using the X and Y registers, or using the AMAL Move
Channel channelnumber to Screen Size z
Sets up your AMAL channel to change the size of your chosen AMOS screen.
Channel channelnumber To Rainbow r
Scrolls a rainbow created using SET RAINBOW from inside an AMAL program. X
holds the number of the first colour in the table to be displayed, Y stores
the position of the rainbow on the screen, and A contains the height.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Move Freeze}
Temporarily halts a STOS compatible MOVE command in its tracks. It can be
restarted again with MOVE ON.
Move Freeze
Freezes ALL movements.
Move Freeze channel number
Stops just a single movement sequence.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Move Off}
Permanently erases a STOS compatible movement sequence created with MOVE X
or MOVE Y.
Move Off
Kills ALL movements.
Move Off Channel
Terminates just a single movement.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]Move On}
Starts a movement sequence created using the STOS compatible MOVE X and
MOVE Y instructions.
Move On
Activates ALL movements.
Move On Channel
Fires off a single channel.
Checks if a STOS compatible movement sequence is still active on the
selected channel number. You'll get a value of True (-1) if the object`s
still moving, and a zero if it's finished.
x=Movon(channel number)
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]=Move X}
Move an object horizontally using a STOS compatible command sequence. As
with AMAL, the object is chosen with the CHANNEL command.
Move X channel number,"(speed,step,count)..."
speed sets the delay in fiftieths of a second between the operations.
step enters the distance to be moved in each step.
count specifies the number of steps which should be performed in every
You can also include the L or E directives at the end of your commands.
Loops the sequence continuously on the screen.
E x coord
Stops the sequence when the chosen coordinate value is reached.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_5.AMOS,0,4]=Move Y}
Move an object vertically using a STOS compatible command sequence. As
with AMAL, the object is chosen with the CHANNEL command.
Move Y channelnumber,"(speed,step,count)..."
speed sets the delay in fiftieths of a second between the operations.
step enters the distance to be moved in each step.
count specifies the number of steps which should be performed in every
You can also include the L or E directives at the end of your commands.
Loops the sequence continuously on the screen.
E y coord
Stops the sequence when the chosen coordinate value is reached.
Performs all your AMAL programs in a single large burst. It's used with
SYNCHRO OFF to allow you to control up to 63 objects at a time. For best
results, add a WAIT VBL command at the end.
Wait Vbl
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_6.AMOS,0,4]Synchro Off}
Turns off the automatic AMAL movement system. You can now execute your
AMAL programs directly at the most appropriate point in your program, using
the SYNCHRO command.
Synchro Off
Note: SYNCHRO OFF increases the number of available animation channels
from 16 to 63, and lets you call up the =C,=SC,=BC functions from AMAL for
use with collision detection.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_6.AMOS,0,4]Synchro On}
Restarts the interrupt driven AMAL movement system, and executes your AMAL
programs in the background, fifty times a second.
Synchro On
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Amal/Amal_4.AMOS,0,4]Update Every}
Slows down the object movements to provide plenty of time for even the
largest object to be displayed on the screen.
Update Every delay
delay is the number of vertical blanks (VBL's) between each screen update.
Icons and Blocks
{[IDEL BLOCK ,4,3] Del Block } {[IICON BASE ,4,3] =Icon Base }
{[IDEL CBLOCK ,4,3] Del Cblock } {[IINS ICON ,4,3] Ins Icon }
{[IDEL ICON ,4,3] Del Icon } {[IMAKE ICON MASK ,4,3] Make Icon Mask }
{[IGET BLOCK ,4,3] Get Block } {[INO ICON MASK ,4,3] No Icon Mask }
{[IGET CBLOCK ,4,3] Get Cblock } {[IPASTE ICON ,4,3] Paste Icon }
{[IGET ICON ,4,3] Get Icon } {[IPUT BLOCK ,4,3] Put Block }
{[IGET ICON PALETTE,4,3] Get Icon Palette } {[IPUT CBLOCK ,4,3] Put Cblock }
{[IHREV BLOCK ,4,3] Hrev Block } {[IVREV BLOCK ,4,3] Vrev Block }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Del Block}
DELetes one or more screen BLOCKs from memory.
Del Block
Kills off ALL blocks.
Del Block n
Erases block number n.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Del Cblock}
DELetes one or more compressed screen BLOCKs from memory.
Del Cblock
Kills off ALL compressed blocks.
Del Cblock n
Erases compressed block number n.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Del Icon}
Deletes one or more icon images from the Icon Bank (bank 2).
Del icon n
Erases Image number n
Del Icon n To m
Wipes all images from n to m.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Get Block}
Grabs a rectangular screen BLOCK from the screen, and saves it into memory.
An optional blitter mask can be created for your block as well. This
ensures that colour zero will be treated as transparent when the block is
pasted onto the screen.
Get Block n,x,y,width,height
Gets a block with number n from x,y to x+w,y+h on the current screen.
Get Block n,x,y,width,height,mask
If mask=1 then a mask will be generated for your block.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Get CBlock}
Gets a rectangular screen BLOCK from the screen, and compresses it as much
as possible as it's being saved into memory.
Get Cblock n,x,y,width,height
Grabs a block with number n from x,y to x+w,y+h on the current screen.
Note that x and w are automatically rounded down to the nearest multiple of
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Get Icon}
Loads an icon image from the screen, and saves it into the Icon bank.
(Bank 2)
Get Icon i,tx,ty To bx,by
Grabs image number i from tx,ty to bx,by on the current screen.
Get Icon s,i,tx,ty To bx,by
Gets an icon of the requested dimensions from screen s.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Get Icon Palette}
Get Icon Palette
Loads all of your Icon colours to the current screen.
An optional mask can be used to load a selection of these colours at a time.
Get Icon Palette,mask
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_29.AMOS,0,4]Hrev Block}
Switches a block from left to right, just like a mirror.
Hrev Block block number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_64.AMOS,0,4]=Icon Base}
Returns the address of the Icon structure in memory.
address=Icon Base
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Ins Icon}
Ins Icon n
Inserts a blank image at position n in the current icon bank. All the
images after this number are moved down a place.
Ins Icon f To l
Creates several image slots in a single operation.
A series of blank spaces will now be created between image number f and
image l.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Make Icon Mask}
Sets colour zero to transparent on selected images from the Icon bank.
Make Icon Mask
Affects all currently defined Icon images.
Make Icon Mask i
Creates a blitter mask for image number i.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]No Icon Mask}
Removes one or more Icon Masks which you've previously created using the
No Icon Mask
Removes all currently defined Icon masks.
No Icon Mask i
Removes the mask for icon i.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_65.AMOS,0,4]Paste Icon}
Pastes an image from the Icon bank (2) onto the current screen.
Paste Icon x,y,image number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Put Block}
Draws a previously defined memory block on the screen. If the coordinates
are ommitted, it will be replaced at it's original position.
Put Block n
Put Block n,x,y
There are also a couple of extended versions of this command for advanced
Put Block n,x,y,planes
Puts a block on the selected screen planes.
planes is a bitmap containing a list of planes to be affected.
Put Block n,x,y,planes,minterms
Puts a block on the selected screen planes using a writing mode entered
using in minterms. See SET BOB for more info.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_66.AMOS,0,4]Put Cblock}
Redraws a compressed memory block on the screen.
If the coordinates are ommitted, it will be replaced at it's original
Put Cblock n
Put Cblock,x,y
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_29.AMOS,0,4]Vrev Block}
Flips a BLOCK of graphics upside down.
Vrev Block number
Sound Effects
{[IBELL ,4,3] Bell } {[IPLAY OFF ,4,3] Play Off }
{[IBOOM ,4,3] Boom } {[ISAMPLE ,4,3] Sample }
{[IDEL WAVE ,4,3] Del Wave } {[ISET ENVEL,4,3] Set Envel }
{[ILED ON ,4,3] Led On } {[ISET WAVE ,4,3] Set Wave }
{[ILED OFF ,4,3] Led Off } {[ISHOOT ,4,3] Shoot }
{[INOISE TO ,4,3] Noise To } {[IVOLUME ,4,3] Volume }
{[IPLAY ,4,3] Play } {[IWAVE ,4,3] Wave }
Rings a bell. It plays pure tone from a low pitch of 1 up to a very high
pitch of 96.
Bell pitchvalue
Generates an explosive sound effect.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_76.AMOS,0,4]Del Wave}
DELetes any numbered sound WAVE, except 0 and 1 which are permanently
Del Wave number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_76.AMOS,0,4]Noise To}
Assigns white NOISE TO a voice of your choice.
Noise To voicenumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Led On}
Activates a high frequency sound filter and turns on the power Light on the
Led On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Led Off}
Switches off the sound filter, and blanks out the power LED.
Led Off
PLAYs a note or waveform with your selected pitch and delay. You can also
enter an optional combination of voices.
Play voice
Play voice,delay
Play voice,pitch,delay
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_76.AMOS,0,4]Play Off}
Stops a note or waveform previously set in action by a PLAY command. An
optional voice or voices may be included.
Play Off
Play Off voices
Assigns a SAMPLE to the current sound wave. The range of voices is
selected using a standard bit-map.
Sample number To voices
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_76.AMOS,0,4]Set Envel}
Defines a sound ENVELope.
Set Envel wave,phase To duration,volume
wave = the number of the waveform,
phase = a phase number from 1 to 6
duration = length of the current step in units of a 50th of a second.
volume = the intensity of the note at the end of the phase. Allowable
values range from 0 to 63.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_76.AMOS,0,4]Set Wave}
Selects a WAVEform for your sound. Waves 0 and 1 are permanently set up.
So start new wave numbers from 2 upwards. You can then set the shape of
the waveform from a list of 256 sample values in shape$.
Set Wave number,shape$
Triggers a SHOOTing sound. Great for your missiles!
Changes the VOLUME of all future effects.
intensity ranges from 0 (silent) up to 63 (very loud). You can select
which voices are to be affected by setting their individual bits to 1.
Volume intensity
Volume voices,intensity
Assigns the wave number you select to one or more sound channels. Set the
bit of any voices you wish to use to 1.
Wave number To voices
{[IMUSIC ,4,3] Music }
{[IMUSIC OFF ,4,3] Music Off }
{[IMUSIC STOP,4,3] Music Stop }
{[IMVOLUME ,4,3] Mvolume }
{[ITEMPO ,4,3] Tempo }
{[IVOICE ,4,3] Voice }
{[IVUMETER ,4,3] Vumeter }
Starts playing a piece of MUSIC from the music bank (3).
Music number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_75.AMOS,0,4]Music Off}
Switches OFF all the current MUSIC.
Music Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_75.AMOS,0,4]Music Stop}
STOPS the current piece of MUSIC and starts up any other music that is
still active.
Music Stop
Sets the Music VOLUME by giving it a number from 0 for silent up to 63 for
very loud.
Mvolume number
Changes the speed or TEMPO of a current piece of music, from 1 (lentissimo)
to 100 (presto furioso.)
Tempo speed
Selects one or more voices ready to perform, by setting its individual bit
mask to 1.
Voice bitmap
Voice %1111 : Rem Activate all four voices
Four voices can be used to play your sound. Each voice to be played must
have its associated bit set to 1.
Bit0-> Voice 0
Bit1-> Voice 1
Bit2-> Voice 2
Bit3-> Voice 3
Returns the volume of current note in your music. v selects the voice to
be tested.
{[ISAM BANK ,4,3] Sam Bank }
{[ISAM LOOP ON ,4,3] Sam Loop On }
{[ISAM LOOP OFF,4,3] Sam Loop Off }
{[ISLOAD ,4,3] Sload }
{[ISAM PLAY ,4,3] Sam Play }
{[ISAM RAW ,4,3] Sam Raw }
{[ISSAVE ,4,3] Ssave }
{[ISAMSTOP ,4,3] Sam Stop }
{[ISAMSWAP ,4,3] Sam Swap }
{[ISAM SWAPPED ,4,3] =Sam Swapped }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Bank}
Assigns a new numbered SAMple memory BANK for use in your program.
Sam Bank number
Loads part of a sample file into memory.
Sload File_Number,Length To Address
File_Number is the number of a file you've opened previously with the OPEN
IN File_Number,"Name" instruction.
Length is the number of bytes to load. If this number is bigger than the
actual size of the file, then only the remaining bytes will be loaded.
Address is the destination address.
Your data is loaded from the current file postion, as set by POF.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Loop Off}
Disables the looping system generated by the SAM LOOP ON instruction
Sam Loop Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Loop On}
Enables sample looping. All future samples will now be repeated
continuously through your loudspeaker.
Sam Loop On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Play}
PLAYs the numbered sound SAMple through your loudspeaker.
Sam Play sample_number
You can also extend this command like so:
Sam Play voice_bitmap,sample_number
Each voice to be played is selected by setting its bit in the map to 1
Sam Play voice_bitmap,sample_number,frequency
frequency sets the playback speed in samples per second. Sensible values
range from 4000 for noises to 10000 for speech and music.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Raw}
Plays a sound SAMple from anywhere in memory. Each voice to be played is
set by a standard bit-pattern. The address of the sample is then given,
followed by the length of the sample to be played, then its frequency in
samples per second.
Sam Raw voice,address,length,frequency
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Stop}
Stops a sound SAMple previously set by a SAM PLAY command. An optional
voice or voices may be given.
Sam Stop voices
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]Sam Swap}
Initialises double buffered sample playing. The actual swapping will only
occur when the sample has been totally played through the speaker.
Sam Swap Voices To address,length
voice is a bit pattern to define the voices to be affected,just like the
SAM RAW instruction.
address is the address of the next section of your sample to play. This
must be in chip memory.
length is the number of bytes to be played.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_74.AMOS,0,4]=Sam Swapped}
Returns TRUE (-1) if the sample swapping has occurred, and the new buffer
you have initialised with the SAM SWAP instruction is being played through
your loudspeaker. Otherwise you'll get a value of FALSE (0).
test=Sam Swapped(voice_number)
voice_number is the number of the voice you want to check (0 to 3).
Saves a section of memory at a specific point in a file.
Ssave channelnumber, startaddress to endaddress
Channel number is the number of a file you've opened previously with the
OPEN IN File_Number,"Name" instruction.
startaddress is the address of the first byte to be transferred.
endaddress is the address of the final one.
The data is saved starting from the current file position, as returned by
the POF function.
{[ITRACK LOAD ,4,3] Track Load }
{[ITRACK LOOP ON ,4,3] Track Loop On }
{[ITRACK LOOP OFF,4,3] Track Loop Of }
{[ITRACK PLAY ,4,3] Track Play }
{[ITRACK STOP ,4,3] Track Stop }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Track Load}
Loads a Tracker sound module into the memory bank number of your choice,
erasing any existing data in this bank number before loading the new data.
The new bank will be called "Tracker".
Bank number 6 is used as a default.
Normal AMOS Professional sound commands should NOT be used while Tracker
music is being played.
Track Load "modulename",banknumber
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Track Loop On}
Causes the current Tracker module to loop.
Track Loop On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Track Loop Of}
Turns off a looping Tracker module.
Track Loop Of
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Track Play}
Starts your Tracker music playing through your loudspeaker.
Track Play banknumber
bank number is the number of the memory bank containing your tracker
module. If it's omitted AMOS defaults to bank 6.
Track Play, banknumber,patternnumber
A pattern number can also be added as a starting point from which the
Tracker module is to be played.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_72.AMOS,0,4]Track Stop}
Stops your music in its tracks!
Track Stop
{[IMED CONT ,4,3] Med Cont }
{[IMED LOAD ,4,3] Med Load }
{[IMED MIDI ON,4,3] Med Midi On }
{[IMED PLAY ,4,3] Med Play }
{[IMED STOP ,4,3] Med Stop }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_80.AMOS,0,4]Med Cont}
Re-starts a song you've previously halted with MED STOP. The music now
continues from the point it left off.
Med Cont
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_80.AMOS,0,4]Med Load}
Loads a selected MED music module into a selected memory bank. Only "MMD0"
and "MMD1" type modules are allowed.
Med Load "Med_Module",bank
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_80.AMOS,0,4]Med Midi On}
This instruction should be used if you've connected a MIDI synthesizer to
your Amiga, and wish to play a MED module containing MIDI commands. Call
it before the MED ON command.
Med Midi On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_80.AMOS,0,4]Med Stop}
Stops the MED music currently being played through your loudspeaker. This
song can be re-started again using the MED CONT instruction.
Med Stop
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_80.AMOS,0,4]Med Play}
Plays a MED music module which has been previously loaded with MED LOAD.
If you don't include a parameter, the most recently loaded module will be
played instead.
Med play
If you've several modules installed in memory, you can enter the bank
number like so:
Med Play bank
You can also specify a song number if required.
Med Play bank,song
The Keyboard
{[ICLEAR KEY ,4,3] Clear Key }
{[IINKEY$ ,4,3] =Inkey$ }
{[IINPUT$ ,4,3] =Input$ }
{[IINPUT ,4,3] Input }
{[IKEY$= ,4,3] =Key$= }
{[IKEY STATE ,4,3] =Key State }
{[IKEY SHIFT ,4,3] =Key Shift }
{[IKEY SPEED ,4,3] Key Speed }
{[ILINE INPUT ,4,3] Line Input }
{[IPUT KEY ,4,3] Put Key }
{[ISCAN$ ,4,3] =Scan$ }
{[ISCANCODE ,4,3] =Scancode }
{[ISCANSHIFT ,4,3] =Scanshift }
{[IWAIT KEY ,4,3] Wait Key }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_42.AMOS,0,4]Clear Key}
Clears any keypresses from the keyboard buffer, leaving it totally empty.
Any earlier keypresses will be discarded.
Clear Key
Checks to see if you have pressed a particular KEY, and returns its value
in a String.
x$=Inkey$ : If x$<>" " Then Print x$
Assigns or reads a keyboard macro. These macros can be accessed from the
keyboard by pressing the Amiga key along with one of the ten possible
function keys.
Left Amiga generates macros from 1-10 depending on the function key.
Right Amiga reads macros from 11 to 20.
Defines your macro. "string" now will be automatically typed into the
keyboard when you call up macro m.
Reads the current macro assigned to function m.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_42.AMOS,0,4]Key Speed}
Changes the SPEED of KEYboard action. Lag is the time in 50ths of a second
before characters are repeated while a key is held down. Speed is the
delay in 50ths of a second between each successive character.
Key Speed lag,speed
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_43.AMOS,0,4]=Key State}
Tests a specific key to see if it has been pressed by the user. A value of
-1 indicates that the key has been hit.
If Key State(69) Then Print "Escape pressed"
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_43.AMOS,0,4]=Key Shift}
Returns the status of special keys such as CNTRL,SHIFT,and ALT. The result
is given as a bit-map in the following format.
keys=Key Shift
Bit Key Tested
0 Left Shift
1 Right Shift
2 Caps Lock
3 Cntrl
4 Left Alt
5 Right Alt
6 Left Amiga
7 Right Amiga
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_63.AMOS,0,4]Line Input}
INPUTs a list of variables one at a time, separated by the [Return] key
instead of the comma used in the normal INPUT command.
Line Input "Prompt";variable list
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_42.AMOS,0,4]Put Key}
Loads a string of characters directly into the keyboard buffer. AMOS
treats these characters just as if they had been typed in straight from the
Put Key "characters"
Returns an internal code for use with the keyboard macros defined with KEY$.
Generates the code for scancode n.
m enters an optional mask for the special keys such as ALT or SHIFT. See
SHIFT KEY for more details.
Returns the SCANCODE of the last key-press recognised by INKEY$. As well
as character keys, this function can also check for keys like [Help] and
Returns the status of the shift keys after you`ve tested the keyboard with
Depending on the situation, you`ll get one of the following values.
=0 no [Shift]
=1 [Left Shift]
=2 [Right Shift]
=3 both [Shift] keys set
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_42.AMOS,0,4]Wait Key}
WAITs for any single KEY to be pressed.
Wait Key
Serial Communications
{[ISERIAL ABORT ,4,3] =Serial Abort } {[ISERIAL CLOSE ,4,3] Serial Close }
{[ISERIAL BASE ,4,3] =Serial Base } {[ISERIAL FAST ,4,3] Serial Fast }
{[ISERIAL CHECK ,4,3] =Serial Check } {[ISERIAL OPEN ,4,3] Serial Open }
{[ISERIAL ERROR ,4,3] =Serial Error } {[ISERIAL OUT ,4,3] Serial Out }
{[ISERIAL GET ,4,3] =Serial Get } {[ISERIAL PARITY ,4,3] Serial Parity }
{[ISERIAL INPUT$ ,4,3] =Serial Input$ } {[ISERIAL SEND ,4,3] Serial Send }
{[ISERIAL STATUS ,4,3] =Serial Status } {[ISERIAL SLOW ,4,3] Serial Slow }
{[ISERIAL BITS ,4,3] Serial Bits } {[ISERIAL SPEED ,4,3] Serial Speed }
{[ISERIAL BUF ,4,3] Serial Buf } {[ISERIAL X ,4,3] Serial X }
Winds up any serial operations you've started with the SERIAL SEND or
SERIAL OUT instructions and leaves the lines clear.
Serial Abort channel_no
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]=Serial Base}
Returns the base address of the IO structure of the current serial channel.
address=SERIAL BASE(channel_no)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Bits}
Assigns the number of bits which will be used for each character you
Serial Bits channel_no,nbits,stopbits
channel holds the chaneel number
nbits is the number of bits
stopbits is the number of STOP bits
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Buf}
Allocates the amount of buffer space to be used for your for your serial
channel. Note that the default value is 512 bytes and the minimum
allocation is 64 bytes. It's a good idea to increase the buffer size for
high speed transfers.
Serial Buf channel_no, Length
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]=Serial Check}
Asks the device for a read-out of its current status. You can use it to
check whether all the information you've transferred with a previous SERIAL
SEND command has been correctly sent.
test=Serial Check(channel)
test = FALSE (0) -> the last serial command is still being executed.
= TRUE (-1) -> All done!
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]Serial Close}
Close one or more serial channels.
Serial Close
Closes ALL active channels
Serial Close channel
Closes a single channel
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Error}
Looks for the ERROR byte in the serial device. A value of zero indicates
that everything is fine. Otherwise, the last transmission was faulty.
test=Serial Error(channel)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]Serial Fast}
Sets a special fast flag in the current device and disables a lot of
internal checking which would otherwise slow down the communication
process. Use it for high speed transfers such as MIDI. Warning: When you
call this command, the protocol will be changed to:
Serial Fast channel
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]=Serial Get}
Reads a single byte from the serial device. If nothing is available a
value of -1 will be returned.
v=Serial Get(channel)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]=Serial Input$}
Reads an entire string of characters from the serial port. If there's no
data, the command will return an empty string "". Otherwise the string
will contain all the bytes which have been sent over the serial line up to
the present time.
s$=Serial Input$(channel)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]Serial Open}
Opens a communication channel to a serial device.
Serial Open channel, port_no
channel holds the channel number from 0 to 3.
port_no specifies the logical device number of the serial port. Normally,
it should be set to zero.
If you need additiona control over the serial port, you can also call an
extended version of this instruction.
Serial Open channel, port_no,shared, xdisabled, 7wires
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]Serial out}
Transmits a block of memory over the serial port using the current
Serial Out channel,address,length
Address is the address of your data in memory.
Length is the number of bytes to be transmitted.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Parity}
Sets the parity checking you are using for the current serial channel.
Serial Parity channel, parity
Here's a list of the available options.
-1 : no parity
0 : EVEN parity
1 : ODD parity
2 : SPACE parity
3 : MARK parity
See the Commodore documentation for a full explanation of this system.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_46.AMOS,0,4]Serial Send}
Sends a string of characters straight to the specified serial channel. It
doesn't wait for the data to be transmitted through the actual port.
You'll therefore need to use the =SERIAL CHECK(Channel) function to detect
when the transmission has been successfully completed.
Serial Send channel,t$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Slow}
Slows the serial device back to normal speed and reactivates all the error
Serial Slow channel
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial Speed}
Sets the current transfer rate of the appropriate channel. The same value
will be used for both reading and writing operations. You can't set split
baud rates for a single channel.
If the baud rate you have specified is not supported by the current device,
it may be rejected.
Serial Speed channel, baud rate
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]=Serial Status}
Provides you with detailed information about the current state of the
serial port.
s=Serial Status(channel)
s is a bit-map holding the state of fifteen different parameters.
If the bit is set to the value under "active", the associated event has
been successfully detected.
Bit Active Function
0-1 - reserved
2 1 Parallel "select" on the A1000
3 0 DSR (Data Set Ready)
4 0 CTS (Clear To Send)
5 0 Carrier Detect
6 0 RTS (Ready To Send)
7 0 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
8 1 hardware overrun
9 1 break sent (most recent output)
10 1 break received (as latest input)
11 1 transmit x-OFF
12 1 receive x-OFF
13-15 - reserved
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-4/Help_47.AMOS,0,4]Serial X}
Activates/deactivates the XON/XOFF handshaking system.
Serial X channel,xmode
A value of TRUE for Xmode disables handshaking. Any other value turns it
on. Xmode should be loaded with the correct control characters. These
must be specified in the following format:
Check Commodore's documentation for more information.
Using the Printer
{[ILPRINT ,4,3] Lprint }
{[IPRINTER ABORT ,4,3] Printer Abort }
{[IPRINTER BASE ,4,3] Printer Base }
{[IPRINTER CHECK ,4,3] Printer Check }
{[IPRINTER CLOSE ,4,3] Printer Close }
{[IPRINTER DUMP ,4,3] Printer Dump }
{[IPRINTER ERROR ,4,3] Printer Error }
{[IPRINTER ONLINE,4,3] Printer Online }
{[IPRINTER OPEN ,4,3] Printer Open }
{[IPRINTER OUT ,4,3] Printer Out }
{[IPRINTER SEND ,4,3] Printer Send }
Sends a List of variables to a PRINTer instead of the screen.
Lprint variable list
{RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Abort}
Halts a printing operation in it's tracks. If your printer's got a large
memory buffer, you may need to wait a while before the printing actually
stops. If in doubt, turn it off!
Printer Abort
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]=Printer Base}
Returns the address of the IO structure used to control the printer.
address=Printer Base
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]=Printer Check}
Returns a value of TRUE (-1) if the printer is available for use, or
FALSE(0) if it's in the middle of an operation.
c=Printer Check
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Close}
Close the printer port you've previously set up with the PRINTER OPEN
Printer Close
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Dump}
PRINTER DUMP sends the current screen straight to the printer, just as it
appears on your TV set.
Printer Dump
Dumps the entire screen in a single operation.
Printer Dump x1,y1 to x2,y2
Transmits a selected area of your screen to the printer, retaining the
present aspect ratio and the screen size.
x1,y1 hold the position of the top left corner of your image
x2,y2 set the location of the point diagonally opposite.
Printer Dump x1,y1 to x2,y2,px,py,s
Prints a section of the screen using your own aspect ratios and size
x1,y1 define the top left corner of the area to be printed.
x2,y2 enter the coordinates of the bottom right of the image.
px,py specify the dimensions of the final printout. These values are
measured in "printer pixels" rather than normal screen points. They vary
depending on the command options you've set with s.
s is a special command parameter which tells the printer precisely how to
draw your image onto the paper. See the AMOS Pro User Guide for a list of
the various options.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]=Printer Error}
Checks whether the current operation is proceeding normally. A value of
zero suggests that everything's ok. Any other value indicates an error.
e=Printer Error
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]=Printer Online}
Checks whether your printer is connected and ready for use. It returns a
value of TRUE (-1) if the printer is online, and FALSE(0) if it is not
test=Printer Online
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Open}
Opens the printer device using your current preferences. Only a single
printer device can be open at any one time. So we haven't bothered
including a channel number.
Printer Open
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Out}
Prints some data directly from the memory locations starting at address.
This data is not processed in any way, and any embedded control sequences
are totally ignored. You should only use this instruction to send graphics
or simple text.
Printer Out address, length
address is the address of the first character to be output.
length holds the number of characters you wish to print.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_51.AMOS,0,4]Printer Send}
Sends a string to the printer using multitasking.
The instruction returns immediately back to AMOS Basic, without waiting for
the text to be actually printed. Instead, all printing operations will be
performed invisibly in the background. If the printer is not ready, you'll
get an appropriate requester.
Printer Send a$
The Parallel Port
{[IPARALLEL BASE ,4,3] =Parallel Base }
{[IPARALLEL CHECK ,4,3] =Parallel Check }
{[IPARALLEL ERROR ,4,3] =Parallel Error }
{[IPARALLEL INPUT$,4,3] =Parallel Input$ }
{[IPARALLEL STATUS,4,3] =Parallel Status }
{[IPARALLEL ABORT ,4,3] Parallel Abort }
{[IPARALLEL CLOSE ,4,3] Parallel Close }
{[IPARALLEL OPEN ,4,3] Parallel Open }
{[IPARALLEL OUT ,4,3] Parallel Out }
{[IPARALLEL SEND ,4,3] Parallel Send }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]Parallel Abort}
Stops the PARALLEL SEND or PARALLEL OUT commands from transmitting any
additional information over the parallel port. Any characters which are
currently in transit will be completely lost.
Parallel Abort
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]=Parallel Base}
Returns the address of the internal memory area used to handle the parallel
address=Parallel Base
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]=Parallel Check}
Returns a value of TRUE (-1) if the parallel port is ready for use, or
FALSE(0) if it's not available.
c=Parallel CHECK
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]Parallel Close}
Closes the parallel port, and frees up any memory back to the system.
Parallel Close
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]=Parallel Error}
Checks for an error in the current transmission. If it's proceeding
normally, you get a value of zero. Any other value indicates a problem of
some sort.
e=Parallel Error
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]=Parallel Input$}
Waits for a specific number of characters from the parallel port.
d=Parallel Input$(length)
Since the parallel port doesn't have an internal buffer area, your program
will halt completely until the characters are successfully received. If
the requested bytes haven't arrived after a reasonable amount of time,
you'll get a time-out error.
d=Parallel Input$(length ,stop)
stop enters an optional a stop character which will end the transmission
the moment it's recieved.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]Parallel Open}
Initialises the parallel port for use by your AMOS program.
Parallel Open
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]Parallel Out}
Transmits some characters through the parallel port starting from a
specific memory address.
Parallel Out address, length
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]Parallel Send}
Sends a string to the parallel port using multitasking. The instruction
returns immediately back to AMOS Basic, without waiting for the text to be
actually transmitted.
Parallel Send a$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_81.AMOS,0,4]=Parallel Status}
Returns information about the parallel port. Each possibility is
represented by a single bit in the result.
s=Parallel Status
Bit Function
0 Printer selected
1 Paper out
2 Printer busy
3 Direction (read=0 / write=1)
Using the AmigaDos Libraries
{[IDOSCALL ,4,3] =Doscall }
{[IEQU ,4,3] =Equ }
{[IEXECALL ,4,3] =Execall }
{[IGFXCALL ,4,3] =Gfxcall }
{[IINTCALL ,4,3] =Intcall }
{[ILIB BASE ,4,3] =Lib Base }
{[ILIB CALL ,4,3] =Lib Call }
{[ILVO ,4,3] =Lvo }
{[ISTRUC= ,4,3] =Struc= }
{[ILIB CLOSE ,4,3] Lib Close }
{[ILIB OPEN ,4,3] Lib Open }
{[ISET EQUATE BANK,4,3] Set Equate Bank }
Calls a routine from the DOS library.
As with LIB CALL, you'll first need to set up the control registers into
D0-D7 and A0-A3 using the AREG() and DREG() functions.
After the command has been executed, the return value will be available
from D0 as the result.
function_offset enters the offset to the relevant library function. The
offset can be either a simple number, or a named function (using the LVO
Calls the EXEC library with the selected offset value.
On entry, registers D0 to D7 and A0 to A2 MUST be loaded with the control
settings required by your function. At the end, the contents of D0 will be
returned to AMOS Basic.
Executes your chosen function straight from the Graphics library, taking
the parameters from the DREG() and AREG() arrays.
function_offset enters the offset to the function you wish to call. It can
also be set using the LVO function if required.
Calls a command directly from the Intuition library.
Before using this function, it's vital to load the appropriate control
parameters into the registers D0-D7 and A0-A3. This can be accomplished
with the AREG() and DREG() variables from AMOS Basic.
When the function terminates, the contents of D0 will be returned back to
your program.
Returns the base address of the selected library. It can be used in
conjunction with the STRUC command to manipulate the internal data
structures directly.
address=Lib Base(channel)
Calls your chosen library command, and returns the result to your Basic
function_offset holds the offset to the library function you want to
execute. It can be entered by name using the LVO function.
Before calling this function, you'll need to load the appropriate parameter
values into the Address and Data registers with AREG() and DREG().
Similarly, after the function has been successfully executed, any return
values will be available immediately from the AREG and DREG variables.
result=Lib Call(channel,function_offset)
Closes one or all of the currently open libraries
Lib Close
Closes ALL libraries in a single operation.
Lib Close channel
Closes a single Amiga library
Calls the OPEN LIBRARY function from EXEC. If the library is external, it
will be loaded into memory from the LIBS folder of your present start-up
Lib Open channel,"name.library",version
version specifies the minimum version number of the library to be installed
into memory. Use a value of zero if you're unsure.
Allocates a memory bank for use by the automatic equate system. It should
be called up BEFORE the first equate in your program, preferably near the
bank_number is the number of a memory bank to be used for your
equates,ranging from 1 to 65535. Beware! Any bank of the same number WILL
BE ERASED when the equates are installed in memory, WITHOUT warning!
Set Equate Bank bank_number
Returns the Library Vector Offset associated with the selected function.
The function name will be translated automatically when your program is
first tested, and placed in a memory bank for future use. If it doesn't
exist, you'll get an "Equate not found error" from the Editor.
Before using this function, you'll need to set up a memory bank with a SET
EQUATE BANK command. Otherwise, you'll get an appropriate error message.
EQU returns any standard equate value used by the Amiga system libraries.
The equate can represent anything from the offset to a structure,to the
names of your various bit masks. Providing it's supplied on the standard
Amiga include files, it will be immediately available from AMOS Basic.
The only exception to this rule, are the library offsets.These should be
obtained with the =LVO() function.
It's important to emphasise that the name string MUST be a constant.
Expressions are NOT allowed!
STRUC provides you with a simple way of assigning a value to any one of the
elements of a system structure.
address holds the address of your structure in memory. This will usually
be returned by either a LIB BASE or a DEV BASE function.
Offset_Name is the name of the relevant data object from the appropriate
The name will be converted into the offset number by AMOS Basic using
the powerful auto-equate system. You'll therefore need to include a SET
EQUATE BANK command near the start of your program in order to
initialise this feature.
{[IDEV ABORT ,4,3] Dev Abort }
{[IDEV BASE ,4,3] =Dev Base }
{[IDEV CHECK ,4,3] =Dev Check }
{[IDEV CLOSE ,4,3] Dev Close }
{[IDEV DO ,4,3] Dev Do }
{[IDEV OPEN ,4,3] Dev Open }
{[IDEV SEND ,4,3] Dev Send }
{[IOPEN PORT ,4,3] =Open Port }
{[IPORT ,4,3] =Port }
Executes an AbortIO and a WaitIO command to clear all pending action of the
specified device. You can use this instruction to exit directly from a
multitasking operation, without waiting for it to complete normally.
Dev Abort channel
Returns the base address of the IO structure assigned to the current
device. This structure can now be manipulated directly using the STRUC()
instructions as required.
address=Dev Base(channel)
Performs a CheckIO on the specified channel, and passes the return value
back to AMOS Basic.
Closes one or more opened devices, as initialised with DEV OPEN. It then
returns the memory used by the IO structure back to AMOS Basic, and
releases the message port for subsequent use.
Dev Close
Closes all devices
Dev Close channel
Channel selects a single device to be shut down.
Executes a DOIO operation on the specified channel.
You should of course, set the proper internal parameters of the structure
using the STRUC() command before calling this option.
Dev Do channel,command
channel is the number of a previously opened device channel
command holds the number the IO command you wish to DO. This command can
be entered directly using it's name using the built in EQU function.
Opens a communication port, and prepares the device for use by your AMOS
programs. If this device is not already installed, it will be
automatically loaded from the DEVS folder of your current start-up disc.
Dev Open(channel,"name.device",iolength,unitnumber,flags)
Calls the SendIO command from Exec, and runs your operation using the
Amiga's built-in multitasking system. Your new process will now run
invisibly in the background. So your AMOS program will continue
immediately from the next instruction.
Dev Send channel,command
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_67.AMOS,0,4]Open Port}
Provides a simple way of accessing the various devices connected to your
Open Port channel number,"PAR:"
For the Parallel port.
Open Port channel number,"SER:"
For the RS232 (serial) port.
Open Port channel number,"PRT:"
For the Printer port.
Once you've opened your channel, you can access it using any of the
INPUT#,INPUT$,PRINT# or LINE INPUT# commands, just as if it was a normal
disc channel.
Tests a port you've previous initialised with OPEN PORT, and sees if it's
waiting for you to read it.
test=PORT(channel number)
You'll get a value of True (-1) if there's some data ready, otherwise
False (0).
{[IAREXX ,4,3] =Arexx }
{[IAREXX$ ,4,3] =Arexx$ }
{[IAREXX ANSWER,4,3] Arexx Answer }
{[IAREXX CLOSE ,4,3] Arexx Close }
{[IAREXX EXIST ,4,3] Arexx Exist }
{[IAREXX OPEN ,4,3] Arexx Open }
{[IAREXX WAIT ,4,3] Arexx Wait }
Performs a GET MESSAGE command from the Amiga's operating system.
Depending on the result, you'll get one of the following values.
0 There's no message. Try again later.
1 A message has just arrived. But it doesn't need a response.
2 A message has been received. Please answer immediately with an
appropriate return string.
After a message has been successfully received from an AREXX compatible
program, you can read it's contents with the AREXX$ function.
arg_number is the number of the argument you wish to read, ranging from 0
to 15. If it's not included, you'll get an empty string "".
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_84.AMOS,0,4]Arexx Answer}
Replies to a message passed from another AREXX program running on your
Arexx Answer error
Arexx Answer error,return$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_84.AMOS,0,4]Arexx Close}
Closes a previously opened AREXX communications port.
Arexx Close
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_84.AMOS,0,4]Arexx Exist}
Checks for the presence of a named communication port in the Amiga's
memory. You'll get a value of TRUE(-1) if it's available, and a FALSE (0)
if there's some sort of problem.
test=Arexx Exist("PORT_NAME")
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_84.AMOS,0,4]Arexx Open}
Sets up an AREXX communication port ready for immediate use.
Arexx Open "PORT_NAME"
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_84.AMOS,0,4]Arexx Wait}
Halts your AMOS program completely until a message arrives from one of your
concurrent programs.
Arexx Wait
Memory Conservation
{[ICHIP FREE ,4,3] =Chip Free }
{[IFAST FREE ,4,3] =Fast Free }
{[ICLOSE EDITOR ,4,3] Close Editor }
{[ICLOSE WORKBENCH ,4,3] Close Workbench }
{[IKILL EDITOR ,4,3] Kill Editor }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_54.AMOS,0,4]Close Editor}
CLOSEs the EDITOR window while your program is running, saving 55k of
Close Editor
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_54.AMOS,0,4]Close Workbench}
Closes the Workbench and kills off any multi-tasking programs, saving at
least 40k of memory for your AMOS Basic programs.
Close Workbench
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_64.AMOS,0,4]=Chip Free}
Returns the amount of FREE CHIP memory. This memory can be used to hold
screens, objects and sound samples.
Print Chip Free
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-6/Help_64.AMOS,0,4]=Fast Free}
Returns the number of bytes of FAST memory FREE for use. Fast memory can
be used for static items like variables and AMAL animation sequences.
Print Fast Free
Stores the programs you are editing on the disc and removes the Editor
completely from memory, saving at least 40K of extra space! The Editor
will be reloaded after your program has finished, along with all your
current program listings.
Kill Editor
{[IFONT$ ,4,3] =Font$ }
{[ITEXTBASE ,4,3] =Text Base }
{[ITEXTLENGTH ,4,3] =Text Length }
{[ITEXTSTYLES ,4,3] =Text Styles }
{[IGETDISCFONTS,4,3] Get Disc Fonts }
{[IGETFONTS ,4,3] Get Fonts }
{[IGETROMFONTS ,4,3] Get Rom Fonts }
{[ISETFONT ,4,3] Set Font }
{[ISETTEXT ,4,3] Set Text }
{[ITEXT ,4,3] Text }
FONT$ returns details about the chosen text style. The result is a string
of exactly 38 characters, in the following format.
1 - 29 Font name
30 - 33 Font height
34 - 37 Identifier (Rom or Disc)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]Get Fonts}
Creates an internal list of all available text fonts. These include
built-in ROM fonts, and the DISC fonts on your start-up disc. GET FONTS
should be called once at the start of your program, before you select your
font with the SET TEXT command. You can scan through the available fonts
using the FONT$ function.
Get Fonts
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]Get Disc Fonts}
Creates an internal list of the fonts provided in the FONTS: directory of
your current start-up disc. This command can be used as an alternative to
Get Disc Fonts
If you want to read the fonts from another disc, use the ASSIGN command
like so:
Assign "FONTS:" To "Df1:FONTS"
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]Get Rom Fonts}
Generates an internal list of the Rom fonts provided by Amiga's Hardware.
Get Rom Fonts
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]Set Font}
Selects the FONT to be used by the next TEXT command, and loads it into
memory if required. Before using this command, you'll need to create an
internal font list with either GET FONTS, GET DISC FONTS or GET FONT FONTS.
Set Font number
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]Set Text}
Selects the style of the current graphics font.
Set Text stylenumber
Stylenumber is a bit-pattern with the format:
Bit 0 = underlined
Bit 1 = bold
Bit 2 = italic.
Prints some graphic TEXT at your chosen SCREEN coordinates.
Text x,y,t$
Note: t$ must be a string. If you want to use a number you must first
convert it into a string with the STR$ function.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]=Text Base}
Returns the position of the coordinate BASEline used by your present TEXT
font. It's similar to the Hot Spot of a Sprite.
b=Text Base
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]=Text Length}
Returns the LENGTH of a section of a graphic character string in pixels.
w=Text Length(t$)
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_79.AMOS,0,4]=Text Styles}
Returns the current TEXT STYLES you've assigned with SET TEXT.
s=Text Styles
{[IMOUTHHEIGHT,4,3] Mouth Height }
{[IMOUTHREAD ,4,3] Mouth Read }
{[IMOUTHWIDTH ,4,3] =Mouth Width }
{[ISAY ,4,3] Say }
{[ISETTALK ,4,3] Set Talk }
{[ITALKMISC ,4,3] Talk Misc }
{[ITALKSTOP ,4,3] Talk Stop }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_83.AMOS,0,4]=Mouth Width}
Returns the current width of the "mouth" used to generate your speech.
You'll get a NEGATIVE value if the speech is over.
Print Mouth Width
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_83.AMOS,0,4]=Mouth Height}
Returns the height of the imaginary mouth used to create your speech at a
given instant. You'll get get a NEGATIVE value if the speech has finished.
Print Mouth Height
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_83.AMOS,0,4]Mouth Read}
Waits for a movement of the mouth, and reads the new position directly into
SAY commands allow your Amiga to speak!
Say speech$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_73.AMOS,0,4]Set Talk}
SETs the style of synthetic speech which is generated by the SAY command.
Set Talk sex,mode,pitch,rate
sex =1 for female
=0 for male.
mode toggles the intonation system. A value of one activates it and zero
turns it off.
pitch sets the tone of the speech from a low of 65 to a high of 320.
rate enters the speed of the speech in words per minute. Allowable values
range from 40 and 400.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_83.AMOS,0,4]Talk Misc}
Set the volume and the frequency of the voice used by the next SAY
Talk Misc volume,frequency
volume : 0 to 64
frequency: 5000 to 25000.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-8/Help_83.AMOS,0,4]Talk Stop}
If you're using SAY in multitask mode, this shuts the Amiga up!
Talk Stop
{[IAMOS HERE ,4,3] Amos Here }
{[IAMOS LOCK ,4,3] Amos Lock }
{[IAMOS TO BACK ,4,3] Amos To Back }
{[IAMOS TO FRONT ,4,3] Amos To Front }
{[IAMOS UNLOCK ,4,3] Amos Unlock }
{[IMULTI WAIT ,4,3] Multi Wait }
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_70.AMOS,0,4]=Amos Here}
AMOS HERE returns a value of True (-1) if AMOS Professional is currently
displayed on the screen, and 0 if another Workbench application is visible.
test=Amos Here
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_70.AMOS,0,4]Amos Lock}
Stops you from flicking between the AMOS Professional display and the
Workbench screen using the Amiga+A keys.
Amos Lock
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_70.AMOS,0,4]Amos To Back}
Hides the AMOSPro screen and allows you to access any other applications
which are running on your Amiga.
Amos To Back
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_70.AMOS,0,4]Amos to Front}
Removes the current application from the display, and replaces it with the
present AMOS screen.
Amos To Front
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-7/Help_70.AMOS,0,4]Amos Unlock}
Reverses the effect of the AMOS LOCK command and allows you to flick back
and forth between AMOS Professional and your current application by
pressing Amiga+A
Amos Unlock
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-5/Help_53.AMOS,0,4]Multi Wait}
Holds your AMOS program, freeing time for the other applications which are
running in the background. It should not be used for accurate
synchronisation effects as the number of Vbl's depends on the number of
applications which are being executed using multi-tasking.
Multi Wait
System Requesters
{[IREQUEST OFF,4,3] Request Off }
{[IREQUEST ON ,4,3] Request On }
{[IREQUEST WB ,4,3] Request Wb }
Does not allow the AMOS system to display the requester screens that
occasionally pop up in front of the current screen and REQUEST you to
perform an action, like inserting a disc.
Request Off
Returns you to the normal or default REQUESTer mode.
Request On
Uses the standard Workbench Requestor for all messages.
Request Wb
Returns a string containing the chosen error message. If the error number
is out of range, =ERR$() will return an empty string "" instead.
Note: =ERR$() will only return a string if the error messages are actually
loaded in memory.
Returns the identification number of a last error in your program.
Print Errn
Simulates an error and exits your program with an error message.
Error n
Returns the error number which occurred during the previous TRAP
instruction. If no error has been detected, you'll get a value of zero.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Error_Handling_1.AMOS,0,4]On Error}
ON ERROR can be used to detect and trap an ERROR without having to return
to the editor window.
On Error Goto label
On Error Proc name
Returns back to the statement that originally caused an error, after it has
been dealt with by one of your ON ERROR routines. If you specify a line
number the program will jump to that point instead.
Resume linenumber
Also check out the RESUME LABEL and RESUME NEXT instructions.
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Error_Handling_1.AMOS,0,4]Resume Label}
Restarts your program after an error from the named LABEL.
Resume Label labelname
{[RAMOSPro_Tutorial:Tutorials/Error_Handling_1.AMOS,0,4]Resume Next}
Resumes your program after an error. The program returns to the command
just after the instruction which generated it.
Resume Next
TRAP executes a single instruction, and traps any errors which occur. If a
problem crops up during this instruction, your program will continue as
normal. You can now find the number of the error using =ERRTRAP
Trap Normal_Instruction
{[IHelpMemory ,4,3] 1 Meg Users Read This! }
{[IHelp3DCOMP ,4,3] Compiler/3D Extensions }
{[IHelpConfig ,4,3] Important Configuration info }
{[IHelpAdvert ,4,3] Programmers/Artists read this }
{[IHelpPecision ,4,3] Single and Double Precision }
{[IHelpDithell ,4,3] Procedures Library }
{[IHelpCredits ,4,3] Credits }
AMOS Interface Instructions
{[IHelpIops ,4,3] Arithmetic Operations }
{[IHelpIzones ,4,3] Buttons and Edit Zones }
{[IHelpIactive ,4,3] Lists and Sliders }
{[IHelpIgeneral ,4,3] General purpose commands }
{[IHelpIgraphics,4,3] Text and Graphics }
{[IHelpIbox ,4,3] Resource commands }
Interface Operations
{[II!,4,3] ! String addition } {[II/,4,3] / Divide } {[II|,4,3] | Logical Or }
{[II#,4,3] # Number to string } {[II<,4,3] < Less than } {[II-,4,3] - Minus }
{[II&,4,3] & Logical And } {[II>,4,3] > Greater than } {[II_MA,4,3] =MAx }
{[II*,4,3] * Multiply } {[II=,4,3] = Equals } {[II_MI,4,3] =MInimum }
{[II+,4,3] + Add } {[II\,4,3] \ Not Equals } {[II_NE,4,3] =NEgate }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
Buttons and Edit Zones
{[II_BC,4,3] Button Change } {[II_KY,4,3] KeYboard short-cut }
{[II_BP,4,3] =ButtonPosition } {[II_NW,4,3] NoWait }
{[II_BQ,4,3] ButtonQuit } {[II_SZ,4,3] SetZonevar }
{[II_BR,4,3] =ButtonReturn } {[II_ZC,4,3] Zone Change }
{[II_BU,4,3] create BUtton } {[II_ZN,4,3] =Zone Number }
{[II_DI,4,3] enter DIgits } {[II_ZP,4,3] =Zone Position }
{[II_ED,4,3] EDit zone } {[II_ZV,4,3] =ZoneVar }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
Lists and Sliders
{[II_AL,4,3] Active List }
{[II_AR,4,3] Array Read }
{[II_AS,4,3] Array Size }
{[II_IL,4,3] Inactive List }
{[II_HS,4,3] Horizontal Slider }
{[II_HT,4,3] HyperText }
{[II_SS,4,3] Set Slider }
{[II_VS,4,3] Vertical Slider }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
General purpose interface commands
{[II_BA,4,3] BAse coordinates } {[II_P3,4,3] =Parameter 3 } {[II_SM,4,3] Screen Move }
{[II_BX,4,3] =Base X } {[II_P4,4,3] =Parameter 4 } {[II_SV,4,3] Set Variable }
{[II_BY,4,3] =Base Y } {[II_P5,4,3] =Parameter 5 } {[II_SW1,4,3] =Screen Width }
{[II_CA,4,3] CAll machine code } {[II_P6,4,3] =Parameter 6 } {[II_SX,4,3] =Size in X }
{[II_CX,4,3] =Center on X } {[II_P7,4,3] =Parameter 7 } {[II_SY,4,3] =Size in Y }
{[II_EX,4,3] EXit program } {[II_P8,4,3] =Parameter 8 } {[II_UI,4,3] =User Instruction }
{[II_IF,4,3] If.. } {[II_P9,4,3] =Parameter 9 } {[II_VA,4,3] =VAriable }
{[II_JP,4,3] JumP (goto) } {[II_RT,4,3] Return (from JS) } {[II_XA,4,3] =XA }
{[II_JS,4,3] Jump to Subroutine } {[II_RU,4,3] Run Until } {[II_XB,4,3] =XB }
{[II_LA,4,3] LAbel } {[II_SA,4,3] SAve block } {[II_XY,4,3] XY }
{[II_P1,4,3] =Parameter 1 } {[II_SH,4,3] =Screen Height } {[II_YA,4,3] =YA }
{[II_P2,4,3] =Parameter 2 } {[II_SI,4,3] define block SIze } {[II_YB,4,3] =YB }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
Interface Text and Graphics commands
{[II_GB,4,3] Graphic Box } {[II_SF,4,3] Set Font }
{[II_GE,4,3] Graphic Ellipse } {[II_SL,4,3] Set Line }
{[II_GL,4,3] Graphic Line } {[II_SP,4,3] Set Pattern }
{[II_GP,4,3] Graphic Plot } {[II_SW2,4,3] Set Writing }
{[II_GS,4,3] Graphic Square } {[II_VT,4,3] Vertical Text }
{[II_IN,4,3] INk } {[II_TH,4,3] =Text Height }
{[II_PO,4,3] Print Outline text } {[II_TL,4,3] =Text Length }
{[II_PR,4,3] PRint text } {[II_TW,4,3] =Text Width }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
Resource commands
{[II_BO,4,3] BOx }
{[II_LI,4,3] LIne }
{[II_ME,4,3] =MEssage }
{[II_PU,4,3] PUsh }
{[II_UN,4,3] UNpack image }
{[II_VL,4,3] Vertical Line }
{[IHelpIntins,4,3] Return to Interface Instruction Menu }
String addition
Adds two strings together, leaving the address of the result.
'string1' 'string2' !
Generates 'string1string2' and places it's address onto the stack.
Number to string
Converts a number into a string. It can be used to print numbers using the
PR,PO, or VT commands.
number1 #
Generates the string 'number1' and places it's address on the stack.
Performs a logical AND operation on two values from the stack.
number1 number2 &
Multiplies the top two numbers on the stack, and leaves the result.
number1 number2 *
Adds two numbers from the stack and returns the result.
number1 number2 +
Divides the second number on the stack by the top number.
number1 number2 /
Less than
Compares two numbers on the stack, and returns a value of True(-1) if the
first is less than the second.
number1 number2 <
Greater than
Compares two numbers on the stack, and returns a value of True(-1) if the
first is greater than the second.
number1 number2 >
Compares two numbers on the stack, and returns a value of True(-1) if the
first is equal to the second.
number1 number2 =
Not equals
Compares two numbers on the stack, and returns a value of True(-1) if the
first is NOT equal to the second.
number1 number2 \
Performs a logical OR operation on two values from the stack.
number1 number2 |
Subtracts the second value from the first.
number1 number2 -
Active List
Generates a selection box which can be used to produce a wide variety of
file-selectors, or slider boxes.
AL zone,x,y,width,height,array address,first item,flag,paper,pen;[changes]
x,y are the coordinates of the window on the screen. x is rounded to the
nearest 16.
width,height enter the width and height of the list window in characters.
array address holds the address of an array which you've previously
installed into your Interface program using the ARRAY and VDIALOG commands
from Basic.
first item is the number of the first item in the list to be displayed.
flag is a bitmap containing three bits.
Bit 0: If it's one AMOS adds a number to each item before it's
displayed. Normally the count starts from zero.
Bit 1: Used with bit 0. It starts the count from one.
Bit 2: If this is zero, the item will be selected the moment it's
highlighted with the mouse. If it's set to one, you'll need
to click on the item first.
paper,pen hold the colours of the item text and the window background.
[changes] is a list of Interface commands which will be executed
automatically whenever an item is selected from the box.
Array Read
Reads a value from an AMOS array. The address of this array should already
have been loaded into your Interface program using a combination of the
ARRAY,and VDIALOG commands.
address_of_array element_number AR
Array Size
Returns the number of elements in an array stored at the specified address.
address_of_array AS
Set the origin point of all future coordinate calculations.
BA x,y;
Button Change
Changes the position of any active button.
BC button number,new position;
Draws a rectangular bar out of an assortment of packed pictures found in
the resource bank.
BOx x,y,first image,width,height;
x,y define the position of the top left corner of the box. As with the LI
command, the X coordinate will be rounded to the nearest multiple of eight.
first image is the number of first of the 9 packed images to be used for
your box.
width and height set the dimensions of the box on the screen. The width must
be a multiple of the image width, but the height can be anything you like.
Button position
Returns the current position of your button. It's normally used as part of
a button drawing routine to click the button down when it's selected.
Button Quit
Makes the current button definition an EXIT button. It's used in the
change brackets of a BU function to trigger a forced exit from your
dialogue box when your button is selected.
Button Return
Moves the current button to a new setting.
BR new position;
It's normally called from inside a change routine to flip the button into a
new state when it's selected by the user.
Defines a button for your dialogue boxes or control panels.
BU number,x,y,width,height,setting,minimum,maximum;[draw][change]
number is the number of the button you wish to create starting from one.
If you want to link several button together you can assign them all to the
same ID number.
x,y set the coordinates of the top left hand corner of your button,
relative to the BAse point.
width,height hold the size of the button in pixels.
setting enters the initial position for your button.
minimum,maximum hold the smallest and highest values the setting can take.
[draw] is a list of Interface instructions which will be used to display
your button on the screen. These instructions will be called automatically
whenever the position value changes.
[change] is a list of instructions which will be called up when the button
is selected by the user. If these commands change the position value, the
button will be redrawn using the previous [draw] routine.
=Base X
Returns the X coordinate of the origin point used for all future coordinate
calculations. This value can be set up using either the BAse command from
AMOS Interface or directly from your Basic program.
=Base Y
Gets the Y coordinate of the origin point used by the AMOS Interface
graphics commands.
Calls a machine code program from an interface routine.
CAll address;
address is the address of a machine code program in memory. The easiest
way to load it, is to place it into a DBL variable from AMOS Basic:
Vdialog(1,0)=Start(6) :Rem Load 0 VA of channel 1 with the address of bank 6
You can now run your routine using a line like: CAll 0VA;
Your machine code can modify ALL registers, and should return with an RTS.
Centre Text
Finds the X coordinate needed to centre a piece of text neatly on the
'text' CX
Creates a simple editing zone especially for numbers. This zone allows you
to enter your numbers on the screen, and edit them directly with the cursor
keys. Hitting Return will enter the value into memory. It can now be read
using the RDIALOG function from your Basic program.
DI zone number,x,y,width,default,flag,paper,pen
zone number = the number of your zone.
x,y are the coordinates of the start of your zone ralative to the BAse
point. x will be rounded down to the nearest 16.
width enter the width of your zone in CHARACTERS.
default holds a value which will be returned as a default.
flag selects whether the default setting should be displayed in the zone.
If it's zero, the value will be invisible, and if flag=1 it will be
displayed as normal.
paper,pen are the colours of your text and background respectively.
EDit Ascii
Creates a text editing zone which lets you enter your text on the
screen, and edit it directly with the cursor keys. Hitting Return will
enter the value into memory. It can now be read using the RDIALOG$
function from your Basic program.
ED zone number,x,y,width,maxlength,'default',paper,pen
zone number = the number of your zone.
x,y hold the coordinates of the start of your zone ralative to the BAse
point. x will be rounded down to the nearest 16.
width enters the width of your zone in CHARACTERS, rounded to the nearest
EVEN number.
maxlength sets the maximum number of characters which can be entered into
your string.
'default' is a string which will be returned as a default.
paper,pen are the colours of your text and background respectively
Ends an AMOS Interface program. This should always be the LAST instruction
in your routine.
Graphic Box
Draws a filled box in the present ink colour. GB is ideal for generating
your buttons and dialogue boxes.
GB tx,ty,bx,by;
Displays a box from tx,ty to bx,by. The colour of this box can be set
using the INk command, and it's fill pattern can be changed with SP
Graphic Ellipse
Draws a hollow ellipse, or circle at the appropriate point in your dialogue
GE x,y,radius1,radius2;
If you use the same values for both radius1, and radius2, you'll get a
circle instead.
Graphic Line
Draws a line on the screen between any two points in the current ink
colour. The line style can be set using SL.
GL x1,y1,x2,y2;
All coordinates are measured relative to the BAse point.
Graphic Plot
Plots a single point on the screen.
GP x,y,colour number;
x,y are both measured relative to the BAse of the current dialogue box.
Graphic Square
Draws a hollow box on the screen in the current ink colour.
GS tx,ty,bx,by;
All coordinates are measured relative to the BAse point.
Horizontal Slider
Draws a working horizontal slider bar on the screen.
HS zone number,x,y,width,height,position,trigger,total,step;[changes];
x,y = coordinates of the top left of the slider bar relative to the
screen BAse.
width,height are the dimensions of the slider bar in pixels.
position set the initial position. Allowable position values range from 0
to "total"
trigger enters the size of the movable block inside your slider bar in
units of total/width pixels.
total sets the maximum value which will be returned by the slider.
Allowable positions range from 1 to total, with each "step" representing a
movement of total/width pixels.
step controls the distance which will be moved whenever the user clicks on
the background area of the slider.
[changes] holds a list of Interface commands which will be executed
whenever the slider is moved by the user.
Generates a hypertext window, similar to the help system. Your text can
include either normal ascii characters, or "hypertext zones". Each zone
consists of the following;
{[ value ] highlighted text}
{[value,paper,pen] highlighted text}
HT zone,x,y,width,height,textaddress,startline,buffer,paper,pen;[changes]
zone = number of your zone
x,y set the coordinates of top left hand corner of text window. x will be
rounded down to the nearest multiple of 16.
width,height = the size of the display window in characters.
textaddress = address in memory of the first character in your text.
startline = the number of the first line to be displayed in your text.
buffer sets the size of an internal buffer area. Each hypertext zone
requires eight bytes.
paper,pen are the colour of the ink and paper colours used by your text.
[changes] is a routine which will be called whenever the user clicks on one
of your hypertext zones.
Executes an Interface routine if the result of an expression is True (non
IF expression;[do if true]
expression can contain the following operations:
= equals
\ not equals
> greater than
& and
| or
The routine between the brackets [] can be as long as you like. You're not
just limited to a single line.
Inactive List
Generates a window full of items which CANNOT be selected with the mouse.
These windows are fine for displaying lists of information on the screen.
IL zone number,x,y,width,height,array address,first item,flag,paper,pen;
x,y hold the coordinates of the window on the screen. x is rounded to the
nearest 16.
width,height set the width and height of the list window in characters.
array address enters the address of an array which you've previously
installed into your Interface program using the ARRAY and VDIALOG commands
from AMOS Basic.
first item = the number of the first item in the list to be displayed.
flag = a bitmap containing two bits.
Bit 0: If it's one AMOS adds a number to each item before it's
displayed. Normally the count starts from zero.
Bit 1: Used with bit 0. It starts the count from one.
paper,pen are the colours of the item text and the window background.
Set ink,paper and outline colours used by your graphics.
IN pen,paper,outline;
Jumps to a label in your Interface program. This must have been previously
set up using the LAbel instruction.
JP labelnumber;
Jump to Subroutine
Calls a subroutine in your AMOS Interface program.
JS label number;
The label should have been previously defined using the LA command. At the
end of your subroutine, you can return to your main program with RT
Set a keyboard short-cut. Assigns a control key combination to the current
button definition.
KY ascii,shift;
ascii enters the ASCII code of your chosen key. Values from 128 onwards
represent scan codes instead.
shift specifies on option list of shift,alt,or control settings. These are
entered using a simple bit-map. See KEY SHIFT for more details.
Creates a label in your Interface program for use with the JUmp or JS
LA label number;
Allowable label numbers range from 0 to 65535.
Draws a line of images from a series of three components held in the
resource bank. These components can be created with the help of the
resource editor,and used to produce attractive buttons for your dialogue
LI x,y,first image,width;
width should be an exact multiple of the width of your components.
Otherwise, you may get some pretty strange effects.
Also note that the x coordinate will be automatically rounded to the
nearest multiple of eight.
Reads two values from the calculation stack, and returns the largest one.
value1 value 2 MA
Takes a message from the resource bank, and places it on the stack.
number ME
Grabs two values from the calculation stack, and returns the smallest one.
value1 value2 MI
Flicks a number from positive to negative.
number1 NEg
Returns a value of -number1.
Used inside the Bchange part of a button definition to ensure that commands
take effect the moment the button has been selected. So there's no need to
wait for the mouse key to be released.
Param 1
Reads the first parameter value entered into User defined instruction
created with UI.
Param 2
Gets the second parameter from a User defined instruction created by UI.
Param 3
Returns the third parameter from a User defined instruction created by UI.
Param 4
Gets the fourth parameter value from a User defined instruction created by
Param 5
Reads the fifth parameter value from a User defined instruction created by
Param 6
Returns the sixth parameter value from a User defined instruction created
by UI.
Param 7
Reads the seventh parameter value from a User defined instruction created
by UI.
Param 8
Grabs the eighth parameter value from a User defined instruction created by
Param 9
Returns the final parameter value from a User defined instruction created
by UI.
Print Outline
Displays some outlined text on the screen.
PO x,y,'text',outline colour,text colour;
Prints some TEXT on the screen.
PR x,y,'text',ink;
x,y are the coordinates, relative to the screen base.
'text' holds your text. You can also use a variable in this position.
Sets an offset to the first image in the resource bank.
PU start;
start is a number to be added to all future image numbers.
Returns from a subroutine you've previously entered with the JS command.
Run Until
Holds the dialogue box on the screen until a specified list of conditions
have been met.
RU delay,flags;
delay is a time period in 50th's of a second. If it's greater than
zero,the Interface program will automatically terminate after your chosen
flags set the condition to be tested, using a simple bitmap.
Bit 0 Clears all current keypresses
Bit 1 Clears the status of the mouse buttons
Bit 2 Exits whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard
Bit 3 Quits when a mousekey is clicked
Saves the background area underneath your dialogue box using a numbered memory
SA block number;
The size of this block is defined using the SI; command. If you omit the
block number, AMOS will automatically use the first free block available
from memory. So if you've a lot of dialogue boxes, you don't have to keep
track of all the block numbers.
Sets the text font used by the PR,PO,ME, and VT commands. Before using
this option, you should examine the fonts on the disc with GET FONTS from
AMOS Basic.
SF font,style;
Use a value of zero for the font if you just want to set the style.
Screen Height
Returns the height of the current AMOS screen.
Defines the size of the area to be saved underneath the dialogue box.
SI width,height;
Specifies a save area from the coordinate base (x,y) to (x+width,y+height).
The area can now be set up with a SA command.
Sets the line style used by the GraphicLine command.
SL bit-pattern;
bit-pattern is a list of 16 binary noughts and ones which define the
appearence of the lines. See the SET LINE command from AMOS Basic.
Screen Move
Called as part of a button change routine to drag the current screen
whenever the item is selected.
Set Pattern
Sets the fill pattern used by the GraphicBox command.
SP pattern number,outline mode;
pattern is the number of a fill pattern from 0 to 34.
outline =1 for an outline or 0 to remove it.
Set Var
Sets an internal Interface variable.
SV index number,value;
value can be either a number, or string enclosed by single quotes. ''
Screen Width
Gets the width of the current AMOS screen. It's used to create general
purpose dialogue boxes which automatically tailor themselves to your
Sets the writing mode use for all future graphics operations.
SW mode;
See the AMOS SET WRITING command for a list of the available modes.
Size in X
Returns the width of your dialogue box which you've previously set up with
the SI command.
Size Y
Returns the height of your present dialogue box. This must have been
entered previously using the SIze command.
Sets an internal "zone variable" which can be accessed from your next zone
definition. It can be exploited as part of a User Instruction to
permanently poke vital data into a user defined button type.
SZ value;
Also see the ZV function.
Sets the appearance of the slider bars created with HS,or VS.
SS b1,b2,b3,pb,s1,s2,s3,ps;
b1,b2,b3 enter the ink,paper and outline colours for the background of the
slider. bp specifies the fill pattern to be use.
s1,s2,s3,sp define the ink,paper,outline and fill pattern of the slider
Text Height
Returns the height of the present text font, measured in pixels.
Text Length
Returns the number of characters in a piece of text.
'text' TL
Text Width
Returns the width in pixels of a piece of text.
'text' TW
User Instruction
Defines a brand new Interface instruction for use with your program.
UI XX,number of parameters;[instruction definition]
XX = the name of your command using two UPPERCASE characters. The new name
must be unique. You can't use the name of any of the original Interface
number of parameters = a number from 1 to 9 which tells Interface how many
values will be entered into the instruction. These values can be read from
your UI routine using the functions P1 to P9.
[instruction definition] = a list of Interface commands which will be used
to define your new instruction. This list can be as long as you like.
Unpacks an image from the resource bank, and displays it on the screen.
UN x,y,image;
Displays the requested image at coordinates x,y RELATIVE TO THE COORDINATE
Reads a value from an internal variable.
index number VA
index number normally ranges from 0 to 16, but if you increase the number
of variables using the DIALOG OPEN command, you can obviously use larger
Draws a vertical line out of a series of three components held in the
resource bank.
VLine x,y,first image,height;
x,y enter the coordinates of the top left corner of your line.
first image sets the first of the three components which will be used to
display your line on the screen.
height specifies the height of your line in pixels. This should an exact
multiple of three.
Vertical Slider
Draws a working vertical slider bar on the screen.
VS zone number,x,y,width,height,position,trigger,total,step;[changes];
x,y = coordinates of the top left of the slider bar relative to the screen
width,height are the dimensions of the slider bar in pixels.
position set the initial position. Allowable position values range from 0
to "total"
trigger enters the size of the movable block inside your slider bar in
units of total/height pixels.
total sets the maximum value which will be returned by the slider.
Allowable positions range from 1 to total, with each "step" representing a
movement of total/height pixels.
step controls the distance which will be moved whenever the user clicks on
the background area of the slider.
[changes] holds a list of Interface commands which will be executed
whenever the slider is moved by the user.
VT prints your text downwards on the screen.
VerText x,y,'text',pen;
x,y hold the coordinates of the first character in your string. All future
characters will be neatly positioned below the initial letter, allowing you
to create effective vertical buttons.
'text' enters your message to be displayed.
pen sets the colour of your characters.
Gets the X coordinate of the graphics cursor BEFORE the most recent drawing
operation was performed. It's used to line up the various elements on your
Returns the X coordinate of the graphics cursor AFTER the most recent
drawing operation was performed.
Sets the internal variables XA,YA,XB,YB. It's called as part of a
UserInstruction to mimic the behaviour of the built-in graphics commands.
XY xa,ya,xb,yb;
Finds the Y coordinate of the graphics cursor BEFORE the most recent
drawing operation was performed. It's used to line up the various elements
on your display.
Gives you the Y coordinate of the graphics cursor AFTER the most recent
drawing operation was performed.
Zone change
Changes the position value of another zone. It's used as part of a change
routine to link several objects together.
ZC zone_or_button_number,new data;
If several zones have the same number, they can all be changed by a single
Returns the number of the current zone. It's used to allow the creation of
user defined button types with UI.
A typical example would be:
ZC ZN 1+,ZP load the next zone with the present position
Zone Position
Returns the position of the current zone. Depending on the type of the
zone the position could be a number (buttons,sliders,DIgit zone) or a
string (EDit zones).
ZP is generally used as part of a zone change routine to redraw your object
as the position changes.
ZV can only be used inside the draw or change brackets of a zone
definition. It reads the contents of the internal zone variable, and pokes
it permanently into your definition.
The Amos Animation Language (AMAL)
{[IA_A ,4,3] Anim } {[IA_J ,4,3] Jump } {[IA_O ,4,3] On } {[IA_EX,4,3] =eXit }
{[IA_AU,4,3] AUtotest } {[IA_J0,4,3] Joy(0) } {[IA_P ,4,3] Pause } {[IA_XH,4,3] =XHard }
{[IA_BC,4,3] =BobCol } {[IA_J1,4,3] Joy(1) } {[IA_PL,4,3] PLay } {[IA_XM,4,3] =XMouse }
{[IA_C ,4,3] =Col } {[IA_K1,4,3] =mouseKey 1} {[IA_R ,4,3] Register } {[IA_XS,4,3] =XScreen }
{[IA_D ,4,3] Direct } {[IA_K2,4,3] =mouseKey 2} {[IA_SC,4,3] =SpriteCol } {[IA_YH,4,3] =YHard }
{[IA_E ,4,3] End } {[IA_L ,4,3] Let } {[IA_T ,4,3] To } {[IA_YM,4,3] =YMouse }
{[IA_F ,4,3] For } {[IA_M ,4,3] Move } {[IA_V ,4,3] VUmeter } {[IA_YS,4,3] =YScreen }
{[IA_I ,4,3] If } {[IA_N ,4,3] Next } {[IA_W ,4,3] Wait } {[IA_Z ,4,3] =Zandom }
{[IA_X ,4,3] =X coord } {[IA_Y ,4,3] =Y coord } {[IA_AR,4,3] =A image no} {[IA_ED,4,3] Amal Editor}
Animate an object through a number of different images.
Anim times,(image,delay)(image delay)....
times = the number of times the animation will be repeated.
A value of zero means repeat forever.
image = the number of an image from the object bank to be displayed.
delay = the period of time the image will be held on the screen, in
fiftieths of a second.
A register
This special AMAL register holds the current object image which is being
displayed on the screen. Alternatively, if you`re animating a raindow, it
stores the height of your rainbow instead.
Adds a special test at the start of your AMAL program which is checked
automatically every VBL before your AMAL commands are executed.
AU(list of AMAL instructions)
Checks for a collision between one or more Blitter objects. It can only be
used in conjunction with the SYNCHRO system.
Tests bob number TARGET for collisions between objects FIRST and LAST. The
result will be -1 if a collision has occurred, otherwise 0.
Tests the status of an object after a collision has been detected using =SC
or =BC.
object is the number of your Sprite or Bob. If this object has collided
with the target object, you'll get a value of -1, otherwise 0.
Selects the point to restart your AMAL instructions to be executed after an
Direct Label
Label is an AMAL Label you've defined in your main AMAL program.
Terminates your AMAL program, and stops the Autotest feature if it's been
AMAL Editor
The AMAL Editor is a utility program which allows you to enter your AMAL
programs directly on the screen, and save them into an AMAL memory bank for
future use.
It also includes a powerful debugging system which lets you step through
your AMAL programs a line at a time.
Last, but not least, there`s a Path Definer for creating smooth movement
patterns for use with the AMAL PLay command.
See the Accessory section of the AMOS Professional User Guide for
further details.
Used as part of a For..To..Next loop. This allows you to repeat parts of
your AMAL program a set number of times.
For reg=start To end
:AMAL instructions:
reg can be any AMAL register from R0 to R9 and RA through RZ.
start and end can be any AMAL expression you wish.
Performs a simple test in your AMAL programs.
If expression Jump Label
Evaluates the expression and jumps to Label if it returns a value of
If expression Direct Label
Chooses the part of your program to be executed after an Autotest.
If expression eXit
Leaves an Autotest immediately.
mouse Key 1
Checks the Left mouse button for a keypress. If it's been clicked, you'll
get a value of of -1, otherwise 0
If K1 Jump Label
mouse Key 2
Examines the Right mouse button for a keypress. If it's been clicked,
you'll get a value of of -1, otherwise 0
If K2 Jump Label
Jumps to a label in your AMAL program.
Jump Label
Tests the Right joystick and returns a bit-map containing it's current
status. See the AMOS JOY command for more details.
If J0=1 Jump Up
Monitors the Right joystick and returns a bit-map containing it's current
status. See the AMOS JOY command for more details.
If J1=1 Jump Up
Assigns a value to an AMAL register.
Let Rn=expression
n can be 0 to 9 for local registers, and A through Z for global ones.
You can also use the special registers A,X, and Y.
Moves an object through a fancy pattern.
Move horizontal distance,vertical distance,steps
horizontal distance is the total distance to be moved across the display.
vertical distance holds the total distance to be moved down.
Negative values reverse the direction!
steps enters the number of stages the movement will be divided up into.
Used after a For..To..statement to jump back to the first instruction in
the loop.
For reg=start To end
:AMAL instructions:
Restarts your main AMAL program after a Wait command.
Halts your AMAL program until the next vertical blank, just like the Basic
WAIT VBL command.
Plays a recorded movement pattern stored in the AMAL bank. These patterns
are set up using the AMAL EDITOR accessory.
PLay path number
R0 holds the time between each movement step, and R1 stores the direction.
R1=0 reverses the pattern.
R1=-1 stops it.
Represents one of the AMAL variables. There are two different sorts.
Local registers: R0 to R9
Each AMAL channel has it's own set of Local registers, completely
Global registers: RA through RZ
These retain the same values between all AMAL programs. So there's just
one set for the entire system.
Sprite Col
Tests for a collision between one or more Sprites. It can only be used in
conjunction with the SYNCHRO system.
Inspects sprite number TARGET for collisions between objects FIRST and
LAST. The result will be -1 if a collision has occurred, otherwise 0.
Used in a For..To..Next structure.
For reg=start To end
:AMAL instructions:
Gets the intensity of a voice in some music which is running in the
background. The intensity varies from 0 (silent) to 63 (very loud).
Let Rn=VU(voice)
voice is the number for the voice to be tested from 0 to 3.
Freezes your AMAL program completely, and only executes an Autotest.
Holds the X coordinate of your object on the screen.
In the case of rainbows, the X register stores the BASE of your rainbow
Converts a screen coordinate into a Hardware coordinate for use with
sprites or screens.
screen is the number of the screen to be used as the coordinate base.
Leaves an Autotest and returns to the main AMAL program.
Returns the X coordinate of the mouse pointer in HARDWARE format.
Let X=XM
Translates an X coordinate from Hardware format to screen format.
screen is the number of the screen to be used as the coordinate base.
Holds the Y coordinate of your object on the screen.
If you`ve assigned your AMAL channel to a Rainbow, Y contains the hardware
coordinate of the first Rainbow line on the screen.
Turns a Y coordinate relative to the screen into a Hardware coordinate for
use with sprites or screens.
screen is the number of the screen to be used as the coordinate base.
Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in HARDWARE format.
Let Y=YM
Transforms a Y coordinate from Hardware format to screen format.
screen is the number of the screen to be used as the coordinate base.
Zandom number
Generates a random number from -32767 to 32768. The range of the numbers
is set via a bit-mask, which is combined with the return value using a
logical AND operation. It's easiest to enter the range as just less than
an exact power of two, such as 31, 63, 127, or 255. This will provide
you with random numbers from 0-31, 0-61, etc.
Let X=Z(255)
The reason for the odd name, is that we ran out of letters! If we`ve had
the option, it would have been called R for random!
Embedded Menu Commands
{[IM_BA ,4,3] BAr }
{[IM_BO ,4,3] BOb }
{[IM_EL ,4,3] ELipse }
{[IM_IC ,4,3] ICon }
{[IM_IN ,4,3] INk }
{[IM_LI ,4,3] LIne }
{[IM_LO ,4,3] LOcate }
{[IM_OU ,4,3] OUtline }
{[IM_PA ,4,3] PAttern }
{[IM_PR ,4,3] PRoc }
{[IM_RE ,4,3] REserve }
{[IM_SF ,4,3] Set Font }
{[IM_SL ,4,3] Set Line }
{[IM_SS ,4,3] Set Style }
Embedded menu commands define the appearance of a menu item when it is
selected on the screen. You can include them as part of the definition
string entered into the MENU$ function.
All embedded commands consist of just two letters entered in UPPER or lower
case. Any other characters will be ignored. Most commands also require
parameter values as well. Parameters should be entered as simple numbers,
since expressions will NOT be evaluated.
Draws a rectangular Bar at the current cursor coordinates.
BA x,y
The bar is drawn from the existing graphics cursor to coordinates x,y. The
colour of this bar is set with INk, and the style is defined using the
OUtline and PAttern commands.
Displays a bob in the menu item starting at the current cursor position.
BO bob number
The bob is drawn from the top left corner of your image, totally ignoring
the Hot Spot.
Draws an ellipse centred at the present cursor postion.
EL r1,r2
r1,r2 enter the radii of the ellipse. Set them to the same value to
generate a circle. The colour of your ellipse is defined using the INk
Draws an Icon in the item at the current cursor position
IC icon number
Sets the colours used by all future text and graphics operation in your menu.
IN mode,index
mode is a value from 1 to 3.
Mode =1 Set TEXT colour
Mode =2 Set BACKGROUND colour
Mode =3 Set OUTLINE colour
Draws a line from the current cursor position to x,y
LI x,y
Moves the graphics cursor used as the position for your text and graphics
LO x,y
x,y are the new coordinates of the cursor measured RELATIVE to the top left
corner of the present menu line.
Draws a border in the current OUTLINE colour around any bars created with the
BA command.
OU 1
Activates outline.
OU 0
Turns it off.
Sets the fill pattern used by the BAr command.
PA fill pattern
Allowable fill patterns range from 1 to 34.
Calls an AMOS PRocedure whenever the item is selected by the user.
PR name
See the AMOSPro User Guide for more information. It's quite involved!
RE allocates n bytes of workspaces for use with the PRoc command.
RE n
Changes the graphics font used by your menu text. Before using this command,
you'll need to call GET FONTS from your AMOS Basic program.
SF font
Enters a 16 digit bit pattern which redefines the appearance of any
subsequent lines which are drawn on the screen.
SL bitpattern
Check out the AMOS SET LINE command for more details.
Sets the style used by the current text font.
SS style
style is a bitmap which controls the appearence of your text.
Each bit changes a specific attribute. If it's set to one, the attribute
is selected.
Bit 0 Set Underline
Bit 1 Set Bold
Bit 2 Set Italics
Editor key commands
{[IHelpEditC ,4,3] Cursor keys }
{[IHelpEditE ,4,3] Editing keys }
{[IHelpEditV ,4,3] Cut and paste }
{[IHelpEditF ,4,3] Function keys }
{[IHelpEditMk,4,3] Marker keys }
{[IHelpEditS ,4,3] Search and replace }
{[IHelpEditT ,4,3] Tabulation keys }
{[IHelpEditP ,4,3] Program control keys }
{[IHelpEditH ,4,3] Help Keys }
Cursor keys
Here is a list of all the AMOS Professional control keys available when in
the Main Editor and their usage. If you've changed the key combinations
that select your menu items, this list will be wrong.
[Left] Move cursor one space left.
[Right] Move cursor one space right.
[Up] Move cursor up to next available line.
[Down] Move cursor down to next available line.
[Shift]+[Left] Move cursor to previous word.
[Shift]+[Right] Move cursor to next word.
[Shift]+[Up] Move cursor to top line of current page.
[Shift]+[Down] Move cursor to bottom line of current page.
[Ctr]+[Up] Display previous page.
[Ctr]+[Down] Display next page.
[Shift]+[Ctr]+[Up] Jump to start of program.
[Shift]+[Ctr]+[Down] Jump to end of program.
Editing keys
[Backspace] Delete character to the left of cursor.
[Del] Delete character at cursor current location.
[Return] Enter current line/Split existing line.
F10 Insert a line at current position.
[Control]+[Q] Clear current line.
[Control]+[Y] Clear line and move up text to fill gap.
[Control]+[Del] Delete to end of line.
[Control]+[Backspace] Delete to start of line.
[Shift]+[Backspace] Delete word to left.
[Shift]+[Del] Delete word to right.
Function Keys
F1 Run program
F2 Test program
F3 Indent program
F4 Enter Monitor
F5 Help
F6 Previous window
F7 Next Window
F8 Toggle Insert mode
F9 Open/Close Procedure
F10 Insert line
These keys are also available from the icons at the top of the Editor screen
Cut and paste
[Control]+[B] Activate/Deactivate block mode.
[Control]+[A] Select entire program.
[Control]+[S] Store block in memory and leave block on screen.
[Control]+[C] Cut block. Erase from screen and load into memory.
[Control]+[P] Paste block at current cursor position.
[Control]+[F] Deselect block, remove highlighting.
[Control]+[Shift]+[P] Print block
[Control]+[Shift]+[S] Save block.
[Control]+[Shift]+[A] Save block in Ascii format.
Marker keys
[Shift]+[Ctrl]+[number] Set a marker at current cursor position, with number
between 0 and 9 from numeric keypad.
[Ctrl]+[number] Jump to previously set marker numbered 0 to 9 from
numeric keypad.
Search and replace
[Amiga]+[F] Find first occurrence of selected text from cursor.
[Amiga]+[N] Find next occurrence of selected text.
[Amiga]+[P] Find previous ocurrence of selected text.
[Amiga]+[Shift]+[F] Replace text with new text and jump to next
[Amiga]+[Shift]+[N] Find next occurrance of text and replace it.
[Amiga]+[Shift]+[P] Replace last occurrence of your text.
[Alt]+[Up] Search back through program to last label or procedure
[Alt]+[Down] Search forward in program to next label or procedure
Tabulation keys
[Ctrl]+[Tab arrows] Set Tab stop.
[Tab arrows] Move whole line at current cursor position to next
[Shift]+[Tab arrows] Move whole line at current cursor position to last
Program control keys
[Amiga]+[Shift]+[S] Save program under new name.
[Amiga]+[S] Save program under existing name.
[Amiga]+[L] Load program
[Esc] Go to direct Mode.
Help Keys
[Help] Open Help Window.
F5 Open Help Window.
Esc Leave Help Window.
[Up Arrow] Scroll Window up.
[Down Arrow] Scroll Window down.
Direct mode editing keys
Here is a list of the editing keys and their effects when in Direct Mode.
[Backspace] Delete character to the left of cursor.
[Del] Delete character at cursor current location.
[Return] Execute current line of commands.
[Left] Move cursor one space left.
[Right] Move cursor one space right.
[Shift]+[Left] Move cursor to previous word.
[Shift]+[Right] Move cursor to next word.
[Up] Moves the history buffer to the previous line
[Down] Scrolls the next line from the history buffer
[Esc] Leave Direct Mode. Go to main editing window.
[Control]+[Up] Moves the entire direct mode window up.
[Control]+[Down] Moves the direct mode window down.
[Shift]+[Up] Reduces the size of the direct mode window.
[Shift]+[Down] Expands the direct mode window
Note:Run does not work from direct mode.
AMOS Professional Syntax conventions
{[IHelpData ,4,3] Datatypes }
{[IHelpInstr,4,3] Instructions }
{[IHelpFunct,4,3] Functions }
{[IHelpVar ,4,3] Reserved Variables }
AMOS allows you to use several types of variables in your programs.
Type Example Min Max
Integer A=3 -65536 65536
Single Precision A#=3.14159 1E-14 1E+15
Double Precision A#=3.1415926543 1E-307 1E+308
String A$="AMOS" 0 chars 65536 chars
Double Precision numbers and Single Precision numbers cannot be mixed in
the same program. If you want to use double precision, insert a DOUBLE
PRECISION command at the START of your listing.
These are normal AMOS commands such as:
Print,Stop,Input,Text,Centre,or Sprite
They perform a single action in your AMOS Basic program, without generating
a return value.
Like instructions, but they return a value which can be printed on the
screen or assigned to a variable.
Examples include:
Len(),Instr(),Chip Free,=Screen
Reserved variables
Are internal variables which hold vital information for use by your
program. They can often be assigned new values as well.
Typical examples are:
Timer,X Mouse,Y Mouse,Dreg(),Areg(),Menu$()
{[IBORDER ,4,3] Border } {[ITITLE BOTTOM,4,3] Title Bottom} {[IWINDON ,4,3] =Windon }
{[ICLW ,4,3] Clw } {[ITITLE TOP ,4,3] Title Top } {[IWIND OPEN ,4,3] Wind Open }
{[IHSCROLL ,4,3] Hscroll } {[IVSCROLL ,4,3] Vscroll } {[IWIND SAVE ,4,3] Wind Save }
{[ISCROLL ON ,4,3] Scroll On } {[IWIND CLOSE ,4,3] Wind Close } {[IWIND SIZE ,4,3] Wind Size }
{[ISCROLL OFF ,4,3] Scroll Off } {[IWIND MOVE ,4,3] Wind Move } {[IWINDOW ,4,3] Window }
Erases the contents of the current text window and fills it will a block of
the present PAPER colour.
Scrolls some text in your current window horizontally by a single character.
Hscroll type
Type can take one of four values:
1 = Move current line to the left
2 = Scroll entire text to the left
3 = Move current line to the right
4 = Scroll text to right
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_22.AMOS,0,4]Scroll Off}
Stops your text scrolling up when you print past the bottom of your text
window. The text now restarts from the top.
Scroll Off
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-2/Help_22.AMOS,0,4]Scroll On}
Re-activates the standard text scrolling system.
Scroll On
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_31.AMOS,0,4]Title Bottom}
Assigns a piece of text to the bottom line of your text window.
Title Bottom title$
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_31.AMOS,0,4]Title Top}
Displays a title string along the top of your text window.
Title Top title$
Scrolls some text in your current window vertically by a single character.
Vscroll type
Type can take one of four values:
1 = Move all text on the current line and below one place down
2 = Move all text on or below the cursor line one place up
3 = Scroll up lines from the top of the window to the cursor line.
4 = Scroll down lines from top of window to current cursor position.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_32.AMOS,0,4]Wind Close}
Removes the current text window from the screen, along with all it's
contents. If you've saved the background area with WIND SAVE it will be
restored to it's original position.
Wind Close
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_32.AMOS,0,4]Wind Move}
Moves the current text window to a new position on the screen.
Wind Move x,y
x,y are GRAPHICS coordinates. x is automatically rounded down to the
nearest multiple of 16.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_31.AMOS,0,4]Wind Open}
Opens a new text window on the screen. This will be used by all future
PRINT,INPUT, or cursor commands.
Wind Open n,x,y,w,h
Wind Open n,x,y,w,h,border
x,y are the screen coordinates of the window. The X coordinate's rounded
to the nearest multiple of sixteen.
w,h enter the width and height of the window in characters. They must
divide evenly by 2.
border is an option border ranging from 1 to 16. Only borders 1 through 3
are presently available.
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_31.AMOS,0,4]Wind Save}
Activates window saving mode. Whenever a window is created, the area of
the screen underneath it will be automatically saved in memory. This
background will be replaced in it's original position when the window is
subsequently moved or deleted.
Wind Save
{[RAMOSPro_Examples:Examples/H-3/Help_32.AMOS,0,4]Wind Size}
Enters a new size for the current text window.
Wind Size w,h
w,h are measure in units of a single character, and must be divisible by 2.
Returns the number of the currently active window.
Activates your chosen window. This window will now be used for all future
text operations.
Window n
Editor Accessories
{[IASK EDITOR ,4,3] Ask Editor }
{[ICALL EDITOR ,4,3] Call Editor }
{[ISET ACCESSORY ,4,3] Set Accessory }
Returns parameters FROM the editor. If it's called inside an editor
accessory, it can be used to grab the program lines directly from your
current listing.
Ask Editor function[,param][,param$]
function is the NUMBER of an internal Editor command you wish to access.
param holds some optional numeric information.
param$ holds an optional string of characters.
Used by an Editor accessory to SEND information directly to the AMOS
Professional Editor.
Call Editor function[,param][,param$]
function is the NUMBER of an internal Editor command you wish to access.
param holds some optional numeric information.
param$ holds an optional string of characters.
Defines your program as an "Editor Accessory". It MUST be inserted on it's
own seperate line, at the very start of your program.
When an Editor accessory is installed as a hidden program, or assigned to a
menu item, you'll be able to display your graphics directly over the
current Editor screen!
Set Accessory
Ascii Table
Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
6 ACK 7 BELL 8 Back 9 Tab 10 LF 11 VT
12 Home 13 CR 14 SO 15 SI 16 HScr 1 17 Hscr 2
17 Hscr 3 18 Hscr 4 19 Vscr 1 20 Vscr 2 21 Vscr 3 22 Vscr 3
23 Vscr 4 25 EM 26 SUB 27 Esc 28 Cright 29 Cleft
30 Cup 31 Cdown 32 Space 33 ! 34 " 35 #
36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 ' 40 ( 41 )
42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 /
48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5
54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ;
60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @ 65 A
66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G
72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M
78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S
84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y
90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _
96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e
102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k
108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q
114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w
120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 }
126 ~ 127 128 129 130 131
132 133 134 135 136 137
138 139 140 141 142 143
144 145 146 147 148 149
150 151 152 153 154 155
156 157 158 159 160 161 ¡
162 ¢ 163 £ 164 ¤ 165 ¥ 166 ¦ 167 §
168 ¨ 169 © 170 ª 171 « 172 ¬ 173
174 ® 175 ¯ 176 ° 177 ± 178 ² 179 ³
180 ´ 181 µ 182 ¶ 183 · 184 ¸ 185 ¹
186 º 187 » 188 ¼ 189 ½ 190 ¾ 191 ¿
192 À 193 Á 194 Â 195 Ã 196 Ä 197 Å
198 Æ 199 Ç 200 È 201 É 202 Ê 203 Ë
204 Ì 205 Í 206 Î 207 Ï 208 Ð 209 Ñ
210 Ò 211 Ó 212 Ô 213 Õ 214 Ö 215 ×
216 Ø 217 Ù 218 Ú 219 Û 220 Ü 221 Ý
222 Þ 223 ß 224 à 225 á 226 â 227 ã
228 ä 229 å 230 æ 231 ç 232 è 233 é
234 ê 235 ë 236 ì 237 í 238 î 239 ï
240 ð 241 ñ 242 ò 243 ó 244 ô 245 õ
246 ö 247 ÷ 248 ø 249 ù 250 ú 251 û
252 ü 253 ý 254 þ 255 ÿ
Useful scancodes
{[IScanfunc ,4,3] Function Keys }
{[IScankeypad ,4,3] Numeric Keypad }
{[IScanGeneral,4,3] Other keys }
Scancodes of the Function keys
Key Scancode
F1 80
F2 81
F3 82
F4 83
F5 84
F6 85
F7 86
F8 87
F9 88
F10 89
Scancodes for the Numeric Keypad
[ ( ] [ ) ] [ / ] [ * ]
90 91 92 93
[ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ - ]
61 62 63 74
[ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ + ]
45 46 47 94
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ E ]
29 30 31 67
[ 0 ] [ . ]
15 60
Useful Scancodes
[Tab] 66
[Enter] 68
[Backspace] 65
[Del] 70
[Help] 95
[Up arrow] 76
[Down arrow] 77
[Left arrow] 79
[Right arrow] 78
[Spacebar] 64